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Wednesday, December 5, 2007 

Tips for the Fairway Bunker

If your golf shot landed in the bunker, the next shot depends on the lie that you have in that bunker. If the lie is bad or rather, the ball is buried, then you will need a higher lofted club such as the 7-iron to the sand wedge to get the ball out. In such cases, it is advisable to get the ball back into play and approach from there.

However, if you have a good lie in the bunker, there are choices for you. If you are not comfortable, you can opt to play safe and just take a lofted club to get the ball back onto the fairway and play from there. The other choice is to go for the green from the bunker. this is possible since you have a good lie.

Longer irons, just as the 3, 4 or 5 irons can be used for situation where you have a good lie in the fairway bunkers. A lofted wood can also be used in place of the longer irons. A 5 or 7 wood is also playable. There are a couple of things to note when playing this shot. It may be slightly different from playing a greenside bunker shot.

  1. Take a wider stance for stability.
  2. Work your feet into the sand for better balance. You dont want to be sliding around.
  3. Play the ball slightly back in the stance than normal. bear in mind that this shot requires the golf club contact first with the ball before the sand.
  4. Choke down on the shaft of your golf club of choice. This is to compensate the digging inof the feet into the sand.
  5. Aim slightly to the left of target.
  6. swing normal.. Do not rush and do not try to hit too hard. swing normal
  7. Follow through the shot. Do not stop at impact.
  8. Pray (just kidding)
practice and I am sure you will get to the green from the fairway bunkers

Desmond is an avid golfer and he manages a golf blog to to provide golf tips, news and resources for all level of golf. His main goal is to provide a valuable information for golf enthusiasts of all levels, to learn more about golf and to improve their skills in the interesting game. For more information, you can visit http://www.LearnGolfWithMe.com for your golfing resources.

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