Saturday, December 29, 2007 

Stop, Drop & Roll - How Exercise On a Foam Roller Relieves Tight Muscles

My idea of a lucky person is someone, who, after half a lifetime of being physically active, can spring out of bed without a bit of muscular soreness; no moaning, creaking or limping. It is a truly lucky athlete that can work their muscle vigorously for years and not feel the effects of aging, as in inflexibility and tightness.

Most of the rest of us get to a point where we just cannot keep up the pace. We cannot keep running the miles we are used to running without a price to pay when the morning alarm goes off. Some of this sensation is typical muscle soreness, just the usual buildup of lactic acid that accumulates a byproduct of exercise. Every jock recognizes the familiar feeling when you hustle up a flight of stairs and you feel that brief burn in your thighs that could kindle a campfire. But I am talking about a different kind of ache; something beyond the brief aching of a little extra activity.

If sprinting up a flight of stairs was the only time I ached, I'd be a happy camper.I've even been known to keep on working out, even through this quad burn. But I am talking about a different, more pervasive kind of tightness. The inflexibility to which I refer still lingers at noon. It is felt sometimes when you pivot to fasten your seatbelt or reach down to tie your sneakers. In my case, I tolerated this limitation in my bodily movement for about six months, trying all types of stretching, pilates and tons of yoga classes.

Still, I was limited. I felt flexible, yet tight. I started to do some research on the Internet by Googling a few words that described my symptoms. I discovered a new word. The culprit in my bodily rigidity was something called FASCIA. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that surrounds and usually protects the muscles; bones, joints and even the organs, helping us maintain our upright posture. All people have fascia.

Think of it like a wetsuit that surrounds our inner body, just below the surface of the skin. Some people have thicker "wetsuits " than others. The more physically active you are, the thicker your facial "wetsuit" will be. This is a response that your body makes to help support itself during more activity Those lucky jocks that I enviously spoke of earlier feel minimal tightness because their fascia deposits are not thick or layered.

Some people just have a tendency to develop more fascia than others. Many experts believe that this heavier layering of fascia is related to dehydration, not the type of" I'm thirsty" dehydration, but a lack of fluid and therefore fluidity in the connective tissues that no amount of daily water drinking can quench. In other words, those lucky, pain-free jocks have more hydration in their connective tissue.

Us unlucky "stiffs" have the opposite tendency. Our body's inclination is to manufacture more fascia because of less hydration in the connective tissues, especially in the areas of powerful workhorse muscle groups, like the lower back and the thighs and buttocks. also consider that as we age, bodies naturally lose their capacity to maintain hydration. Think of how many middle-aged men that you hear of who have torn their Achilles tendon while jumping for a lay-up in basketball. This type of injury rarely happens in kids and is due in a big way to lack of fluidity in the connective tissue.

So this is where the morning stiffness begins. If you keep exercising the way I did, this facial tightness can become very limiting to your fitness regime. This is where I discovered the wisdom in the phrase "Stop, Drop & Roll", but not just when you are on fire! I got myself a foam roller based on the fitness advice of New york City expert, Susan Hitzmann, owner of Longevity Fitness, Inc in New Yourk City and creator of the M.E.L.T. method. M.E.L.T. is an acronym for Myofascial Energetic Length technique. Some experts also refer to this foam roller technique as Myofascial Release. She explained to me that deep compression of these areas of fascial tightness could actually rehydrate these stiff body parts and give an immediate sensation of relief to my aching yet athletic body. Not only was Ms. Hitzmann right about the foam roller. She also lives up to her promise of immediate relief from stiff muscles. She explains that the foam roller rehydrate connective tissues by first compressing the area, which decompresses the tissue, allowing hydration of that area to occur. It is similar to trigger point therapy, only this technique is superior. This is only my opinion but having tried both MFR and trigger point therapy, I believe that the foam roller can and does cover more anatomical territory, so the release is more profound. For more information of foam rolling to relieve your aches and pains, check out Sue Hitzmann at

penny Love Hoff, 20 year fitness professional . is the author of the revolutionary CD workout program"Does My Marriage Make Me Look Fat?", an eight week fitness program for couples to radically change your body and reawaken your relationship.You can find her at

International Orange Yoga San Francisco


Holistic Healing Practices - Defined - Jin Shin Jyutsu through Yoga

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing the tensions which cause various symptoms of discomfort in our bodies. Our bodies contain numerous energy pathways or meridians that feed life into all our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this blockage may lead to discomfort or even severe pain. This stoppage or stagnation may not only disrupt a local area, but can persist and eventually cause disharmony to all paths of energy flows, leading to more severe ailments. In a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment the specialists hands are used as jumper cables to energize the bodys run-down battery. This reopens the energy pathways, to release pain, disease and stress. Stresses such as injuries, emotional and natural tensions, digestive disorders, genetic (inherited) and surgery all contribute to having blockages. A single treatment lasts about one hour and will continue to release energy for an additional eight hours, healing, balancing and relaxing the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu can assist in releasing almost any problem, because of the powerful unblocking that occurs as it opens the deeper universal meridians.

Jin Shin Therapies: Jin Shin Therapies, ancient oriental healing arts, use touch on specific points on the body to release blockages of energy, thereby harmonizing and revitalizing the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Kinesiology: Kinesiology involves the testing of various muscles and nerves of the body in order to determine the strength or weakness of various organ and energetic systems. It can also be used to determine how receptive the body is to various remedies and therapies, thereby assisting with the restoration of optimal health.

Labyrinths: The Labyrinths was used in the early mystery schools to achieve balance and enlightenment and has been recently rediscovered to assist in the raising of our consciousness. It is an ancient tool thought to bring balance, healing, spiritual awakening, and protection. learn how this design, found in many ancient cultures, is a path to center. It can bring about deep insight and new ways of perceiving the challenges of life.

Light Therapy: Light Therapies are a form of bodywork that uses gentle, pumping movements to break up blockage in the lymphatic system while speeding up the flow of lymphatic fluid. This action cleanses the body of waste and has been shown to restore fluid balance while strengthening the immune system. Lymphatic Drainage can be accomplished manually or with specific equipment.

Magnets/Magnetic Therapy: Magnets & Magnetic Therapy utilize magnets and electromagnet fields for the treatments of numerous conditions including fractures, pain, arthritis, circulatory problems and many others.

Massage Therapy: Massage Therapy is an effective broad-based system of remedial treatment consisting of kneading, rubbing and otherwise manipulating a part or the whole body with the hands. Although not limited to, Massage Therapy focuses mainly on muscles, organs and lymphatic tissue.

Meditation: Meditation has been utilized for thousands of years to bring about integration of mind, body and spirit. Similar to guided imagery, meditation has shown beneficial results on a wide range of conditions, from hypertension and immune enhancement to asthma, stress reduction and pain management.

Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions: Mind/Body/Spirit/Emotions is an emerging field of health care that deals with the total effects of thought, physical body, emotional and spiritual aspects of humans and their effect on chronic conditions such as cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS, lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, mitral valve prolapse, MS, PMS, TMJ, Parkinsons Disease, and mental health. This broadening field of wholeness includes a wide range of disciplines including biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, hypnosis, regression, past life regression, and many others.

Myofascial Release: Myofascial Release addresses the connective tissue that runs throughout the body. Because connective tissue can become strained or damaged, myofascial release can bring relief for those suffering from chronic pain, physical dysfunction or bodily injury, as well as surgery and postural misalignment.

Myotherapy: Myotherapy is manual massage and pressure on sensitive spots of the body known as trigger points to relieve chronic pain and disease, such as arthritis and multiple scleroisis.

Naturopathy: Naturopathy is a system based upon natural principles of health and a deep respect for the healing power of nature. A growing field of holistic health care, Naturopathy focuses on the underlying cause of disease and blends centuries-old natural, non-toxic therapies with current advances in the study of health and human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a behavioral technology utilizing a set of guiding principles, attitudes and techniques about real life behavior. NLP allows you to change, adopt or eliminate behaviors, as you desire, and gives you the ability to choose your mental, emotional and physical states of well-being. NLP is used to enhance interpersonal skills, communication and rapport in business to improve management and sales; in education to improve student performance and achievement and to enhance personal development and effectiveness.

Neuromuscular Therapy: Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation that balances the bodys central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to relieve the pain and dysfunction by alleviating the underlying cause. NMT emphasizes the role of the brain, spine, and nerves in muscular pain. It uses advanced concepts in pressure therapy to break the stress-tension-pain cycle. It aims to relax muscle and release compressed nerves so that circulation can increase and the body will return to normal neuromuscular integrity and balance.

Oriental Medicine: Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM)a.k.a. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the worlds population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TOM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Oxygen/Ozone Therapy: Oxygen/Ozone Therapy is a rapidly growing treatment that dates back a hundred years to Germany and includes hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy (HVOT) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to treat a wide range of ailments and disorders, and to assist in detoxifying the body.

Pilates: Pilates is a full-body exercise system that emphasizes body alignment and correct breathing system using the abdomen, lower back and buttocks as a power center. Pilates enables the rest of the body to move freely. You experience a new awareness as your mind is directed through your bodys movement. Pilates may be performed by people of any age or fitness level in order to improve their flexibility and range of motion. Pilates is used in conjunction with physical therapy to aid in recovery.

Qi Gong: Qi Gong is an ancient oriental technique that utilizes movement and breathing to stimulate the natural healing energies within the body. Qi Gong has been shown to enhance the overall vitality of those who practice it regularly. It also helps to reduce stress and assist with disease resistance.

Reconnective Healing: Reconnective Healing is a process developed through Dr. Eric Pearl. It uses what quantum physics describes as parallel dimensional frequencies. These frequencies provide an experience that differs from anything previously encountered. People report experiencing healings cancer, AIDS-related disease and other serious illnesses.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a method of healing and balancing through the manipulation and stimulation of reflex areas located in the hands and feet. These areas correspond to all areas of the body providing effective treatment for pain and a variety of ailments.

Regression Therapy: Regression therapy takes the individual to hypnotically regressed point in their current life or a previous life. A, (preferably certified regression) practitioner discusses with the person what they wish to accomplish. They may, for example, believe that a fear of water, not based on any known traumatic experience, might be based on death by drowning in a previous life, or they may wish to know whether they knew their spouse in past life. The regression practitioner then takes the person back in time to current or previous life experiences. Regressing to a previous experience is powerful healing and cathartic, because the feelings associated with the experience, whether in ones current or past life, can be processed . In a past life experience, it often includes dramatic events of death, loss, betrayal, or deep love and happiness. The person often finds themselves in a body of a different gender, age, or race. The function of the whole experience is to heal past traumas by understanding, forgiving and being forgiven. Understanding the roots of a phobia, illness, accident, or even birthmark is very helpful to getting on with the business of the current lifetime. For instance, a person who starved in a previous lifetime can let go of the urge to overeat when it is understood as no longer relevant. A person who has an abusive relationship can let go of it when they understand that the karma binding them to the other person is that the other person caused their death in a previous life. It is not necessary to suffer further when this is understood. Past life regression hypnosis has extremely fast results in healing of self-defeating behaviors, or understanding potential areas of achievement which may have past-life roots.

Reiki: Reiki (Reiuniversal energy and Kithe life force that flows through every living thing) is a energy-based system of bodywork. Treatment consists of the use of the practitioners hands to stimulate and infuse energy to the recipient to expedite the healing process. Reiki is a safe, non-invasive, non-manipulative therapy commonly used to help reduce stress and revitalize energy.

Rolfing: Rolfing is the original form of structural integration Dr. Ida P. Rolf perfected 60 years ago. It is a holistic approach based on the recognition that we function better at many levels when our bodies are properly aligned in gravity. The goal of Rolfing is to create a body that is effortlessly upright, properly aligned, and at ease with itself and gravity. Some of the results are long lasting freedom from pain and stress as well as improvement in function at every level including improved range of motion, joint integrity, and overall sense of well-being.

Shiatsu: Shiatsu means finger pressure. It involves a sequence of rhythmic pressures firmly applied to specific body points. It is designed to balance the acupuncture meridians of the body while increasing wellness, treating pain and various other ailments.

Sound Therapy: Sound Therapy is based on the idea that sound can influence health by its balancing, calming and energizing effects on the brain and nervous system. Sound Therapy has become widely accepted in hospitals, clinics and schools throughout the world as an effective treatment to alleviate pain, overcome various learning disabilities, improve strength and endurance, as well as improve movement and balance.

Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR): Spiritual Brain Repatterning is a tool which allows review of a persons present-life (womb to age 5) cellular programming, SBR identifies the major negative-statements embraced at the cellular level which have created discordance emotional themes in ones life. The counter-statements are then programmed in at the cellular level which results in the release of those discordant emotional themes from ones life giving us the freedom to move forward in a whole new manner. Most people report that core attitudes towards life noticeable change. Children with ADD or ADHD respond dramatically positively to SBR, as wel as people with major self-punishing or self-destructive tendencies.

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT): Spiritual Response Therapy allows fro definitively addressing many of the emotional issues/patterns limiting ones life. Through SRT, the emotional programs that are running at the cellular level of an individual are identified and an educational process begins at the soul level which allows the programs to be resolved. This releases tremendous emotional baggage, enabling each person the freedom to explore life in a new manner, unconstrained by many of the old patterns and routines, which were previously governing their lives. It is a useful tool in releasing anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, suicidal behavior patterns, and often effective in releasing health challenges and physical disabilities. SRT allows for greater quality in relationships, freedom from limiting emotional issues and a greater inner-peace and inner-harmony in dealing with life.

Structural Integration: Structural Integration work is based on the concept that human function is improved when segments of the body (head, torso, pelvis, legs and feet) are properly aligned. Practitioners use carefully applied pressure to help reorganize tissue while realigning the body. Structural Integration offers its own unique therapynot be construed as chiropractic care.

Tai Chi: Tai Chi consist of graceful, continuous movements combined with breathing control to promote relaxation, balance, flexibility, muscle tone, and coordination while improving overall physical and mental agility. Tai Chi teaches the cultivation, balancing and focusing of internal energy (chi). This ancient art dates back to the 8th century and is based on traditional defensive and offensive techniques. In addition to bare hand techniques, weapons such as the sword, saber and spear are also used. Several schools of Tai Chi include the Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun. Tai Chi has been used as part of treatments for back problems, ulcers and stress.

Total Body Modification (TBM): Total Body Modification is a hand on healing practice which is an off shoot of chiropractic medicine. It essentially treats the body as having a health-computer, tests the circuits to identify which are improperly programmed, corrects the programming, and then, re-boots the computer so the new patterns are fully operational. Many people with pneumonia, knee/joint problems, chronic cough, adrenal weakness, reversed polarity, herpes, sunburn sensitivity, etc. have experienced lasting relief with TBM.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)a.k.a. Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM):is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. More than one-fourth of the worlds population now uses one or more of the many therapies and treatments offered through TCM. These therapies and treatments include acupuncture, herbs, massage, meditation and a wide variety of other energy related therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Trauma Resolution: Effective Trauma Resolution approaches seek to release the physical and emotional pain of overwhelming experiencesa.k.a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At the moment of an overwhelming experience the nervous system subconsciously and automatically induces an altered state to protect and calm the system. When left unresolved in the cells and fields of the body, these static energies foster depression, anxiety, disease and compulsivity. New strategiessuch as: Regression Therapy, Spiritual Brain Repatterning (SBR), Spiritual Restructuring, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) address these powerful moments of encoding.

Watsu: Watsua.k.a Water Shiatsuis a form of massage performed in chest high, body-temperature water. A Watsu practitioner guides the individual through a series of dance-like movements, while using Zen Shiatsu techniques in order to release blockages in the bodys meridians-energy pathways. Watsu is commonly used to relieve tension and stress, pain, arthritis and a wide variety of emotional and physical problems.

Yoga: Yoga is an ancient Indian system of spirituality, health and longevity, which utilizes various physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and life-style considerations to bring about a state of balanced health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that Yoga, Yoga Therapy and meditation have positive health benefits on a wide range of conditions including headaches, stress, pain, asthma, high blood pressure and numerous other health issues.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author, certified Hypnotherapist/Regression specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

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