Wednesday, January 30, 2008 

Cyprus Golf And Property The Perfect Combination

If you love golf and long for a home in the sun the beautiful Island Cyprus could be the answer to your dreams. With over 320 days of warm Mediterranean sunshine every single year Cyprus is a golfers paradise and astute investors are catching on fast. The downside of course (there always has to be one) is that prices continue to rise and look set to do so for the foreseeable future. So anyone wishing to get onto the Cyprus golf property ladder should seriously consider making a move soon before prices become inaccessible to the average holiday property buyer just as they have in other parts of Europe such as spain.

Cyprus already boast several superb golf courses that are located around the Paphos area which in essence has become the golfing capital of the Island. It is perhaps no coincidence that some of the top hotels are also close to the golfing area which also adds to the value of property within the area also. As with any expensive belt of property there is a "rippling" effect radiating out to other locations close by such as the smaller resorts and villages in the area so just about any house or apartment within a short drive of the golf will be affected. The good news for prospective buyers is that there is still a plentiful supply of new development going on close to Paphos and the golf to meet the increasing demand.

As already stated, prices of any property near golfing facilities will be high but if you know just where to look there are still many Cyprus golf property bargains to be found. A short drive inland will often turn up some beautiful new developments offering apartments and villas well below the values of property closer to the coast or resort areas. One of the problems faced by first time holiday property purchasers is their unfamiliarity with the local area and where properties are is in relation to infrastructure like airports or motor way links. There is however a great way to overcome this problem.

many of the larger Cyprus property companies are offering subsidized inspection trips of around four days including accommodation flights and all your transport. The prospective Cyprus golf property purchaser will be collected from the airport, taken to the hotel and driven around Cyprus to view property whilst gaining an idea of the lay of the land. These Cyprus property specialist will also spend time with you in the evening over dinner or drinks to discuss your requirements and answer any questions you may have about anything to do with home ownership on the Island. They will also have access to all the other professional services you may need such as English speaking solicitors, property developers and letting agents too.

There is no doubt that Cyprus will continue to offer an attractive option for anyone seeking a home in the sun either for themselves or as an investment for the future. Mixed with all that Cyprus has to offer in terms of climate and lifestyle golf will for many be the icing on the cake. The luck buyers who have been able to mix golf with a holiday home purchase have already seen some excellent returns on investment from the booming holiday rental market. In renting their properties out whilst they are not in use by themselves or their families they have compounded their return not just in increased equity but also generated extra income too. maybe it's time for you to live your dreams too and find yourself a beautiful Cyprus golf property.

Kevin Moore spends half the year in Cyprus writing articles about this beautiful Mediterranean Island and maintaining is many Cyprus web sites. Take a look at Cyprus Golf Property

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Hypnotize the Pounds Away: Weight Loss Motivation Through Hypnosis

Many individuals these days, male or female, young or old, are struggling with weight management. Concerns with rising cases obesity are no longer based upon a Hollywood conception of what is the appropriate body size. Instead of doctors wanting their patients to be "thinner", they want them to be healthier. The patients, however, are not necessarily discerning the difference.

What Has This Lead To?

Both women and men alike are becoming hooked on yo-yo diets. What is a yo-yo diet? Yo-yo dieting describes the process of going on a diet, losing a few pounds and then going off the diet. When the pounds come back, the dieter then begins another diet and the process continues. Repetitive weight loss and gain is hard on the body, especially the heart and of course, it is hard on the emotional state of the dieter as well.

In addition to this, many dieters are using unhealthy methods of losing weight. Many take dieting pills which are often just glorified caffeine pills claiming to be the miracle cure for obesity. Then, there are those who dive into the "fad diets". Whether it is the cabbage or grapefruit diets, many of these do not give individuals the nutrition they need to live healthily. In addition, low carb diets such as atkins often create abnormally high levels of protein in the body for the liver to digest. After all, man cannot live on meat and cheese alone.

What To Do?

Sometimes, good old diet and exercise is just not enough. Maybe its the genes. Maybe it is behavioral choices that we make everyday without realizing how they are undermining our health. So how do we change these behaviors? One method is through weight loss motivation hypnosis. You may have visions of a creepy soul dangling a pocket watch in front of your face and your eyes beginning to spin. However, this is not what hypnosis is.

The goal of hypnosis is to access the subconscious mind. Under normal circumstances, you control your conscious level of thought while your subconscious takes care of the automatic stuff, like tying your shoes or starting the dishwasher, things that do not require conscious thought. Still, your subconscious is like the driving force that works with our conscious brain to control our actions. Sleeping is the time when consciousness is put on the back burner and the subconscious mind can take control.

dieting motivation through hypnosis

Hypnotism works on relaxing the conscious level of the mind. Although your conscious mind is subdued and the subconscious mind is allowed the front seat, you are still knowledgeable about what is going on. You and your hypnotist will work to "reprogram" the subconscious side of you. If chocolate, for example, is your weakness, your hypnotist may associate chocolate with nausea so that thinking of chocolate makes you feel nauseous.

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