Sunday, January 6, 2008 

Carbohydrates Are Bad, Right, So What's With The Weight Lifting Diet?

Carbohydrates are not evil. There seems to be a very big trend that seems to suggest that carbs are not good for you unless your a marathon runner or something. Or that they just make you fat. Your weight lifting diet actually benefits from carbs when consumed sensibly. Any weight lifting diet that attempts to cancel them out completely should be questioned. (No, I'm not talking about atkins, it has it's place)

Question: What is one of the key factors when you need to bulk up while following you weight lifting diet.

Answer: energy.

If your body lacks the fuel that it needs to burn energy and repair itself, you will have a serious lag in your ability to build muscle. Carbohydrates are a source of this fuel. Carb intake for a "weight loss" is very different for carb intake for a weight lifting diet.

There are other factors but for now lets look at Carbohydrates.

Come good sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit and veggies. Carbs should be consumed with the future in mind. What I mean is just as they say your decisions today shape your success tomorrow, the carbs you eat to day help your workout tomorrow.

It takes time for you body to process a meal and convert carbs into usable energy. There are some forms that are in drinks that take effect faster but in our weight lifting diet we need to plan ahead.

I'm not gonna try to confuse you by talking about good carbs and bad carbs and all that scientific stuff. I bet you that if you asked Arnold if he cared about good and bad carbs he'd probably laugh at you and might say, in his notable accent, "I would just workout and then go get a healthy meal, I could care less about how it works, it just does".

You should make sure that you have a carb packed meal after a good workout and something to hydrate you and replenish your electrolytes. Do not consume things with refined sugar or even any of those "just like sugar" products.

Your weight lifting diet should be carb enriched but not over done because when you finally get to the burning stages to chisel and burn excess weight to give you that statuesque look you don't want to have to join "The Biggest Loser" just to do it.

As a matter of fact when you see a bodybuilder during the building phases when his carb intake is high, many times they appear to overweight. They know what they're doing and will come to a time when they shed all of that and that's when all that you see is muscle and veins.

By the way you need carbs in a weight lifting diet because they help in the production of blood and clotting, your immune system, As a matter of fact when you're over training your body with bad workout practices your body goes into a specific survival state that switches to burning any source of carbs available and burns minimal fat.

This is one reason why some people say I work out like crazy but I don't seem to really be losing fat. It's all about survival and when we put stress on our physiological system, intentionally our bodies have a very cool emergency back up plan. Your weight lifting diet plan should utilize this to your advantage.

Remember a weight lifting diet should not be unbalanced. To learn more about Carbs and optimum weight lifting diet plan, make sure that you find a reliable source and do not take any thing that's thrown at you until you've researched it. It's your body and anything you put into it is up to you.

weight lifting diet plans are meant to make your bodies muscular gains excel to aid in bigger, faster gains. Make sure you have just that.

Dan Gonzalez

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Weight Loss - Questions You Asked About Weight Loss

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on exercising, keeping fit, losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value.

The total number of overweight American adults is approximately 58 million. (overweight defined as a BMI value of 273 percent or more for women and 27.8 percent or more for men).

Nearly 70 percent of the diagnosed cases of cardiovascular disease are related to obesity. obesity more than doubles one's chances of developing high blood pressure, which affects approximately 26 percent of obese American men and women.

Every year, 300,000 people in the U.S.A. die from being overweight.

Now imagine the statistics for the whole western world!

If you visit the articles following this one, You will continue to see the above stats.

I don't apologize for that - these are frightening statistics. However, in this day and age, thankfully, there are options for those wishing to either lose weight, get fit, or lead a far healthier lifestyle.

Weight Loss Questions You Asked about Weight Loss

If you are concerned about your body weight, your well being or considering starting a weight loss program, here are a few of the more common questions I am asked regarding weight loss

Do I Need To Consult My Doctor?

If you are the type of person who normally leads a healthy and active lifestyle and wish to lose a few pound only, then perhaps not.

On the other hand, if your current diet is generally unhealthy and/or you are significantly overweight, I would strongly recommend that you consult your doctor, discuss your weight loss goals, and develop a natural weight loss plan that is right for you and your current physical condition.

Whats The best Diet For Losing Weight?

Again, this very much depends on the individual, their current weight, their current lifestyle and weight loss goals.

There are, however, common factors which apply to all of us.

First and foremost, make sure your body gets all the nutrition it requires to stay healthy. Also, the natural weight loss diet you follow should result in the intake of fewer calories than your body normally burns on a regular basis.

A word of caution dont be misled into thinking that if you cut right down on your calorie intake youll be on a winner. Overdo it and you will have an adverse effect on your metabolic rate, adversely effect your general well being and be totally disappointed.

Balance in everything.

Im On A diet, Why Should I Have To Exercise?

You dont. However

I promise you that you will find it a lot more difficult to reach your weight loss goals. Apart from that, do you not want a lean and fitter body? Dont you want to look GOOD?

Try and aim for an half hour of exercise each day. Leave the car, take your bike or use your legs and walk. Be creative any activity that burns calories will definitely help you reach your weight loss goals.

Can I Lose Weight without Changing My Lifestyle Or My Diet?

In a word NO.

If you generally follow a healthy diet and you are getting the right levels of nutrition, it may be you just want to lose a few pounds or tone up. Great, simply increase your levels of exercise and physical activity (remember balance) and burn more calories than usual.

If you know your diet is poor and your lifestyle is distinctly unhealthy, you need to be prepared to tackle both of these issues head on. This is all about long term weight loss, improved physical and mental well being. As mentioned earlier, if you are seriously overweight, consult your doctor.

When I Lose Weight, How Do I Keep It Off?

Your strategy is to lose weight gradually and re-educate both yourself and your body about nutrition, good food and bad food, then you'll have a good start. The secret to keeping weight off is to balance your energy needs with your food intake. Eat enough calories to supply your body's needs. Too many and your body stores the excess as fat.

Choose exercises / activities you enjoy and are happy to do on a regular basis.

You will be the leaner, fitter person you want to be. You deserve to be.

take those first steps today to a leaner, fitter you and a more active lifestyle. Learn the facts about nutrition, diet plans, and how following a natural weight loss strategy will work for you.

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