Saturday, October 27, 2007 

Will the 700 Mhz Band Bring Broadband to Rural Areas?

parts of rural America have broadband internet access and I guess you could say it is available to everyone if you consider the satellite services which cover the entire country which are ridiculously expensive for the initial setup and monthly service. There also is a patchwork of local providers offering wireless internet services off of water towers and grain elevators and buildings. These services are limited in the amount of bandwidth they can offer, not because the wireless gear is not capable of high speeds, but because the actual t1s or t3s to provide the backhaul to the internet are so expensive.

The nice thing about this particular spectrum is it will go through trees, walls, and just about anything for a long distance from a central broadcast point. So the cost of deployment is reduced because one central broadcast station will cover a large area and the cost of setting it up and providing internet access is spread over more customers. This is all contingent upon local providers being able to gain access to the spectrum in their area.

Google started a discussion about this spectrum and tried to influence the FCC to require the purchaser of the spectrum to provide access to third parties at wholesale prices. I am not sure what wholesale prices means but to a company like verizon it means another chance to gouge anyone who wants put up the amount they will arbitrarily come up with.

I think if some company is going to rent a piece of this spectrum in their area it should be cheap, cheap to the point it is a negligible expense in the operation of an ISP's costs to provide internet access. The telcos like to promote themselves as service providers. If one of them gets this spectrum let them do a real service to this country and provide cheap access to everyone who is willing to do something valuable with the spectrum in their area.

Each election cycle politicians have spouted crap about bringing broadband access to rural areas. first of all, I do not think they really know anything about the business and the technology. Secondly, they have ignored the large group of small companies that have already been providing broadband access in rural areas. Finally, they have been all to happy to take money from telcos that maintain a stranglehold on access out to the internet by charging too much for broadband circuits to carry rural traffic to the internet.

Michael Dappert is a co-founder of Winco, Inc., a provider of wireless internet access to small communities in West central Illinois. More articles and discussion can be found at Mike's Garden Blog and discusses a wide range of topics at

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How a Charitable Remainder Trust Avoids Capital Gains

Charitable remainder trusts can increase your income, avoid capital gains taxes, lower or eliminate estate taxes, serve as another type of retirement plan, serve humanity and put a warm feeling in your heart. Here is an example that applies to anyone contemplating selling a highly appreciated asset.

In the Path of Progress

Clarence and Mildred had a farm that has been in the family since 1930. They raised corn and had a few cattle. However, the farm has been inactive since Clarence died 10 years ago.

The farm used to be out in the country. Over the years, the neighboring city has expanded to the point that its boundaries have almost reached the farm.

A real estate development firm with an offer she finds difficult to believe has recently contacted Mildred. They want to build a giant shopping mall on her property. Moreover, they are willing to pay 14 million dollars for her 80 acres.

As much as Mildred is tied to her home of 40 years and the lifestyle, this is an easy decision. The farm was originally homesteaded and has no basis. How can she minimize the capital gain tax?

The procedure would call for her to gift the farm to a charitable remainder trust. The trust would then sell the property to the real estate developer. She should employ an estate planning attorney to assure that the gift to the trust and the subsequent sale to the real estate developer are not construed as a pre-arranged series of transactions.

Using a charitable remainder trust gives Mildred the following benefits:

1. She does more than minimize the capital gain tax; she avoids it altogether. If the capital gain rate is 15%, this saves $2,100,000 in capital gains taxes. Mary is frugal. She has saved every button that has ever come off a shirt, blouse or shirt. She is also leery. She figures she can put that $2,100,000 to better use than the people in Washington D.C.

2. A charitable remainder trust mandates an annual payout of at least 5%. Thats $700,000 a year. She is set for life and can take all the grandchildren to Disneyland every year.

3. She will get a huge tax deduction based on her charitable contribution to the trust. It will be so big that the IRS will let her carry the unused portion forward for a total of six years. It's a good bet she will pay no income tax for the next six years.

4. She can name any number of charities to receive the 14 million in the trust when she dies. Ultimately, she could have a new church building, a wing on the hospital or scholarships named after her and Clarence for her generosity. The number of people who would benefit in the future is too many to count.

5. If she is concerned about disinheriting her heirs, she can use some of the income to buy a life insurance policy and name her children and grandchildren beneficiaries. She could also gift up to (currently) $12,000 per year to as many people as she wants without any gift tax implications.

6. No estate tax will be due at her death.

7. The 14 million will be professionally managed inside the charitable remainder trust. She has no investment worries and can set the trust up so she has a guaranteed income. Downturns in the economy, weather catastrophes or world events will have no effect on her income.

It's true that Mildred could simply sell the farm and pay the capital gains tax. Aside from the capital gains tax, coming into this large sum of money could create more problems.

She would have to invest it while fending off suggestions from well-meaning relatives. She would have some estate planning to do to avoid half of her estate going to the government in taxes when she dies.

When you put the charitable remainder trust on the table as an option, most of these problems vanish and many additional benefits appear.

Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU is a 36-year financial and estate planning veteran and author of the free newsletter, "The Estate Preservation Advisor". For cutting-edge, easy-to-understand financial planning resources and techniques to increase your income, reduce taxes and preserve your estate and to claim the free video, "How to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy for More than the Cash Value", go to

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Golf Training Gloves

Why use golf training gloves? Thats a good question and I suppose it depends on a couple of factors. An old friend of mine is a golf pro in hawaii and he has been touting golf training gloves for ever. If your main concern is to go out and get a little exercise on the golf course on a beautiful day, then golf training gloves may not be necessary. However, if you are like the millions of golfers who would like to improve their game, the twenty to fifty dollars spent on golf training gloves is well spent.

golf is like other sports in that there is a social function and a sporting function both operating at the same time. Peoples focus shifts from one to the other, rarely is there a balance that produces a quality performance. It hardly matters if the social aspects produce the desired effect of fun, relaxation and a chance to get in the game. Fitness and training are promoted over and over again. To be fit is to be strong enough to play the game, with breath sufficient to walk the distance and enough conscious will to make it through when the going gets a little rough. Theres also a role that luck plays in the process. But even with luck its been said that it is 80% receptivity and fitness. I think the idea is that when you are fit, you can be ready to capitalize on good opportunities as they arise.

If performance training is in your frame of reference, then golf training gloves should be considered along with all the other training aids on the market. Some have to do with a particular training philosophy while others deal with specific swing or stance elements. Some are just a marketing ploy. If you look at golf from with a wide view, it is easily discerned that the hands, arms and shoulders play a big role. golf training gloves deal with connective relationship between the hands and the wrists with the arms and shoulders. With most golf training gloves, you actually wear only one glove on the opposite hand (if youre right handed, you use a left hand glove). Through varied design means, the glove directs the wrist action, helping it to conform properly. golf training gloves promote an overall better swing, more direction control and improved game. The price for golf training gloves is initially steep, but when compared to shoes or clubs the cost in minimal. Give it a try and swing away!

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The golf Training Blog. Click here for more helpful information on the golf Training:

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Malcolm Little X Shabazz

This article leads to its own conclusions. There is an air of uncertainty about Betty Shabazz's background and early life. Shabazz was born in Detroit, Michigan as Betty Sanders. She is reportedly the daughter of Shelman Sandlin and a woman named Sanders. Shabazz was an illegitimate child and had a scattered childhood. Young Betty Shabazz was taken in by foster parents after her troubled childhood and grew up with them in a fairly sheltered, loving, middle-class household in Detroit. Throughout her life, Shabazz devoted her life to black community affairs in the areas of childcare, health and sexual education.

Shabazz moved to New york City to escape Southern racism, and enrolled as a nursing student at the Brooklyn State Hospital school of Nursing. While in New york, Shabazz's friend invited her to hear Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X from the Nation of Islam speak at an Islamic temple (Temple No. 7 in Harlem). According to the Essence essay, Shabazz's friend offered to introduce her to Malcolm X after his speech.

Betty's initial reaction was "big deal". She continues: "But then, I looked over and saw this man on the extreme right aisle sort of galloping to the podium. He was tall, he was thin, and the way he was galloping it looked as though he was going someplace much more important than the podium... Well, he got to the podium and I sat up straight. I was impressed with him."

They discussed the racism she encountered in Alabama, and she began to understand its causes, pervasiveness, and effects. Soon, Betty was attending all of Malcolm's lectures. By the time she graduated from nursing school in 1958, she was a member of the Nation of Islam. Muhammad bestowed of his followers the last name "X", representing the African family name they would never know. She changed her name to "Betty X" a result of her Nation of Islam influence.

Due to their need to work their way up in the world, there were many strange battles fought, won and lost with the scientific system, which seems to involve everyones need to rule the universe their way. But during the entire time, the relatives that Malcolm had lost pervaded his consciousness. The man kept losing relatives in an extremely bitter battle with the authorities due to his family and acquaintances being seen as territorial hostiles in America. They were the descendants of slaves. This gave them a sense of lost innocence, I suppose. Always forced into a position of fighting back with nothing at their backs, they tried their best in a sea of remote possibilities to figure out how to deal with their lives.

In February of 1965 their family survived the firebombing of their home due to Malcolm X's activism in Queens, New york. On February 21, 1965, Shabazz and her four young children witnessed the assassination of Malcolm X in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. It was reported that Shabazz was in the audience and covered her girls with her own body on the ballroom floor as the assassins' bullets flew.

Alex Haley wrote in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, "Sister Betty came through the people, herself a nurse, and people recognizing her moved back; she fell on her knees, looking down on his bare, bullet-pocked chest, sobbing, 'They killed him!' "

What I understand is that Mal is definitely a candidate for an eerie form of sainthood, if you would believe me. He was also stabbed four times some time before he mounted the podium. Basically this sort of thing is odd. But I picture him changing his clothes after being stabbed, and somehow making his way through time and space to being his father again. He was probably being assassinated by four men days before he gave his final speech. The speech seems to have had something to do with Garveyism. It was a movement founded by Marcus Garvey to return to Africa.

Malcolm and Betty were survived purportedly by eight children. Of course, under circumstances like these, this couple of black people were forced to consider repopulating the earth with their kind. They were caught in a moment of time, in a continuous battle with the authorities of science that neither one of them could do anything about. And yet, they fought back and won in many ways. At least they finally made it to seeing each other, touching each other, and being with each other. But yes, they had many children, the whereabouts of which are unknown to me.

Two of the three assassins were captured at the scene, and all three were members of the Nation of Islam. It is thought the death of Bettys loyal husband was ordered by a superior in the Nation, a small group of Americans who were forced to reorder their priorities in a country so dominated by murderers, thieves, brigands, prostitutes and many weird other people who seemed to be out to get them.

According to daughter Ilyasah Shabazz's autobiography, Growing Up X (2002), after Malcolm X's demise, Betty Shabazz got help from wealthy close friends and celebrities to acquire a large, beautiful home in Mount Vernon, New york for her family. Malcolm and Betty had split from The Nation of Islam in 1964 and in turn, the Nation had recently evicted Malcolm and family from the small house it had provided during Malcolm X's ministry, just before the assassination. In her book, Ilyasah writes that Betty Shabazz worked hard to ensure that her daughters were well provided for. They led sheltered, comfortable, upper middle-class lives, complete with the luxury of housekeepers, chauffeured cars, exclusive social clubs, and expensive, predominantly white private schools, private tutors and summer camps.

Yes, that has to be the capper to this. What happened after they all entered heaven is a mystery to me. It seems Brother Malcolm Shabazz X did not get to do this. Personally, Im not really game for it myself.

This is the second article in a series of two articles.

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