Sunday, January 13, 2008 

Buying Wholesale Sports Apparel

When people want to dress well even when playing basketball or football, the clothes worn have to fit the part. This means wearing something like Fubu, nike or Reebok instead of some cheap knockoff that will get torn after a few washes.

The quality of the thread used plays a big part in the cost of the shirt. Discounts or sale events only happen when the season is about to end so if the person wants to be in style, the customer has no choice but to pay for it.

Is there no way to get a good bargain? Yes there is because there are sites on the web that buy these from suppliers at wholesale then sell it to people at rock bottom prices.

An example could be a nike pair of shorts that will cost $24.99 in the sporting goods store. Believe it not, these same item can be purchased off the internet for just $8.99. This means the customer can almost get three items for the price of one.

Things like these are considered to be a good bargain and those who want it will just have to give the credit card details and once approved, the company will have this prepared and delivered to the clients home in a few days.

There is another reason why many people are using online wholesale websites aside from the price. The individual can go online anytime since the store is open 24 hours a day seven times a week so there wont be any pressure in looking over any time before deciding to purchase it.

Though there might be a problem with the fitting, this can be avoided by going into a store and fitting a similar item.

online sites dont only sell clothes but other items as well. If the customer is satisfied with the matching top and bottom, there are also sports accessories such as socks, shoes and bags that can be taken to the gym, court or field.

Being fashionable doesnt always mean shelling out a lot of money as long as there are online stores that are able to buy these and sell it at discounted prices. The person will just have to find it in the Internet to be able to look and feel good instead of waiting for few months to pass when these retailers go for the end of season sale.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.



How to Breakdance: Turtle

The turtle is one of the most popular breakdance moves out there. It involves the breakdancer supporting his body on his arms/elbow while spinning around in circles.

To learn this impressive breakdance move, first learn the turtle freeze. You do this by stabbing your elbow on your stomach and keeping your legs tucked in. Your body should be parallel to the ground, and your fingers should be pointing outward, opposite of each other. Keep practicing the turtle freeze until you can hold it for an average of 15-30 seconds.

Next, learn the handglide freeze. This is similar to the turtle freeze, but only one arm should be stabbed, while keeping your other arm on the floor. Be sure that your stabbed arm IS NOT on the center of your stomach, but more between your abs and your sides. Your fingers for the other hand should be pointing outwards. When you can hold the handglide freeze for an average of 15-30 seconds, you are ready for turtles.

now you have the necessary prerequisites for this breakdancing move. The next step is to choose a direction. It doesn't matter if you choose clockwise or counter-clockwise, just find a direction you're comfortable with.


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your right arm stabbed as you move your left hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your left arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your right arm facing upward. Move your right arm so that you are in turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your left arm stabbed as you move your right hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your right arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your left arm facing upward. Move your left arm so that you are in the turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!

Dan Svinsky is a webmaster and breakdance instructor. He runs a website that's a helpful resource for beginners that want to learn how to breakdance.

Cl Virginia Yoga


Goal Setting: Pops Proves Its Never Too Late

Pops first set the goal in high school, but when he graduated he thought he wasnt mature enough to pursue it so he enlisted in the U.S. army.

He dreamed about it as a member of the 82nd Airborne as he became an army Ranger. Later, in the first Gulf war, he thought about his goal again, as he also did during his service in the Kosovo conflict. For 20 years, through his army career, a war, marriage and six children, Pops kept the dream and the goal alive.

Never mind that he was considered far too old to pursue his dream, Pops just couldnt let go.

When he retired from the army at 39, he decided it was finally time to do something about the goal hed set so many years before. He moved his family to Columbia, south Carolina and enrolled as a freshman at the University of south Carolina.

No, he wasnt considered too old for that. Many others, much older, have pursued college degrees for the first time. What Tim Pops Frisby did was even more special. At an age when even most professional players have hung up there helmets, he began working out with the south Carolina Gamecocks football team during the winter. Working out with players half his age, all of whom were young enough to be his son, he competed for a position on a division One major college Football Team.

It was a goal that Pops had lived with for a long time and he began to realize it when coaches invited him back for fall drills. When south Carolina kicked off their season against the University of georgia, Tim Frisby was on the sidelines wearing Gamecock jersey number 89. On September 25th, against troy, the legendary Lou Holtz, head coach at south Carolina, sent Pops into the game for its final four plays. I have a lot of respect for the guy, Holtz said. A Ranger, 20 years in the army, six kids. He loves this team. I thought it would be good to get him in. Im sorry we could not throw it to him. But knowing the way that Pops Frisby makes his dreams come true, thats just a matter of time.

Frisby, who turns 40 in February, has been featured on ESPNs College gameday. ABCs Good Morning America, CNN, the New York times and the Los Angeles times are all planning stories.

Incidentally, the father of six between the ages of six months and 16, also maintains a 3.88 (out of a possible 4.0) grade point average.

Still think its too late for your dream? Goal setting and goal starting is a process that can start at any age and at any time. Theres no need to wait until January 1st to set or start a goal. Goal setting and goal starting doesnt have to take place at the first of the month, or even the first of the week. I once started on a big goal at midnight on the 24th of the month.

Tim Frisby accomplished his goal and realized his dream for two simple reasons: he never let time take his dream away, and when the time finally came, he took action. It worked for Pops -- and itll work for you too!

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Important Nutritional Steps For Treating Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, 50% of all men and 33% of all women in the united States, will develop some sort of cancer in their lifetime. In a healthy body, cells divide at a controlled rate so as to grow and repair damaged tissues and replace dying cells. This predetermined rate of cell division is what keeps our bodies healthy. If cells keep multiplying when new ones arent necessary, a mass of tissue, called a growth or tumor, is formed. A benign tumor is not cancerous, and can occur anywhere in the body without spreading to other parts and does not come grow back if removed. Malignant tumors however, are cancerous and can be life-threatening. Malignant tumors grow uncontrollably, interfere with normal metabolic and organ functioning, and have the ability to invade other tissues. All cancer cells have two things in common, they grow uncontrollably, and they have the ability to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). Possible contributors to the development and growth of cancer, can be divided into three categories:

1. Externals unhealthy environments and exposure to air and water pollution, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides from our food supply.

2. Internal Factors include genetics, infections, and a depressed immune system.

3. Lifestyle factors (what we can readily control) including diet, smoking, drinking, and sun exposure. People exposed to cigarette smoke have significantly higher rates of lung cancer. Regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers. A diet that is high in fat and low in fiber is associated with a greater risk of colon rectal cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. According to a study released by the Harvard University school of Public Health, poor diet, lack of exercise, and unhealthy lifestyle elements are responsible for about 65% of cancer deaths.

The following is a breakdown of the overall percentages of cancers many researchers attribute to different lifestyle factors: 1. Poor diet and obesity 30%

2. Smoking 30%

3. Genetics 10%

4. Carcinogens in the workplace 5%

5. Family history 5%

6. Lack of exercise 5%

7. Viruses 5%

8. Alcohol 3%

9. Reproductive Factors 3%

10. Socioeconomic Status 3%

11. environmental Pollution 2%

many experts believe that what these factors have in common is that they increase the bodys exposure to free radicals. Free radical damage is an important factor that leads to uncontrolled cellular growth, which is characteristic of cancer. Another significant factor are poor dietary choices and cigarette smoke because they impair the immune system. The immune system is responsible for destroying pre-cancerous cells before they develop into cancer. There are more than a hundred different varieties of cancer; they have different causes and symptoms, and vary in aggressiveness.

However, there are four broad categories

1. Carcinomas Cancers that affect the skin, mucous membranes, glands, and internal organs.

2. Leukemias Cancers of blood forming tissues.

3. Sarcomas Cancers that affect muscles, connective tissue, and bones.

4. Lymphomas Cancers that affect the lymphatic system.

The seven classic early warning signs of cancer:

1. Change in bowel or bladder habits

2. A sore that does not heal

3. unusual bleeding or discharge

4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

6. Obvious change in a wart or mole

7. Nagging cough or hoarseness


Boosting the immune system is very helful for increasing white blood cells and macrophages that are known to attack and literally eat cancerous cells. We suggest a high quality whole food supplement, like VITAFORCE that is complete and made from whole foods. It should be high in natural Vitamin C as well as a wide array of essential nutrients. Make sure you know what you are getting from the nutritional label.

An herbal detoxification program may be helpful in removing aluminum, other heavy metals, and thousand of other toxins and poisons from the body. These toxins have been shown to have an overall significant depressing effect on the immune system. Look for organic whole herb formulas. If interested, take a look at our selection of herbal formulas.

Eat a minimum of 50% raw organic foods; including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, squash, yams, apples, all berries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapes, plums, Brazil nuts, and legumes. All of these foods have important nutrients and phytochemicals, which are important in fighting and preventing cancer. Berries protect DNA from damage. many of the plant pigments in red, yellow, orange, and blue fruits and vegetables, are good sources of antioxidants (destroys free radicals).

Eat raw garlic liberally as it enhances the immune system and is a good cancer fighter.

Eat 10 raw almonds every day. Almonds contain Laetrile, which has anti-cancer properties.

Green tea has many cancer fighting properties, including a substance known as EGCg, which has been found to cut off blood vessels that feed cancerous tumors.

Eat as many tomatoes as possible. Tomatoes contain a phyto-nutrient and antioxidant called lycopene, which protects against and fights cancer.

drink fresh live juices including varying combinations of the following juices including beetroot, beet greens, carrot, cabbage, and asparagus. Also drink grape, black cherry, and all dark colored juices.

drink steam distilled water only. Use a filter for your shower.

Increased levels of radium in public tap water has been associated with increased rates of lung, bladder, and breast cancers, as well as leukemias.

Get regular exercise. exercise helps to promote oxygen in the tissues. Cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen.

Yoga and deep breathing can also be very helpful.

Because of potential low-level radiation leakage, avoid microwave ovens. Sit a minimum of 8 feet away from televisions and avoid x-rays.

Avoid chemicals such as hairsprays, cleaning products, fresh paints, and garden pesticides.

Remove all other known and suspected carcinogens from your life and home.

As much as possible, avoid stress.

Things to Avoid:

All Animal Foods: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, ice cream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasy foods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats which have a very damaging a draining effect on the immune system and the rest of the body.

Salt, tobacco, caffeine, sodas, coffee, sugar, and refined white flour (breads, pastas, cereals- replace with whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals). These products are extraordinarily destructive to the immune system and the body.


1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

Scott Malin is rapidly becoming a widely respected writer on the subject of nutrition and detoxification. You can find excellent advice about how to successfully detox in a safe and healthy way at:

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