Thursday, November 29, 2007 

iPhone, Affording Todays Cell Phones Is Tough, Solutions Exist

It has been said that where there is a will, there is a way. That sentiment is well served by being applied to the purchasing of todays cell phones and other electronic gadgets. The term techo-geek, short for Technology Geek, no longer applies to just the pocket protector using, braces wearing, non athletic, characters pictured in the TV shows and Movies. Now, this once derogatory term can be applied to the masses at large with no negative connotation whatsoever.

We all love our cell phones and PDAs and that love is only getting stronger as or lives demand our input in events at various locations simultaneously. As new technology provides more and more stay in touch capacity. We quickly fill that capacity with a new task that we add to our list. Technology is only feeding the internal human desire to do as much as possible, as fast as possible, while on the move.

This insatiable desire however, does run into a small snag. Living on the cutting edge of technology requires one to occupy a relatively expensive piece of technology real estate. In laymans terms, it costs a lot of money to have the best technology solutions at your finger tips.

Some would disagree and would point out that the price for hot electronics items drop over time. However, that statement nullifies itself. In the time that one waits for the price to drop other technologies are emerging, and once the price drops it is either inferior technology, technology that has been matched by its competitors or it soon will be inferior technology.

"I think $600 is too high for a phone" says Inez Washington " I was just going to let the price drop then get it, but if I can pay for half of the cost with this toolbar, I will get it sooner."

For those that clamor to have the cutting edge product, it is actually an expensive and futile attempt to capture what can never be caught. Technology is fast moving and it costs money to keep pace with it. The latest phone on the market is the iPhone $600.00 + tax, + monthly service fees worth of sweet enough to eat technology. Just the term iPhone conjures up the picture of walking down the street, listening to music, posting pictures on the internet while making a call to you stock broker concerning the company that you just heard about via an email.

I know many of you missed the most important part of that conjuring example six hundred dollars?..+ tax, + monthly service charges. This is the part that is standing in the way of many would-be iPhone owners. The cell Phone Money Toolbar really helps with this problem.

Many parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts know that this latest launch will have a major impact on the Christmas list and Christmas budget. With the older loved ones asking for a iPhone at $600 and the younger loved ones expecting such gifts as the Playstation 3 at $600. Budgets can quickly get out of hand. Ladies and gents, this is just the beginning and this pricing structure could soon become the norm. How does one purchase an iPhone for one child and ignore the fact that the other child wants a Playstation 3? That problem only stays at $1200 if there are only 2 children to consider in this round of purchasing.

Some people have actually begun working extra hours and cutting back on other things, so that they can afford one of these sweet devices. Some dont have the option of working additional hours so they are scrambling to find a way to purchase one without totally throwing their finances in disarray.

Ten random individuals were asked about the iPhone and some interesting information about peoples mentality toward the gadget was discovered. 10 out of 10 wanted one, 7 out of 10 intended to get one, 5 out of 10 knew where the money would come from to get one, and only 2 out of 10 didnt feel like the $600.00 would be that much of a stretch. When asked why they wanted an iPhone, the most common answer was because I can do more with it.

No specifics, no breaking that statement down, just the marketing, programmed answer of I can do more with it. Thats good enough for me I guess.

The iPhone is cool and puts all of your current desires at your figure tips. If we could get it to clean the house or mow the lawn, I get the feeling there would be a lot of relationships that break up right about now.

There are online ways to afford these types of products with out breaking the bank. The cell Phone Money Toolbar provides users the opportunity to earn the extra money they need for that elusive iPhone. This tool puts the iPhone in the reach of millions of people free of charge. Shy of getting a second job, this is the best way to afford the currently unaffordable iPhone.

The cell Phone Money Toolbar interfaces with TypoBounty dot com. TypoBounty is where companies will pay you to help them find errors on their web properties.

The money gained can be used to purchase the iPhone or anything else one desires.

If your goal is to get an iPhone while they are hot it is imperative to offset the cost. If your off spring want to have the power and cool factor of the iphone at their disposal, you can tell them that they can pay for it themselves and not mean it in a bad way.

Remember, it is often best to wait for prices to drop, but if your situation does not conveniently allow for that, at least try to shop smarter and supplement your budget to offset the cost of the phone and services.

John Reed has 15 years business experience and is a techno geek that has had the opportunity to use and review multiple technical devices. You can read moreabout gaining money to supplement your geek budget at

Cambridge In Teacher Yoga


Corded Phones Vs Cordless Phones - From Good to Better

Everyone knows that telephones have two varieties. The traditional one which is corded and its later version which is cordless. The debate over which is better started as soon as the cordless arrived. people did have complaints that the newer variety, that is cordless, is inferior to corded ones because its receptiveness is inferior. That the voice breaks up and audibility is not up to the mark. Also it cannot be taken too far away from the land line for then already disturbed voice quality becomes even worse.

Though there were praises also that came its way. people said that its altogether a new experience of talking without caring about wires. That you can actually roam around while you talk or talk while you are lazing around etc. It can be said about cordless that despite a few shortcomings it was indeed a hit with masses.

Complains about corded phones are also no less. first of which is the fact that it forces you to sit at a place and talk. people started yearning for a phone which they can keep with themselves all the time so that they don't have to run to receive the calls. people who wanted some privacy looked forward for a set which they can carry with themselves and talk whenever they felt so, away from the gazing eyes of mom and dad.

Thus, as far as debate over the superiority of cordless phones or corded phones are concerned, it can be said that cordless is the new and improved version of telephone which came into existence after all the shortcomings in the corded phones were taken care of and as such it is the improved and updated variety. However, it must be added that cordless is merely the extension of the traditional or the corded phones and therefore they cannot stand in competition with each other.

xpert4u provide appropriate product information, features and prices of home phone systems and VOIP phones.

Guided Meditation Yoga


Take Me Away Indulgence With Pool Spa And Sauna Luxury

Many of us want to be pampered and cared for. We love to get our hair shampooed and massaged when we get a hair cut, and we visit many restaurants just for the experience of being waited on. A pool spa and sauna session can leave you feeling very relaxed and refreshed. More and more ladies in particular, are getting their nails done on a regular basis, and many are adding a pedicure to go with it. Yes, we love to indulge ourselves with wonderful luxuries. We live in a society that is buying bigger homes, and more expensive cars than ever before. This article will talk about the benefits of indulging in a pool spa and sauna treatment.

More and more people are aware of the need to take care of their bodies. A pool spa and sauna session can be a very healthy experience for your body, and although each one is a little different, they have similar characteristics. All three can provide a heated sensation and heat can be very therapeutic to the body. Believe it or not, they all three can provide you with a cardio workout. How you might ask, can sitting in a spa or sauna compare to swimming a lap in a pool. The higher heat created in both the spa and sauna can raise your heart rate, and actually be compared to walking a brisk lap. Don't not do one of these three because it might be a little more effort on your part. Enjoy all the benefits you can receive from a pool spa and sauna session.

Many homes today are being completed with a pool spa and sauna. Why not, you could consider them as having a vacation at your own home year round. How many of us have gone to a hotel or motel and enjoyed the experience of a pool spa and sauna. Many I'm sure. It is probably pretty safe to say, that the motel choice could have been determined, by the amount of luxuries they offered. You can then leave your vacation behind, remembering all the extra pampering you received. Most hotels today offer a pool spa and sauna as one of their features just to lure you to their facility.

Don't be surprised if you find that your local gym has a pool spa and sauna in it as well. In the past, most people couldn't afford such a luxury for their own home, but they have become such a popular item that prices have come down quite a bit and now a pool spa and sauna are more affordable. Who said you couldn't have your cake and eat it too. You can enjoy a take me away experience in the privacy of your own property.

If you need more helpful Sauna information then quickly head over to where you will find helpful sauna tips, advice and resources to include home saunas, portable saunas and more Pool Spa And Sauna information.

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Cell Phone GPS Tracking - Privacy Issues

Although there are many advantages to cell phone gps tracking, there are also privacy concerns. As most people carry their cell phone with them at all times, the ability is in place to track the exact movements of all individuals. Is this a case of big Brother, and who can access to this information?

Cell Phone gps tracking can prove useful in many walks of life and especially when an emergency arises. Picture the scene of a road accident where injuries have occurred. A 911 call made from a gps cell phone would significantly speed up the arrival of the emergency services if the gps signal from the cell phone can be pin-pointed to an exact location. This feature alone could save many lives.

For these reasons the FCC has instructed that wireless network providers provide the cell phone gps tracking location information for 911 calls which have been made from cell phones. This is known as E911. In essence this is no different than a 911 call made from a land line, as the land line is registered to an address and the relevant emergency services can be quickly dispatched to that address.

However, where the difference occurs is that a property does not move but the tracking of a gps cell phone is registering the day to day movements of an individual, and that has given rise to the privacy concerns of who can access such private information.

However, the relevant law relating to E911 is fairly explicit. It allows carriers to provide tracking location information to third parties for e911 emergency calls only, however not under any other circumstances whatsoever without the consent of the cell phone owner.

The privacy of cell phone gps tracking has also been backed up by a number of recent court hearings. Recent court hearings have disallowed the requests of law enforcement agencies to obtain cell phone gps tracking information from the cell phone companies for suspects. The courts have ruled that Congress have not authorized location tracking without actual evidence of wrongdoing and that probable cause is not sufficient reason for the release of records.

These events will ensure that the advantages of cell phone gps tracking will not be compromised by privacy issues and that its long term future and usefulness is secured.

For more information on cell phone GPS tracking and other GPS products visit today.

Prenatal Yoga Videos


Determining Your Training Heart Rate Range

When performing different fitness activities you will find that your heart rate will be at different zones depending on your intensity. Did you know that where your heart rate is will actually determine what results you will achieve? There are four different training heart rate zones and each are different.

General Health Zone:

In order to reduce the chance of developing chronic diseases it is recommended to perform some type of fitness activity at 50 to 60 percent of your maximum heart rate for 30 minutes. You need to be trying to achieve this at least 3-4 times a week. Later we will determine how to calculate your maximum heart rate and the zone heart rate calculations. Activities to put you in this range include: walking, gardening, or easy cycling for example. Any low intensity activities can get your heart rate where it needs to be for general health.

Weight Management:

If you are looking to reduce your body fat and achieve weight loss than you need to get your heart rate in the 60 to 70 percent zone of your maximum heart rate. Once again you need to keep your body exercising for at least 30 minutes, and perform a decent pace jog for example in this zone. There is no need to do fast running or any sprinting as your heart rate is only still at 60 to 70 percent.

Aerobic Conditioning:

If your goal is to improve your cardio-vascular conditioning for better stamina and endurance, you should put your heart rate in the 70 to 80 percent training heart rate range. If you are fairly fit already than most likely you will need to be in this range to achieve weight loss. You need to remember if you are new to training then you wont need to get your heart rate as high to achieve weight loss. This zone will probably require you to start running and keep the pace for at least 30 minutes.

Advanced Conditioning:

Are you training to get your body in top shape for maybe some type of sporting event such as a triathlon? Then you need to be pushing your body over the 80 percent maximum heart rate training zone. This workout zone is definitely for the extremely fit people as its hard to keep your heart rate in this zone for an extended period of time as it can become quite physically and mentally demanding.

How do you work out your maximum heart rate zone? Well just use the formula below and you then could be determining your training heart rate range.

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Your Age

So lets say you are 24 years old than your maximum heart rate will be 220 24 = 196 beats per minute (bpm)

Lets say you wanted to achieve weight management then you need to keep your body in the 60 to 70 percent zone of 196 beats per minute. This can be found as follows:

(60% - 70%) * (196) bpm

Minimum heart rate range = 60% * 196 bpm = 117.6 bpm

Maximum heart rate range = 70% * 196 bpm = 137.2 bpm

Therefore for an average 24 year old who wants to perform weight management they should keep their heart rate between 118 to 137 beats per minute (bpm rounded).

The final thing you must think about is how to measure your heart rate. If you are using a piece of fitness equipment sometimes they may have hand held pulse sensors or a heart rate chest strap included. Hand held pulse sensors are only around 80 percent accurate where a heart rate chest strap provides about 99 percent accuracy. This is very important as if you want to measure your heart rate accurately then you are going to need a chest strap to get you the best results possible. One of the best heart rate monitoring companies is Polar who make the heart rate watches you wear which use the chest strap to transmit your heart rate. You will need a portable watch if you decide to exercise without equipment that caters for your heart rate. Start measuring your heart rate today and getter better results instantly!

Michael Ward is the business owner of Australias leading fitness equipment store called If you visit you will find one of Australias largest fitness product range and all at the best prices money can buy. aims to provide fitness equipment for everybody no matter on their budget at hand. Not only do we provide equipment but also fitness advice as the team at all have long term experience in the fitness sector ranging from weightlifting, cardiovcascular training to the martial arts! Check out our prices and you wont be disappointed. For more information contact us at

Yoga International School


The History of Pilates

In order to understand the basics of pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where pilates came from. pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name.

pilates was designed by a man that had many health afflictions as a child. The boy wanted to overcome the hardships he faced. He hoped exercise would not only boost his morale, but also his bodys defense against his illnesses.

The year was 1880 when Joseph pilates was born. During his youthful years, he tried a number of things to try to strengthen his body. After several failed attempts to create the perfect program for his frail form he came up with the series of movements we now know as pilates. However, it wasnt until the 1920s that the movements pilates created were truly perfected.

One of the things that make pilates so great is that the movements and exercises you do seek to give you strength and flexibility, but not to build any serious amount of bulk to your frame. pilates is not about building muscle, it is about working with your body and not against it. You need to be able to take what you have been given and make that work for you before attempting anything else and that is the philosophy that pilates was founded on.

As you learn more about pilates you will find that it is designed for each persons body. Pilates will align your bones through a series of movements and this will allow your body to work with less strain thanks to the activity of exercise you are achieving.

pilates appeals to a number of people. It doesnt matter what type of person you are or what level of training your body is at. Pilates can help you improve your bodys natural functioning as well as help boost confidence and your mental well being.

The most wonderful thing you will discover about pilates is that you dont have to suffer through the movements to feel better. You are training your body with intelligent design and therefore you will not need to work twice as hard, as you may have to do with other work out programs.

pilates was set up to create balance within your body. This will help you to realign your bones and can also help to improve your posture. Another positive feature is the lean muscles that you will form thanks to your work outs.

pilates is excellent exercise for everyone no matter their shape or size. In fact, many videos and exercise clubs have created classes for people with disabilities, arthritis, general strength or weight loss issues, different strength issues, and even for pregnant or birthing mothers.

In the following articles we will explain how pilates can each help these people and what the different levels mean for people taking the classes and working on gaining strength. As you will come to see pilates is an easy and secure exercise for everyone and once you try it you will be thankful you did. with Shannon Beaty. All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this article. The copyright and this resource box must be included.

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