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Tuesday, December 4, 2007 

Weight Loss - How Do You Know You're Overweight?

Eat this, eat that! Do this do that! Weve always complied to what our parents always drilled into us right from the young age.

Attained good Education and good Morals to go with it. Now, the real life (Adult life) starts, but because of the hustling and bustling, looking for a good job, house and perhaps a perfect love one, this has taken its toll on most of us. You can hardly find time to sit, let alone eat, hence youre as THIN as ever.

You keep getting all these compliments from acquaintances and friends on how thin you look and how well youve maintained your figure. You will accept these compliments, but deep down inside of you, you know you had nothing to do with it. Its not some MAGIC Weight Loss Program. Its just that youre far too busy trying to live a better life, but as result had to compromise along the way.

Okay, now youve found the job you really want and of course there comes along the house (Property) you really want too. Now life is rosy, good, Fun. Youre more relaxed to the extent that now, you've now set up a time-table of meals to have consumed on each day of the week.

Life couldnt be any better, as now, youve also found a lover, a companion. Set up a home together and hence ultimately start raising a family as you feel youve attained all your life ambitions.

Now youre in the routine of; waking up - drop the kids in school- go to work - call partner at work to assure him or her everything went all right - go home after work, oh I forgot, go to the shops for few groceries on your way home - get the meal ready, and eat - go to bed. You might not live your life in this order, but at least you get the drift.

You've now fall in this pattern of routine until one day one noticed your favourite jeans and top (dont tell me you havent got one, as we all have one), you know, the ones you always want to wear out shopping, to the cinema, staying at home in, and perhaps visiting the in-laws in, are slightly tighter than usual. What do you do, Hey, honey, we need to go shopping for some clothes.

What have you just done there? Youve just accommodated your new waist size, youve just accepted that youre comfortable with this new weight. Indeed, what you should have done when you found that your favourite clothes are tighter than usual is: TRY AND FIT BACK INTO THEM whichever way or means possible.

But the sad truth is, almost all of us are guilty of this. And we continue to keep our slim, now too-tight clothes somewhere in the corner our of bedrooms in the hope of fitting into them some time in the near future. But you know what? You never will, but for just a handful of us will eventually do.

So, let me ask the above question again. How Do You Know Youre Overweight? The answer is, we all know this all the time as the signs are there for us to see and for us to do some thing about it. But we hardly do, maybe because of our busy schedules or just in plain DENIAL.

I bet when you saw the above headlines, I bet you thought youre going to be reading something like, 11 points to look out for.blah blah blah.

The bottom line is, the only way to know youre overweight is by you ADMITTING it and immediately doing something about it.

So, the motto is: When noticed, Activate And Not Accommodate"

To lose weight without even trying, see http://www.loseweightpronto.com

Bye for now
Sam Niche

I'm Sam Niche, I've never suffer from weight problem in my life. But they do say; one sees and knows better looking from afar. By this I mean, the love of my life, the one and only best friend I have in the whole wide world - my WIFE suffered excruciatingly for years battling against the weight gained as a result of having our lovely children. She had it so bad that at one point declared clinically Depressed. We went from Diet Pills to Gym memberships to Slimming Classes. Yes, she lost some, but immediately piled it back on a week or even days later. Since then, what became a moral support is now our main goal to help others in similar position as her back then. Find out what she used back then and still using now till this day at in combating her weight problem at: http://www.loseweightpronto.com

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