Wednesday, January 23, 2008 

How To Put Backspin on a Ball

We all love it when we hit that shot that draws back quickly 5-10 feet after landing like it was on a string, right?

Well, putting backspin on a ball isnt easy. You need the proper technique and the right conditions to do it. You also need the right ball. I cover backspin in my golf lessons, and once you know how, youll start hitting it closer to that difficult pin placements.

Putting backspin on a golf ball is like putting backspin on a cue ball. To do that you hit downward on the bottom half of the cue ball with significant force. Putting chalk on the sticks tip, striking the ball at a steep angle, and increasing the velocity of the cue stick as it moves toward impact also helps.

To put backspin on a golf ball, as I explain in my golf tips, you do basically the same thing. But here, the goal is to pinch the ball between the club and the fairway. You not only need to hit downward on the ball with a fair amount of force, you also must make clean contact on the lower portion of the ball. Its essential to have a clean (or new) club with some grip left on its face and a new ball when putting backspin on a ball.

The combination of all these factorsangle of attack, force, and clean contactputs backspin on the ball. Coordinating all these factors in your swing is why it takes several golf lessons to learn.

You also need certain conditions to do it. Below are the three conditions you need before hitting the shot. If these factors are missing, forget about putting backspin on the ball.

Conditions must be fairly dry
You must be on the fairway
Greens have to be in good shape

I use backspin when I need to hit a pitch-and-stop shot. this type of shot is best used from about 25 to 30 yards away when you have an obstacle bunker, water, rough, rocks between you and the green.

Obviously, you cant hit the ball on the ground or on a line, like a line drive in baseball. You need to hit a high shot over the obstacle. If you put enough backspin on the ball, it takes a bounce or two and stops.

Ideally, youd like to hit the green about 10 to 15 feet from the pin and stop the ball a few feet from the hole, leaving you a short putt. Of course, if it goes in, thats even better. If you fail to put enough backspin on the ball, however, it probably will roll off the green, especially if it is slanted or hard-baked.

I recommend using a 9 iron or, better yet, a pitching wedge in my golf tips. The wedge has a high loft, is heavy, and a large flange, which prevents it from digging into the turf. The divot need not be big or deep. Remember to keep your head down until your right arm pushes it upa fundamental all good golf instruction emphasizes.

I use a high spin/soft cover ball for pitch-and-stop shots and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn the shot. A brief golf lesson on balls explains why.

Golf balls are available with three types of spin. The low spinning golf ball helps eliminate sidespin, which in turn helps reduce the big slice or hook. It doesnt carry as far as the other types, but it makes up for it with roll. this ball is appropriate for players with high golf handicaps.

The mid-spinning ball fills in the gap between low and high spin balls. It provides more feel than the low spin ball, but doesnt roll as far, although it travels fairly far. The mid-spin ball also varies depending on the manufacturer. It is better suited for golfers with mid-range golf handicaps.

The high spinning ball gets more carry than the other types of balls, but it wont roll far when it hits the ground. this ball offers more feel and control, however, than a mid-spin ball, a big advantage around the greens. Its the added spin that provides the increased control for the player. Its the type of ball players with low golf handicaps often use.

My golf instruction teaches students to use the ball thats right for them. If theyre beginners, for example, I recommend a ball with low spin. I also teach students how to put backspin on the ball in my golf lessons, but I emphasize that the conditions on the course must be right for them to try it. Nevertheless, its a potent weapon.

practice improves your ability to put backspin on a golf ball, but keep in mind that the shot is one of the hardest to master in golf so dont spend the majority of your practice time trying to master this shot.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

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Cisco CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam Tutorial: Comparing IRDP And HSRP

To pass the BSCI exam, you need to know the difference between IRDP and HSRP. While they have the same basic function, the operation and configuration of each are totally different.

The aim of both is to allow hosts to quickly discover a standby router when the primary router fails. IRDP is commonly used by Windows DHCP clients and several Unix variations, but you do see it in Cisco routers as well. IRDP is defined in RFC 1256.

IRDP routers will multicast Hello messages that host devices hear. If a host hears from more than one IRDP router, it will choose one as its primary and will start using the other router if the primary it's chosen goes down.

HSRP is a Cisco-proprietary protocol that is designed for quick cutover to a secondary router if the primary fails, but the host devices don't "see" either the primary or secondary router. The hosts use a virtual router as their default gateway. This virtual router has its own IP and mac address! All the while, the router chosen as the primary is actually the one doing the routing. If the primary router goes down, the secondary router quickly takes over with no major interruption to network services.

The HSRP routers communicate by multicasting updates to, and its through these hellos that the HSRP routers decide which router is primary and which is secondary. HSRP is defined in RFC 2281.

The configuration of each of these will be covered in a future tutorial. In the meantime, I urge you to read the RFCs mentioned in this article, and visit to read about the configurations and options available for both of these vital protocols.

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Has David Stern Forgotten the Working Man?

David Stern the commissioner of the nba wants to impose a Dress code on the Players. A Dress code for a sport that is played in Shorts and tank tops. Will this Dress code Backfire on commissioner Stern.

David Stern wants to upgrade the image of the nba by imposing a "Corporate Dress code" on nba Players. Currently nba Players can wear anything they want in public. If David Stern has his way the players will be required to wear Slacks, Collared Shirts and sports Jackets.

How is a Dress code going to change the quality of the games played on the hardwood. David Stern is under pressure to change the public image of the league in the Wake of the "Rumble in Detroit". Somehow he thinks that by requiring players to be more GQ in public this will help the public relations.

The GQ effect could backfire badly. Many basketball fans (The Average man and women on the street) are priced out of going to basketball games. They resent all the corporations with the luxury boxes and court side seats. Requiring the ball players to be more GQ may just put these fans over the edge and convince them that basketball is only a game for the corporate elite.

Sure you may get more money for the luxury boxes at the cost of TV Viewer ship and the revenue that goes with those TV packages. David Stern be careful what you ask for?

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Karmic Yoga-Correction Agents

Throughout the ages there have been men and women who have labored to better the world. Some of them worked through communities and institutions while some of them worked at what some people call the grass roots level, to raise a group of people wanted to help provide for the needs of the society at a deeper, more personal level, than most governments. These groups were often met with a great deal of resistance, but as more people joined them and they gained more power, they also gained enough prestige to become part of the larger system. This was both a blessing and a curse.

Today, due to the speed of communication, we can see the fruit of their success faster. As they become part of the system they get more power, but the amount of compromising necessary to remain at the table and keep that power also increases. After they have compromised too much they become the system instead of agents of correction. They begin to make a few cosmetic changes here and there and to pass out the Band-Aids, but they really dont make the foundational changes needed to stop people from getting wounded.

Their success has ultimately become their failure. They have ended up selling their souls to do good and bending their values so far they dont exist anymore. Finally they end up being the oppressors and suppressors they thought they were fighting. This is an example of how ones success externally can contribute to ones demise internally. The Shaolin discuss this in their wisdom literature. They say that some people only use their energy and light of awareness to fight against darkness and evil externally. While their awareness is being applied on the outside the evil they are fighting finds a place of welcome on the inside. They are then turned into what they are fighting against.

The Shaolin say that is more important to use the light of awareness on the inside to purify and strengthen oneself so one can work to fight evil from a place of wholeness, completeness, and goodness. To create a better society it is important to know who one is and to cultivate ones sense of self, honor, and dignity. One can work from a place of strength and power then, creating new ways to bring about social change. If one is moved by anger or by fear it can seem that she is doing great work while she is destroying the very principles inside herself that she wants the world to embrace. But if she struggles from a place of certitude and love, she will bring the principles she embraces to the world and be an example for following generations.

If you want to be a social change agent as part of your Karmic yoga, cultivate love of self and neighbor. Treat yourself kindly. Truly love yourself and your neighbor--even those who oppose you. love combined with just action will lead you to life. This life will replace the drudgery of fighting unbeatable odds, or the tiredness from maintaining a sense of righteous anger throughout the years and transform your work to one of joy. Your work will become part of the great spiral dance that weaves together and takes apart corrupt thoughts, concepts, and social systems, and recreates them in the image of love. You will be the very essence--the creative process of life, and your legacy of justice, which is applied love, will endure forever.

Dr. John W. Gilmore is the founder and spiritual Leader of the Cyber Circle of Creation spirituality, which is an online service dedicated to deep ecumenism, mystical union with the Divine, and a progressive voice for societal transformation. He is a spiritual Director, martial Arts instructor, a writer and a certified reiki Master teacher, Massage Therapist, a Reflexologist. For more commentaries like this one explore this e-zine or our Free journal of Practical spirituality at . You can also find a link to our cyber service, The Circle there.


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