Wednesday, November 21, 2007 

The Advancing World Of Electronics

The world of electronics has been a great help in globalization and has contributed a great deal in improving the life of an individual. The advancement of electronics has made various tasks to be carried out more easily and comfortably. One of its examples can be seen in the form of internet and computers that connect millions of people from all over the world. Moreover in the advent of satellite channels, people have become more aware of the happenings in other countries. All these have been among various advantages of the electronic world in the life of a man. In other words, electronic world has marked a turning point in peoples life. However, the electronic development has not been stagnated here. only there is constant development taking place in the world of technology with the passage of time.

The electronic development refers to engineering a simple design of a machine. But this is carried out by keeping in mind the requirements of a consumer. There are various points that should be taken care of while making a new product. This includes that it should be eco-friendly, minimal cost, comply all requirements of a user, PCB designs and many other issues.

There are many latest techniques in the world of electronics that have been invented. VCRs have been replaced by dvd player and dvd recorder. Moreover, there is also a trend of electronic voting. This involves usage of an electronic voter machine to cast a vote. These recorded votes are further counted by electric means only. This saves both time and effort required to be put in by an individual. It even speeds up the whole process of voting. This is especially beneficial to handicapped people who cant walk up to a voting booth. This electronic voting technology makes use of specialized voting kiosks, optical scan voting systems and punch cards for the purpose.

Another development in the field of electronics is the use of digital signals instead of analog signals for the transfer of data and also various other purposes. mobile phones, computers, cameras and many other products use the same technique. This technique makes available more storage space, and even lessens the wear and tear in the stored information.

Digital cameras ensure a better picture quality, more storage and even editing and transferring of the photographs on a computer. Moreover, the entertainment world has electronics as its foundation. Whether it is a radio, television, broadcasting of movies, news on channels, digital cameras, all have been a contribution of the electronics world.

Copyrights protected article written by Andrew Stratton for More articles and information about the electronic and electronic products can be viewed easily altogether at this location Please be free to explore the website for more information on every surveillance products and their features.

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Digital Camera Review

There are so many models of digital cameras available in todays market, that it becomes a rather difficult task to pick the best buy among so many options. Perhaps a few steps should be taken into consideration when choosing the right camera. Will the camera be for daily use, or just for special occasions like birthdays, family reunions, etc. Will the price of the camera make much difference on the pocket?

Assuming that price is not an issue, one should choose a well known major brand camera and if possible, go for the latest model and with the highest number of mega pixels available. The higher the mega pixels, the better the picture will be specially if there is an intention of having photo enlargements quite often. A good quality optical zoom lens will also make a big difference. Choose a camera which comes with a battery that holds a good charge, this way you can enjoy lots of picture taking without having to be worried when the battery charge will come down.

The range of features available make a digital camera very cost effective and more than likely you will be able to find the right camera suited to satisfy your needs.

If you enjoy printing enlargements of your photographs, you may want to pay close attention to the printing size and what is required in mega pixels for you to have good quality results. For you to have an idea of the amount of mega pixels required for most commonly used size of prints, refer to the chart below:

For photos 2x6 inches - 2 mega pixels
For photos 5x7 inches - 3 mega pixels
For photos 8x10 inches -7 mega pixels
For photos 11x14 inches - 14 mega pixels
For photos 16x28 inches - 28 mega pixels
For photos 20x30 inches - 54 megapixels

The handling and design also matters and the lightweight ones are much nicer to carry around. Choose a camera that is user-friendly and make sure that you have a good local technical assistance in case you may run into problems with it.

There are several advantages of having a digital camera instead of the old traditional film camera. First of all, there are no films to be purchased ever. You make take dozens, perhaps hundreds of photos and instantly delete the ones you dont like, or that did not came well into focus and just keep the best ones. You may load them into your computer album, record them and you may view your favorite photos from you camera or from your television set. Some digital cameras also come with a recording device that allows you to record special events and replay them immediately after recording

Digital cameras take pictures that are stored in digital media. It is possible to select, save or delete photos without any cost whatsoever. The photos are usually stored in media cards into the hundreds, meaning that you can take as many pictures as you like before you run out of space. Also in most digital cameras, the user can view the pictures on the LCD screen, which will allow him to pick the best ones.

No wonder that digital cameras became so popular and accessible item to almost everyone. It became a must to have one nowadays and even cell phone cameras are getting better everyday with noticeable improvements in quality of picture taken. The earlier models of cell phone cameras were somewhat limited as far as picture quality is concerned comparing to the ones we find on todays market. The mega pixels are increasing constantly and so the quality of the cameras. If a person needs to carry both at the same time, maybe a cell phone with a digital camera built in will be an interesting option to consider

If you have not bought yet a digital camera, maybe this the right time to do so, considering the manufactures are offering so many new models with new features at bargain prices. It is wise to compare the several models among different manufacturers and also the prices from traditional and online stores. Make sure you do your research right, and most likely you will find the digital camera you are looking for.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the authors name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

Cambridge Yoga Teacher Training


Defamation and Slander on the Internet

As social networking sites and internet blogs continue to increase in both popularity and use, the opportunities for defamatory and libelous actions increase proportionally. Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation. Slander is generally spoken defamation, while libel is written. Blogs or social networks in which defamatory statements are written or recorded present several potential sources of liability and recovery for the person whose character was defamed. In cases where the defamation is proved, damages are presumed and often enforced with liberality.

Operators of blogs are generally immune from liability for defamatory statements posted on their websites, as long as they did not contribute to the posting. In 2003, the Ninth circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a listserv moderator and operator of a website which allegedly published defamatory statements provided by a third party was eligible for immunity under the communications Decency Act (CDA). Batzel v. Smith, 2003 US App.LEXIS 12736 (9th Cir. 2003). However, if the online service provider plays an active role in soliciting information from users that leads to the defamatory act, the operator may not be protected by the safe harbor provisions of the CDA. In Carafano v., Inc., a federal court ruled on the application of the safe harbor of the communications Decency Act (CDA). The defendant in that case operated a matchmaking website known As part of its service, the defendant collected profiles of singles based on an extensive questionnaire. The plaintiff sued Metrosplash because of a false profile of her which an unknown user had posted to the website. The court ruled that by creating the extensive questionnaire, Metrosplash played an active role in developing the information that had been posted. Furthermore, the court ruled that Metrosplash was an information content provider and thus not eligible for the CDA's safe harbor provided to "interactive computer services." Carafano v., Inc., case No. CV 01-0018 DT (CWx) C.D. Cal. 2002) (subsequently reversed by appeals court). While operators of blogs and services are generally immune from such liability, the more active the service is with its members, the greater the likelihood of potential liability as a publisher of defamatory materials.

Another potential source of liability is the person who actually posted the defamatory materials. As with more general defamatory statements or materials, a poster can be held personally liable for anything posted which reflects falsely and negatively on a living persons reputation. Posting false and explicit claims regarding a person will generally be held as defamatory for purposes of liability. However, other issues arise concerning the anonymity of the person posting the information, and if known, the jurisdiction in which they are subject.

Jurisdictional issues may arise in situations where the poster had no reason to expect that the effect of the posting would be felt in a certain jurisdiction. However, in defamation cases jurisdictional disputes are liberally ruled upon in favor of the victim. In Griffis v. Luban, the minnesota court of appeals ruled that alabama had jurisdiction over a minnesota defendant who posted defamatory messages on the internet. The defendant repeatedly posted messages on an internet newsgroup attacking the plaintiffs professional credentials. The plaintiff initially obtained a $25,000.00 default judgment in alabama, which she was seeking to enforce in minnesota. The minnesota court ruled that the alabama court had properly exercised jurisdiction because the effects of the messages were felt in alabama and that the defendant should have expected that she would be sued there. An important factor in the ruling was that she had actual knowledge of the effect of the defamatory statements on the Defendant. Therefore, the minnesota court enforced the $25,000.00 default judgment. Griffis v. Luban, 633 N.W. 2d 548 (Minn Ct. App. 2001).

However, there are cases where courts have refused to allow the exercise of personal jurisdiction based on defamatory statements. In a pennsylvania case, the court refused to exercise jurisdiction over a New york defendant who had posted defamatory comments about a defendant on an offshore betting website. The court held that since the comments were not specifically directed at pennsylvania, the court could not exercise personal jurisdiction over the defendant. English Sports Betting, Inc. v. Tostigan, C.A. No. 01-2202 (E.D. Pa. 2002).

The problems with bringing defamatory actions based on internet postings largely lie in proving that the defendant actually made the posting. If that connection can be made, a much stronger case can be presented and jurisdictional issues can be tackled. An attorney who is experienced in cyberlaw and internet cases can improve your chances in prevailing in any such case. without the help of an attorney who can find and connect the evidence, most internet defamation cases will fail for lack of evidentiary sources and experience.

This article was written by Nick Delaunt, for the Law firm of Goldstein and Clegg, LLC, a law firm representing clients in online defamation actions.

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Introduction to Feng Shui

Feng shui is a term commonly thrown about in popular culture. Here is an introduction to this practical Chinese philosophy.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese tradition involving the placement and arrangement of space and belongings. The goal is to achieve balance with the environment. The spiritual aspects of feng shui align with spiritual components of Chinese medicine. Ancient Chinese philosophy believed that mankind needed to find balance between the yin (feminine) and the yang (masculine). In Chinese medicine, this means that you find balance in salty and sour or hot and cold. In feng shui, the polarity is also related to finding balance between the spaces of the living (yin) and the spaces of the dead (yang), as well as creating balance between the elements of nature and the movements of man.

Achieving equilibrium through feng shui allows a persons chi, or energy, to flow. While there is a spiritual aspect to feng shui, it is also a practical practice that aligns with the sciences of architecture and engineering. Just like the architect, practioners of feng shui consider concepts of space, astronomy, and weather. Those advanced in the practice of feng shui also consider gravity and geomagnetism.

Boiled down into a practical Western model, feng shui deals with creating spaces that increase energy or inspiration or relaxation, depending on the intended use for the space. For example, your bedroom, designed along feng shui principles would be arranged and decorated to promote peace and relaxation whereas your home office would be designed to increase energy and productivity. In addition, there are some general rules in the Western models of feng shui to promote general well-being and success. An example of this is that people are advised to leave their toilet bowls and bathroom doors closed so their financial energy wont be sucked down the drain.

Also simplified in Western practice is the Bagua. The Bagua is a diagram overlaid on a room or floor plan. It deals with direction, season, function and color. Most Westerners will use this more simplified model: black relates to career/life path; silver/gray relates to helpful people and travel; white relates to creativity and children; pink relates to love and marriage; red relates to fame and reputation; purple relates to prosperity and wealth; green relates to family and foundation; and blue relates to wisdom and knowledge.

Feng shui is an ancient practice but in its modern incarnations it has many schools and conflicting practices. Consumers should be careful that any feng shui consultants they hire are legitimate.

Get more feng shui information at .

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