Tuesday, December 4, 2007 

Online Golf and Making Money

online golf is a skill kind of game where you have to select the right club, set the correct angle, and then apply the right amount of force by using either the mouse or the keyboard, to hit the ball at the target. Whether you're watching or playing, online golf is designed to both play and look as close to reality as possible. Today's graphics continue to get better and better as well as more realistic. Some online games will even replicate the most famous holes and golf courses around the country.

one may not be able to play the Masters, or pebble Beach in real life, but nothing is keeping people from stepping into a little "fantasy land", and playing hole #5 at the Masters. Soon I would expect online golf to replicate any major course around the country and give users a wide-variety of course options.

online golf has become more and more popular as broadband users and bandwidth continue to grow. And as broadband users and the interenet continue to grow, more and more online gamers will continue to flock to their computers for a little fun playing virtual golf.

What's even more interesting, and soon to develop, would be online golf tournaments. UvMe.com will soon be offering tournament style online golf for it's users. Not only will people be able to win money playing these games, but there will soon be to follow, cash prizes and real money winnings in the online golf tournaments.

Just imagine being able to login, and challenge someone from across the world to a little match play golf, and wager an agreed amount, just like in the real world. I can imaging people lining up at 12:00 noon online, just like they do at a lot of local golf courses, and someone taking bets at the first tee.

Hey john, "I'll play you for 5 bucks and give you 3 shots". Comments like these will probably be the norm in the near future of online golf.

In Summary, online golf seems to be going straight up in popularity along with several classic game that have gone virtual. UvMe.com has been smart enough to spot this trend and will be offering some interesting online golf capabilities, that surely will gain wide-spread acceptance and grow in popularity.

Tee it Up... and let's play...

Play Kevin Scott Smith in Online golf http://program-review.com

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Satellite Radio: Installation Costs

The cost of a satellite radio installation is broken down into two different groups, the startup (installation costs) and the monthly subscription to either XM satellite radio or Sirius satellite radio. Receivers and mounting hardware, the cost of activation are all start up costs. Recievers are available for your car, your home, your computer and now portable receivers are available. So how much does satellite radio installation really cost?

satellite radio installation costs are broken down as follows:

Activation costs are the amount that both XM satellite radio and Sirius satellite radio charge to start service. Activation costs vary, where $5.00 with Sirius and $9.99 with XM will get you ready to go. Telephone activation is $15.00 with Sirius and $14.99 with XM. Monthly subscription costs then play into the cost, but these depend on some factors. Recent media campaigns are dramatically dropping the cost of installation and activation, both XM and Sirius are offering free activation in some instances. Further Detail at: www.TopSatelliteRadio.com

A typical cost of a car satellite radio installation can vary depending on whether you use a satellite radio which is dedicated only to satellite radio reception or if it also can play CDs.

The typical costs are detailed below:

Receiver $75 - $125

radio $125-250

antenna $60.00

Labor $80.00

Activation $10


Total $400 - $600

Typical costs for a home satellite radio installation:

For this to work, you must choose to install a dedicated stereo receiver unit. Common AM/FM receivers are very similar to satellite radio receivers. Your auxiliary input is used to connect and a antenna is used to receiver the streaming content.

The typical costs are detailed below:

Receiver $150-$300

antenna $60.00

Activation $10


Total $220 - $370

Portable units are now being offered and can give you the ease of using your satellite radio anywhere you want! Each room in your house would require a home kit, which includes antennas, output cables, and power supplies. Home kits offer flexibility and ease of use as they can be plugged into your home stereo, computer, and boom boxes. Portable satellite radio installation costs are as follows:

The typical costs are detailed below:

Receiver $120

Home Kit $140

Boombox X 2 $100

Activation $10


Total $370

Scott Fish is the owner of Top satellite radio which is a resource for consumers seeking the history and facts about satellite radio. We also sell electronics related to satellite radio.

http://www.TopSatelliteRadio.com | Quick access: http://www.TopSatRadio.com


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Don't Get Flushed by Plumbing Problems

There are several plumbing problems that the do-it-yourselfer can fix with little effort and a lot less money than calling a plumber. Remember the DIY motto is to only call for professional help when absolutely necessary. Now there is nothing wrong with hiring a professional because we cannot possibly do every project ourselves but there are many projects that we can do.

Some common plumbing problems include problems with the hot water, problems with the toilet, and problems with drainage in the sink of tubs. With hot water sometimes you may find that there is not enough hot water. This is especially true for larger families. A common cause for this may be that the thermostat on the water heater may be set too low. A fix for this is to adjust the water heater thermostat upwards. This will allow less hot water to be used to still get the temperature that everyone wants.

A common toilet problem is when the toilet does not flush completely. This of course is evidenced by remnants remaining in the bowl after the toilet is flushed. The most common cause is that the ball in the tank is not being lifted high enough. The solution is to adjust the lift mechanism so that it lifts the ball higher in the tank.

A common sink drainage problem is the grease clog. In the case of clogs, the best thing to do is to try to prevent them in the first place. A good way to prevent grease clogs is to pour about a half gallon of boiling water down the drain every other day. However if you already have a grease clog, try pouring some hot vinegar down the drain and letting is set for about 20 minutes and then follow it with boiling water after the 20 minute vinegar soak.

Plumbing problems are one of the top reasons that professional help is sought. However, many of the plumbing problems that you will face can be solved as a DIY project. So make sure that you determine that you are not equipped to solve the problem before you call the plumber.

Are you hungry for more Do-it-Yourself home improvement ideas? Try visiting http://www.home-improvement-know-how.com, a popular website that provides home improvement ideas, advice, and tips for your plumbing projects.

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Weight Loss - How Do You Know You're Overweight?

Eat this, eat that! Do this do that! Weve always complied to what our parents always drilled into us right from the young age.

Attained good Education and good Morals to go with it. Now, the real life (Adult life) starts, but because of the hustling and bustling, looking for a good job, house and perhaps a perfect love one, this has taken its toll on most of us. You can hardly find time to sit, let alone eat, hence youre as THIN as ever.

You keep getting all these compliments from acquaintances and friends on how thin you look and how well youve maintained your figure. You will accept these compliments, but deep down inside of you, you know you had nothing to do with it. Its not some MAGIC Weight Loss Program. Its just that youre far too busy trying to live a better life, but as result had to compromise along the way.

Okay, now youve found the job you really want and of course there comes along the house (Property) you really want too. Now life is rosy, good, Fun. Youre more relaxed to the extent that now, you've now set up a time-table of meals to have consumed on each day of the week.

Life couldnt be any better, as now, youve also found a lover, a companion. Set up a home together and hence ultimately start raising a family as you feel youve attained all your life ambitions.

Now youre in the routine of; waking up - drop the kids in school- go to work - call partner at work to assure him or her everything went all right - go home after work, oh I forgot, go to the shops for few groceries on your way home - get the meal ready, and eat - go to bed. You might not live your life in this order, but at least you get the drift.

You've now fall in this pattern of routine until one day one noticed your favourite jeans and top (dont tell me you havent got one, as we all have one), you know, the ones you always want to wear out shopping, to the cinema, staying at home in, and perhaps visiting the in-laws in, are slightly tighter than usual. What do you do, Hey, honey, we need to go shopping for some clothes.

What have you just done there? Youve just accommodated your new waist size, youve just accepted that youre comfortable with this new weight. Indeed, what you should have done when you found that your favourite clothes are tighter than usual is: TRY AND FIT BACK INTO THEM whichever way or means possible.

But the sad truth is, almost all of us are guilty of this. And we continue to keep our slim, now too-tight clothes somewhere in the corner our of bedrooms in the hope of fitting into them some time in the near future. But you know what? You never will, but for just a handful of us will eventually do.

So, let me ask the above question again. How Do You Know Youre Overweight? The answer is, we all know this all the time as the signs are there for us to see and for us to do some thing about it. But we hardly do, maybe because of our busy schedules or just in plain DENIAL.

I bet when you saw the above headlines, I bet you thought youre going to be reading something like, 11 points to look out for.blah blah blah.

The bottom line is, the only way to know youre overweight is by you ADMITTING it and immediately doing something about it.

So, the motto is: When noticed, Activate And Not Accommodate"

To lose weight without even trying, see http://www.loseweightpronto.com

Bye for now
Sam Niche

I'm Sam Niche, I've never suffer from weight problem in my life. But they do say; one sees and knows better looking from afar. By this I mean, the love of my life, the one and only best friend I have in the whole wide world - my WIFE suffered excruciatingly for years battling against the weight gained as a result of having our lovely children. She had it so bad that at one point declared clinically Depressed. We went from Diet Pills to Gym memberships to Slimming Classes. Yes, she lost some, but immediately piled it back on a week or even days later. Since then, what became a moral support is now our main goal to help others in similar position as her back then. Find out what she used back then and still using now till this day at in combating her weight problem at: http://www.loseweightpronto.com

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Comfort, Convenience & Safety

Home automation provides added comfort, convenience, enhances your security and produces environmental savings in all your home systems which you automate. Home automation can control all aspects of your life but with you in total control of how much.

Temperature control
Automated temperature allow comfortable temperatures while you are home and energy saving while you are away.

Lighting control
Dining rooms ,great rooms, media rooms, and home theaters all benefit from lighting scenes that set the proper mood for4 various activities.

Hi Fi Whole Home Music & video
Hi-Fi by allows you to pull up music from any music source in the house & set each zones source and volume for parties. Watching TV, morning news, or any other activity Full Ul Listed Home Security system An HAI home control system is a fully functioning UL Listed security system only smarted ! The Omni family system monitors and alerts you of intrusion, fire, carbon monoxide, freezing condition, water leaks, etc.

Auto safety features
In the event of a fire, the air condition is turned off to deter the spread of smoke and fire. you can also set the system to turn on all of the light in the house to ad in your familys safe exit

Intelligent Reporting system
An HAI control system can be set up to make outbound phone calls when certain trigger events occur. Also, the home control system, when working with our snap-link or web-link II software, may send out e-mails when trigger event occur.

Automate lighting sequence for good night ,good morning, or entertainment light may be set come on when a door is opened or when a car enters the driveway. Light up a dark hallway when motion is sensed. enjoy lighting turned with sunset and sunrise. Set lighting levels based upon the time of the day.

video camera view
The Omni Touch with video will show video over the touch screen. It is ideal for seeing who is at the front door, pool ,garage, or nursery. you simply touch the video icon and select one of the six cameras for displays.

Control Through Internet Or phone
Your HAI home control system may also be accessed via telephone or computer. computer access may be through windows media center, by modern, or over the internet. remote access to the system allows you to check on the status of your home or adjust light and temperature setting. HAI has compatibility with many others companies in related industries so you can expand and customize your home automation system (to add touchscreen, voice recognition control or whole house Audio and home theater control) now at any time in future.

India,s leading distributor and largest home automation retailer in india for Home Automation including automated lighting, security solutions, wireless cameras and remote control.

I am webmaster of Adretthomes.com provide affordable home automation Lighting and Home security system in India.

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Ease Menopause Symptoms with Aromatherapy

Menopause can be a physical, psychological and emotionally challenging time for many women. They will spend half of their adult lives in menopause, according to statistics which show the average life expectancy of women at 79.5 years nowadays.

By 2050 women will probably live to be at least 95 years old. A new generation of health-conscious women today is looking forward to a new phase of life with physical, spiritual and personal growth.

Most women think of menopause as the point when they cease to menstruate. They do not link irritability, anxiety, memory lapses, or mood swings to hormonal imbalance caused by this process of biological change. About 75% of all women experience some temporary symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, increase in level of cholesterol, decreased libido which may last for years; long term ones may include vaginal dryness and urinary problems. To know more about menopause, you can visit http://www.1menopause.com

Fortunately, these unpleasant complaints or symptoms can be prevented, reduced and relieved by making some changes to daily lifestyles with the right diet, nutrition supplements, regular exercise and adopting some complementary therapies such as yoga, tai chi, spa therapy or holistic aromatherapy, which all help to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle with natural medicine. They also offer a safer alternative compared to Hormone replacement therapy. They also to reduce the risk of future age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes.

For a list of detailed menopause symptoms please visit http://www.1menopause.com

aromatherapy, which has been well used for over 2000 years, is the practice of using distilled essences obtained from the leaf, stem, flower, fruit peel, bark or root of a tree. As the aromatic molecules from essential oils disperse in the air, they:

  • carry pleasant fragrances to your nose
  • come in contact with the olfactory receptor cells in the nasal cavity
  • transmit the information to the olfactory bulb which is a structure just above the nose.
  • cause a response in the limbic system of the brain which works in conjunction with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus region to regulate the hormonal activities.
  • trigger the production of hormones that govern appetite, body temperature, insulin production, overall metabolism, stress levels, sex drive and conscious thought and reactions.

essential Oils can have a positive effect on all these functions through the sense of smell which happens to be the most complex and sensitive of all the five senses. The sense of smell is over 10,000 times more sensitive than your sense of taste and researchers have shown how aroma causes a brain reaction by activating the hypothalamus gland, the pituitary gland and the bodys hormones as well as stimulating the emotion and memory.

aromatherapy is particularly effective for stress, anxiety and psychosomatic induced problems, muscular and rheumatic pains, digestive disorders and womens problems such as PMS, menopausal problems and postnatal depression. It is a natural and non-invasive therapy designed to help a person enhance the body's natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain oneself.

essential Oils are very concentrated and their properties potent as they contain molecules small enough to enter your skin; except for essential oils of lavender and tea tree, the oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil, usually with a vegetable oil such as sweet almond or jojoba, to avoid skin irritation. The oils can be used in a vaporizer, sprays, bath, hot or cold compress, perfume or for topical body application or massage. Some recommended essential oils for menopausal women:

  • Bergamot uplifts mood and reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Clary sage eases hot flashes and night sweats and PMS.
  • Roman Chamomile has calming effect, ease tension, anxiety and headaches.
  • Frankincense helps psychosomatic problems and anxiety.
  • Geranium is a hormone balancer and reduces stress.
  • Jasmine is euphoric and eases tension and anxiety.
  • Juniper Berry regulates period and relieves water retention.
  • Lavender is sedative and aids sleep.
  • Rose is a womb tonic and provides relief from pre menopause to post menopause.
  • Sandalwood stimulates the development of sex hormones and promotes vaginal secretions.
  • Ylang Ylang is aphrodisiac and relaxes the nervous system.

Copyright 2005

Elena Leong is a certified aromatherapist by International Federation of aromatherapy (IFA) and the founder of http://www.1menopause.com - a website on menopause information and its associated symptoms and problems which can be prevented or reduced by some natural Chinese herbal supplement, complementary therapy and other natural treatment options to ease and enjoy the menopause transition.

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Golf Stretches For Use After A Game Of Golf

Following are stretches which can be used after a game of golf to help prevent getting sore and to also improve flexibility. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds if you want to see a fast improvement in your flexibility. And if it hurts "Stop!"

Note: Read all instructions carefully before attempting any of these exercises & breath through your nose for all of the stretches.


An effective way to stretch your calf muscles is to use a piece of wood or a step. stand with the balls of your feet on the edge of the step and let your heels drop towards the floor, feeling the stretch in the calf and breathing easily through your nose. I find it best to perform this exercise with both feet at the same time, but you can do it with one leg at a time if you prefer.


Stand behind a chair. Hold on to the back of a chair with your left hand for support and raise your lower right leg. Now reach behind yourself with your right arm and get hold of your raised right leg. Next gently ease your right foot towards your buttocks. You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh. Repeat on the other side breathing easily through your nose.

And I must say I had difficulty at first performing this exercise and if you do to I suggest you initially begin the exercise with the knee of the supporting leg flexed slightly. Once you are stretching you can then gradually try to straighten your support leg to increase the stretch. It is important to keep good posture all throughout this stretch.


Lie on your back for this exercise. Now flex your knees on about a 90 angle. Get hold of your left leg behind the thigh with both hands and straighten your right leg so it is resting on the floor. Now pull your left leg towards your chest trying to get it as close as possible. You will feel the stretch along the back of the flexed thigh. Repeat with the other leg.


Stand up for this exercise. Now flex your knees and bend from your hips until you can easily rest your chest on your thighs. Now reach your arms around your legs and give them a hug. From this position, try to straighten your legs as much as possible, while still keeping your chest firmly pressed against your thighs.

You will soon feel the stretch along the backs of your thighs. Let go of this stretch by slowly flexing your knees. Remember to breathe through your nose when completing this, and not only this exercise, but all the others as well.


Stand in front of a chair or stool. Raise one of your feet up onto the chair or stool, and then ease your body towards this foot so that your chest and thigh come closer together. Keep your spine and back leg straight and try to keep your shoulders down away from your ears. Move as far forward as possible and then hold this position.

You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh of the extended leg, and along the back of the thigh of the raised leg. Repeat on the other side and remember to breathe!


Lie flat on the floor. East your legs up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together and let your knees ease out sideways. You will feel the stretch along the insides of your thighs and groin.


Sit for this exercise and ease your legs up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together. Now let your knees fall out and down towards the floor. You can place your hands on your knees to increase your stretch or you can use them to keep yourself stable while doing this exercise.


You can stand or sit to do this exercise. Also ensure you keep your shoulders down away from your ears when doing this exercise. Tilt your head to one side trying to place your ear on your shoulder. Repeat on the other side. You can increase this stretch by gently using a hand to increase the weight on your neck. But be careful do not pull your head, you could cause injuries to yourself.


You can choose to sit or stand for this exercise. Interlock your fingers and push your hands as far away from your chest as possible so your palms are facing away from you. Tilt your head down and look at the ground. And make sure your upper back is straight and as relaxed as possible doing this stretch. You will feel the stretch between your shoulder blades.


Once again you can do this stretch while seated or standing. Place your hands behind you and place them on your lower back. Now squeeze your elbows towards each other while keeping your spine straight. You will feel the stretch in the front of the chest.


As with the previous exercise you can do this one sitting or standing. I prefer to do them standing. Place your hands behind you and interlock your fingers, then straighten your arms and try to lift them upwards and backwards as far as possible. Try to keep your back straight and long, with your shoulders down away from your ears. You will feel the stretch in the front of the chest.

nick Bayley is a professional golfer who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping you from ball striking consistency and success. But luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. So don't delay! Go here to take The Golf Swing Test now.

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