Monday, December 3, 2007 

How To Care For An Evergreen Tree

So, you're interested in evergreens, are you? It's a lovely tree that has a multitude of uses. This beautiful tree can add strength and muscle to any yard or plot of land. Of course, as with any eco-friendly forest-dwelling creation, a person must have the know-how, and understand how to offer proper care for an evergreen. Nutrients, timing, and a basic understanding of the evergreen will take you far in your relationship with evergreen trees. Read on to discover how gain that insightful green-thumb knowledge.

Your first step, when you are shopping around for the right evergreen, is to pay careful attention to the root structure. You can always spend time marveling over the top growth later. Remember, it's the unseen roots that form the foundation for any tree, a key link in its life support system. Healthy root structures lead to healthy, robust trees. It's that simple. So, if a grower doesn't have photos and detailed information on the root structure, it might be a good idea to keep shopping. The roots are vital to the health of all nursery stock.

The soil is where the tree lives. So this will be another primary consideration. If you take a drive through your neighborhood or the area you'll be transplanting your evergreens, make note of the various types of trees. If you see evergreens, then it's a safe bet, you're in a good location to farm evergreens, or just watch them grow. A good source for determining what evergreens look like is to check out a Tree Buyer's Guide. Your local library or Internet is resourceful tools to help you along the way.

Spring time is an ideal time to plant evergreens. Wait for the last frost of the season, when the weather is still cool. Rain, and lots of it, will benefit your tree, especially in the initial stages of growth. If you hit a dry spell where temperatures soar, the evergreen might suffer from "thermal shock." So be wary of the weather.

To plant your tree, dig with a spade shovel, a minimum of 12 inches to create a trench. Gently place the bottom of the roots into the soil with one hand while holding the evergreen in the other. It may be a two-person endeavor. Next, pour water, a quart or more, into the trench. Let the water drain down. Then push the trench closed with soil.

Spring is not the only time to plant an evergreen. There are, however, advantages and disadvantages to fall planting. Some people choose to plant in the Fall so that the roots will be set come Spring. Open ground freezes can harm young evergreens. If the weather shifts from warm to cold, this freeze/thaw cycle can dislodge the root structure. From the other hand, transplants are less prone to being dislodged if they've had time to set up in the soil.

Summer planting is not recommended. Many seedlings die due to "thermal shock" and lack of sufficient water supply during dry summers.

Don't forget to feed your evergreen. However, evergreens are fairly self-serving trees. They don't need much fertilizer, just lots of sunshine and rain. Over fertilization is more likely to cause harm than benefit. So stay away from fertilizer and let Mother Nature do her work.

If you follow these tips, you can feel rest-assured that you're on your way to planting healthy evergreens that will flourish for many years to come.

Avid full time hobby bonsai grower. As been practicing bonsai and gardening for more then 8 years. Owner of, a website with ressource for Bonsai seeds and bonsai care

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Exercise For Weight-Loss

To keep ourselves in good shape we indulge in sporadic exercise regimens and fancy diets. And when it doesn't work, we become depressed, and binge ourselves to a more round shape. The question is, can we control obesity effectively through diet and exercise?

Our body requires a minimum number of calories each day, called the basal metabolic rate, to maintain its vital functions such as breathing, maintaining the heartbeat, and keeping the brain working properly. It's all common sense -- to lose weight we must burn more calories than we consume. The goal in any weight loss program is to keep our metabolism elevated as people with a high metabolic rate burn more calories throughout the day compared to those with a low metabolic rate.

The successful strategy in the battle of the bulge is to make a winning combination of dieting and exercise. Dieting, whatever fancy label it carries - low-carb-high-fat or high-carb-low-fat - can only bring short-term results, but to retain the weight loss, exercise just cannot be done away with. The commercial dieting programs slash the calories drastically and slow down the metabolism (the body is put in a 'starvation mode') and cause muscle loss. Eventually, the weight loss stops and any increase in calories that follows rebounds vengefully with an immediate fat gain.

Unlike restricting diets, exercise aerobic and weight training - raises your metabolic rate and creates a caloric deficit without triggering the starvation response. Aerobic exercises raise your heart rate and increase the amount of oxygen that is delivered to your muscles. As your fitness level soars, you will notice that you can do more physical activity without becoming out of breath. To get the most out of aerobic exercise, start by doing a short warm-up, such as walking or riding a stationary bike, and stretch briefly. Then, do vigorous exercise for 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week or more. Vigorous-intensity activity is any exercise that provides 70% or more of your maximum heart rate.

You may have noticed that some bikes and treadmills at the gym have a setting that says fat burning zone, where the setting for intensity or speed is moderate. The reason for this is that the body burns a greater percentage of fat at a slow pace (or after about 90 minutes of exercise). How much fat is burned during exercise depends on the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver enough oxygen to the cells in sufficient time. Aerobic activity does not involve short spurts of energy. If you gasp for air, chances are you are probably working anaerobically, or without a sufficient oxygen supply to the muscles. Types of aerobic activity include walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling etc. The key factor to keep in mind is the more muscle groups you use, the more fat you'll burn.You can maintain a continued increase in metabolism even several hours after you stop People who exercise on a regular basis develop more fat burning enzymes than people who don't exercise at all. By doing just twenty minutes of fat burning exercises you get those fat burning enzymes working.

In contrast, anaerobic activity involves short spurts of energy. Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at high intensity for a short period of time. They help us to develop stronger muscles and improve the cardio respiratory system by increasing the maximum amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise. They also build up the endurance to withstand the buildup of waste substances such as lactic acid and increase the ability to remove them from the body.

When one is strength training it's possible to get smaller and heavier at the same time. Muscle is a much denser tissue than fat. Following this type of routine, its possible to gain about two kilos of muscle per week and lose about two kilos of fat per week. The end result is that the number on the scale might not move much at all, it may even go up. It's at this point that a lot of people will chuck the weight training because they don't understand the physiology of what's happening. The scale can be misleading at such times. Just keep going; you're actually doing great.

Uma Shankari is a Bangalore-based freelance journalist. She is passionate about writing. She writes regularly on development issues, health and fitness, yoga/meditation, life and relationships. Read some her articles on Here

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Bike Riding for Weight Loss - Tips for Beginning A Bicycling Plan

If you are one of those people who leisurely pedal around the block or over a flat stretch of scenic road, youve probably been riding for sheer pleasure. Riding bikes for pleasure is a good form of aerobic exercise. But unless you map out a plan to push yourself, you probably wont lose much weight.

I really get sick of hearing people say, No pain, no gain! But the old adage is true when it comes to riding bikes to lose weight. By pushing your cycling distance or speed, you are sure to feel some pain in your leg muscles, your hands, wrists, and your derriere-- even some pain in your throat and lungs as your body tries to accommodate your increased demand for oxygen.

HEALTH TIP: Stretching exercises prior to exercising are helpful in preventing injury!


Your first concern will be outfitting your bicycle. If you need an excuse to purchase a new bike, this is an excellent opportunity! I went from a 3-speed bicycle for leisure riding, to a 24-speed bicycle for more committed exercising. Once I learned how the different gears worked, I was very thankful for the extra speeds. They make my ride faster and the hills a lot easier to handle.

Weve found the guys at the bicycle shop to be very helpful, and concerned for our unique cycling needs. Rather than simply steering us toward the most expensive bicycle available (as I had expected), they asked how much riding we would be doing, whether we were trying for speed or leisure, and whether we would be riding on paved roads or dirt trails. When you honestly share your goals and level of experience, the sales clerks can match you with exactly what you need. They want you to be successful in your biking venture!

Some state laws require bicycle lights. But if you will be riding anytime from dusk to dawn, common sense demands that you have lights on your bicycle. These little accessories are battery-operated and last a long time. There are a variety of lights to choose from. My tail light has different blinking speeds, and is designed to make my bike visible to cars approaching from both the rear and the sides. Check for brightness before you buy one. Install the light where it makes the most sense.

We held off on buying a speedometer and odometer unit for our bikes, but once we got serious about losing weight and getting in shape, this feature became a must have. You simply cannot track your progress without knowing how far and how fast youre riding.

If you already have a bicycle, take it to the bike shop for a safety inspection each season. They should check the gears, tires and brakes to make sure everything is working properly. They can adjust your seat to fit your height and adjust the handlebars to fit your reach, making your ride more comfortable. If youre lucky, they might even clean and polish your bike!

If you want to save money in the long run, you can find books and videos that teach you how to care for your own bicycle. Its always a great idea to know how to change your own flat tire and adjust a loose chain.

Another must have is a bicycle pump. Ask your bike dealer how many pounds of air pressure to put in your bicycle tires. Check the tires each time you get ready to ride! We guessed at the air pressure one summer day, and lived to regret it. We rode the bikes to the swimming pool, not realizing that one tire was too full. While we were cooling off in the water, the hot sun was rapidly expanding the air in the tiresone tire blew as it sat in the parking lot. The day in the sun was not so fun, once the pool closed and we had to wait for a truck to haul us home!

HEALTH TIP: Talk with your doctor first, and get his or her blessing before you increase your rate of physical activity!


Sitting for long periods of time on a bicycle seat can cause pain, discomfort, and even serious blood circulation problems in avid bicyclists. At your local bike shop, youll find a variety of bicycle seats made specifically for your comfort and health. The salespeople at our local bike shop encouraged us to try out new seats on our bikes for a few days. My husband found the split seat to be more comfortable for himself, while I opted to keep my old gel seat. Someone has even invented seats that look more like a bird perch than a bicycle seat!

HEALTH TIP: Get off your bicycle seat and walk around every 25 minutes or so to get the blood flow to important unmentionable parts of your body.

Think about your dont have to have padded biker shorts and special clothing to start riding bikes. There are actually scientifically engineered fabrics designed to pull sweat away from your body in the summer and to keep you from getting hypothermia in the winter. But for now, just wear layers of comfortable sports clothes.

Make sure your clothes arent so tight that you are miserable trying to pedal. But they shouldnt be loose enough to become entangled in the bicycle chain, either! If you become overheated, strip off a layer. If you get cold, add a layer. Wear light or bright colors to allow drivers to see you easily.

It really helps to have a small cargo rack on the back of your bike. Mine looks like a little shelf over the back tire. It has two bungee cords to keep any cargo securely fastened to the bike. Ive used it to tote a small picnic cooler, a shopping bag or extra clothes.

I had the bike shop attach a water bottle holder to the bike under my seat. I can grab a quick swig as I ride or pour some water over my pulse points to cool off a bit. Take small sips of water when needed during your bike ride, rather than chugging huge gulps.

A helmet is almost a must. Life is filled with hazardsand biking has its share. Be smart. Wear a helmet. You can buy a cool rear-view mirror for your helmet. The mirror helps you see when its safe to turn and lets you observe traffic coming up from behind.

I recommend wearing sunglassesboth for the sun and for bugs! At certain times of the year, the air is thick with flying insects. Getting a tiny bug in your eye is a painful event. For contact wearers, carry a contact case and lens cleaner on bike rides for just that reason. Some day youll be glad you did!

HEALTH TIP: Shake your hands downward frequently to get the blood flowing and to prevent pain or numbness in your arms and hands.


You will want to keep a record of your daily diet and food intake, your weekly body measurements and weight, as well as your bicycling miles and time.

The web site is an excellent way to track your progress. It is very easy to usesimply type in your information you wish to track. As the only community fitness web site of its kind, youll find it to be a fantastic motivation tool that will print out charts and graphs to show how much progress youve made in a few days, a week, or a month!

It keeps track of your food, vitamin, and supplement intake. Thousands of foods have already been analyzed by experts for number of calories, fat, carbs, and protein. You simply select the foods you ate from a pull down feature, and the daily total is tallied for you. Make sure you dont exercise when youve just eaten, or when its almost meal time. Both times will slow you down.

No matter how humiliating it is, measure your arms, legs, chest, waist, neck, hips and thighs once a week. The software keeps track of your weight and body measurements. The thrill of seeing those same inches melt away in the coming weeks will be worth the effort. Its especially impressive seen as a graph!

Consider investing in an instrument that actually measures body fatthere are inexpensive pincer-type instruments that measure fat by pinching you, or buy a set of bathroom scales that cost more but calculate body fat quite painlessly.

Try to ride 4-6 days per week. When you map out your weight loss plan, your short-term goals will change as you change. Youll quickly develop stamina for longer distance. As fat turns to muscle, your speed will increase. Each week, try to increase either your mileage or your speed.

You know how far youve been able to ride, thus far. Start keeping track of the exact route you are taking, the total mileage, and the length of time it took you. Make notes in your records for special circumstances. Did it get dark outside so you were forced to cut your ride short? Did the road crews dump a layer of gravel on your normally paved road?

What was the weather like? Was it dangerously hot? Was it windy? The wind can be your friend or your enemy. When the wind is behind you, your ride is a breeze...but coming from any other direction, be prepared to huff and puff. Accept any length of time as a job well done and simply get the ride accomplished!

Finally, add an upper body workout three times per week. Bicycling works your legs, but to get the rest of your body firm and trim, youll need to exercise your upper body, as well. The web site, created by a certified personal fitness trainer, has excellent features which allow you to design and track this portion of your fitness program, as well.

Bicycle riding is a fun, inexpensive form of aerobic exerciseits good for every part of you. But be warnedyou will need to buy a whole new wardrobe for the thinner, more beautifully fit body that emerges!

Sharyl Calhoun

See our 9 Day Cleansing & Fat Burning Program page at

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Golf - How To Putt Well

As they say, drive for "show and putt for dough". Battles and bets are won on the putting green and today. I'll be sharing some good tips and succinct tips on how to putt well. You'll find immense results.

When I first started playing golf, putting was a mystery, I was puzzled by why it was hard to judge the distance the ball rolled. many putts later, it was evident that the ball sometimes hopped or it would skid on the ground before rolling toward the hole.

Therein lies the problem. If the ball should skid or hop, energy is loss through friction or the hopping motion. When that happens, it becomes difficult to be consistent and roll the ball the correct distance. We don't want any unusual movements in the ball that would cost the ball to fall short. And when we hit too hard to compensate for lost distance, the ball could roll past the hole and off the green.

I found that the setup is very important. Here's what we need to do.

-Keep the biceps tucked into the chest, and armpits closed.
-Bend the elbows so they form a triangle.
-Angle the right wrist such that is firm and cocked.
-swing the putter face perpendicularly back with good tempo then back and sweep through the ball.
-Be sure to keep the wrist angle firm, do not allow the right wrist to break down after hitting the ball.

this causes a brushing motion that will cause the ball to have just enough top spin without lifting the ball such that it hops and also prevent friction because of a skidding motion.

Join me on a golf journey at

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Do Organizations Serve Us Or Do We Serve Organizations

We have seen an erosion in the confidence that society has in organizational leadership and its integrity recently with the numerous accounting scandals that have become public.Clearly this has led to the demise of several large organizations. In performance terms it is obvious that erosion of leadership integrity is not good for business.

The integrity that exists within an organization either lives or dies with the mission statement and underlying values around which an organization functions. Often the mission and values focus on such things as organizational performance, customer service, quality products, profit goals etc. These are then used as guiding posts and navigational aids to lead and inform leaders and employees at all levels within the organization.

Effectively, individuals then have to "integrate" themselves within the organizational directive in order to survive there. The organizational mission becomes an overarching theme in the lives of these individuals whether or not it is truly aligned with their own values and purpose in life. Of course most individuals are not in the habit of considering their values or purpose in life so they are only too happy to adopt someone else's in order to stem the inner feelings of insecurity that arise from not having their own.

The organization then becomes a species in its own right and the individuals working within it have to alter their own values and purpose if they hope to remain a part of it. The problem arises however with the fact that organizational mission and values are often not aligned with basic human values. A clear example of this relates to the increasing number of hours that individuals find themselves working in a week and the increasing incidents of burnout related illness. Truly, I think anyone would say that this is not what he or she desires.

So the organization has become an entity that runs individuals lives rather than a means for individuals to achieve their purpose in life. They serve the organization not the other way around. But wait a minute here, isn't an organization a "human" construct meant to further our goals, desires and purpose in alignment with our basic human values? After all don't we want to do something in life that gives us joy, happiness, peace of mind, that helps us expand our creative potential in meaningful ways, that furthers the quality of our lives and the lives of others on this planet and that protects our environment? Have we therefore given up our power to an entity that doesn't represent us? Is it possible to restore our rightful place in this equation and return the organization back into an instrument (or perhaps more accurately a process) that serves human values and humanity in general?

If we come back to the issue of integrity it becomes clear that the integrity, that is the "survival", of the organization has become the imperative, not the integrity, that is the "wholeness", of the individual. Notice that I have used the concept of integrity in two different senses here. The individual loses her/his sense of wholeness by repressing his/her basic human core values, effectively "cutting off" important parts of themselves. This repression often occurs out of fear of not surviving and effectively is an unconscious way of "lying" to oneself about what is truly important to that individual. The behavior of lying to oneself is about being "dishonest" with ones' self or losing one's integrity or wholeness.

At this point one might ask, is trying to survive not a basic human value? Well I might say that if given a choice an individual would rather "live" than just try to "survive". Yet because the fear is so powerful most of us have even lost a sense of what it means to live. The idea of survival has a negative feeling attached to it for most people. Its a feeling of just getting by and for no other purpose. It begins to feel like a meaningless exercise. Living however feels more positively motivating and full of potential. It in fact encompasses most of the human values for joy, peace of mind, creativity, etc. that I mentioned earlier.

Now if you follow me so far I think you are beginning to see that the problem of integrity has something to do with how we as individuals have been conditioned to react out of fear throughout our lives. It is clear that there is a lot to be afraid of as we are growing up in an uncertain world. It is this accumulated fear that we carry around that ultimately undermines our integrity (sense of wholeness and sense of personal honesty) in the long run.

Coaching for Organizational Integrity is about restoring our sense of wholeness and sense of personal honesty. This will allow us then to have the awareness of what we truly desire for ourselves and possibly enhance our courage to pursue it. Its premise rests on the observation that our conditioned responses to life long trauma become associated with limiting negative beliefs about others our environment and ourselves. Below is a short example of an exercise that I have used with individuals in my coaching practice to help them go beyond internal limitations to a place of greater awareness and self determination


A sales executive selling water treatment equipment is under pressure to meet his sales quota for this month. The economy is in a slump and he knows he will be unduly pressured to explain why his performance is slipping. He generally likes his job and has felt that his mission in life has been to help improve the environment and offer customers a product that they will truly get health benefits from. But under recent pressure he has started to doubt his sales abilities and this has inhibited him from being his normal ebullient self. He has started to have fears of failing and worries that he might get fired if he doesn't meet his monthly quota.

Analysis of Situation:

There are a number of beliefs that this individual is unconsciously entertaining that need to be addressed:

1. His doubts about himself suggest that deep down he "doesn't believe that he is capable of succeeding". This is evident because if he knew with certainty that he could succeed doubt about this would never arise.

2. His fears of failing suggest that he " believes he could fail". This is evident because if he knew with certainty that he would never fail this thought would never arise.

3. The worry suggests he "believes the quality of his life would be made worse with failure to meet his quota".

Now from the standpoint of integrity the highlighted beliefs clearly are not doing him any good. They are causing him to turn against himself; they create anxiety, confusion, inhibition, and ultimately reduced performance. We therefore have an individual who is "disintegrating" not one who is "integrated" or "whole". So why would anyone accept these negative statements to be true?

Well over our lives we unconsciously learn to accept such negative beliefs about ourselves based on the failed experiences we have had. Rationalizations form around these negative beliefs and anchor them in our minds, whether we want them there or not. Let me illustrate:

1. The negative belief " I don't believe I can succeed" is held in our unconscious by the rationalization: " Well if I believe this then I will work harder and I will succeed".

In other words we unconsciously come to believe that this negative belief actually "helps us to succeed".

2. However when we look at the evidence the belief " I don't believe I can succeed" actually ushers in self-doubt, anxiety, fear, confusion, inhibition all of which ultimately lead to reduced performance and potential failure. There is no success in this picture.

3.The rationalization "Well if I believe this then I will work harder and I will succeed" is actually a "lie" we choose to accept as truth. By doing so it anchors the negative belief in our minds and makes us susceptible to its ravages.

It is possible to make individuals aware of their negative beliefs and the rationalizations that anchor them. Additionally through a simple exercise, known as the Mind Resonance Process, it is possible to permanently release this kind of unconscious material. This allows individuals to live with a greater sense of freedom in alignment with their own true values and desires. This freedom leads to enhanced motivation, joy, creativity and performance. The result is a more " integrated", "whole" individual. Such an individual is living, and working, from a place of power, creativity, joy, passion, etc. Clearly this is the kind of person any organization would value.

Some of the benefits to the organization are increased performance, increased productivity, and a greater creative resource in employees fostering continued innovation. As employees become integrated in this way they will more effectively help shape the organizational process in ways that will make it serve the real needs of others in its environment.

Copyright 2005, Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc., All Rights Reserved

Nick Arrizza MD, Presidient & Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc.,is an Organizational Psychiatrist, Executive, Life & Leadership Coach, Stress & Performance Researcher, Speaker and Workshop Leader. He has developed powerful tools known as the Mind Resonance Process which he uses in his practice to enhance individual and organizational performance. He can be contacted through his Web Site at:

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The Golf Backswing - A Simple Golf Drill To Check It

Often on the driving range I see golfers swinging and then stopping at the top of their backswing to see if the club is in the correct position or not. But this is a very hard and not very accurate way of telling if your top of the swing position is correct or not.

If in the past you've struggled to know if your golf backswing is correct or not then today I've got a great golf drill that will allow you to quickly and easily check it.

To do this golf drill you simply have to swing back to the top of it and stop and hold your backswing position for a couple of seconds.

Then from this position simply slowly loosen your grip and let the shaft fall down. And if the club hits you on the tip of your right shoulder that tells you that your golf swing is in a good position. But if the club misses your body altogether that indicates that it is too flat. And conversely if your club hits your head or neck that indicates that your swing is too upright.

Now if after doing this backswing exercise you find that your top of the position is not where it should be then please don't do this:

Do not try to manipulate what is happening near the top of your backswing to get the club in a good position, because you must understand that the golf swing is a chain reaction. Let me explain that some more by looking at what happens when you impact the golf ball.

The position you get into at impact is the result of the downswing position that you were in. The position you get into in the downswing is a result of how you transitioned from your back position to the downswing. The position you get into at the top of your backswing is simply the result of the position you were in half way into it. Where the club is half way into your backswing is simply the result of how you took the club away. And finally, the way you took the club away is largely a result of your setup.

So you see, you can't take one position in your golf swing and try and fix that because the positions that you got into before that determined the future positions. Instead what you need to do is systematically work on getting each phase of the swing the best it can be, working from the setup, take away and on from there. If you do that you'll naturally and automatically get into a great top of the swing position.

The professional golfer Nick Bayley has discovered from extensive analysis just one golf swing fault that could be stopping you from ball striking consistency and success. And now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. To take the The golf swing test go here now

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Lose Weight, Gain Back Your Life

Im going to share with you a simple but very life changing technique that will change the many years of overeating, emotional eating or yoyo diets. It has changed my life and the lives of all those who have undertaken my program.

In order to move forward you need to look back. Back on the things that keep reoccurring that stop you from breaking through those overeating barriers which are: Fanatical Dieting, Emotional Eating and Conditioning (see my article 3 reason why we fail at dieting.

For those who live in the 3 reasons why we fail at dieting mode, I am going to share with you for FREE a very simple technique to overcome it. It doesnt matter whether you believe in it or not. All you have to do is do it and you will start to have changes instantaneously.

Fanatical dieters

Scientific research shows 90% of people who attempt to lose weight FAIL and how do the 90% of people who fail feellike failures, but they keep dieting anyway thinking the next diet will be the one that works. Some success, then no success and although some weight may have been lost it all gets piled back on againmaking you feel once again like a failure.

Let me make one thing quite clear. You are not stupid, dumb or lazy. Losing weight has nothing to do with will power or lack of it. So get that information out of your head.

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is the second most proven reason for overeating, causing obesity in the world. Eating because of boredom, loneliness, being miserable, tired and a million and one other reasons none of which has anything to do with physical hunger.

Emotional eating is a nagging, get rid of the nagging and no more emotional eating.


Basically over a period of time of overeating you have conditioned your mind and body to be that way. No amount of dieting, will power, pills and shakes can change that.

The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to change the way you think about food and your relationship with it. Its about reprogramming our mind and body again.


Emotional Freedom Technique! Im not going to go into the how tos ,where fors or history of Emotional Freedom Technique. You can go to my website for that. Basically the precept of this technique is the cause of all negative emotion is a block in the bodys energy system. Get rid of the block and you nullify the emotion.

Once again to utilize this technique you only need DO IT! You dont have to believe in it that really doesnt matter but to get the full benefits of it you do need to DO IT!

Emotional Freedom Technique works by tapping on parts of the bodys energy meridian and speaking some affirmations. No pills, No shakes, No exercise equipment, No drugs, No side effects, No money passing handsjust the technique.


You will be using your pointer and middle fingers from either hand to do the tapping. At each meridian you will tap 7 times, give or take this method is very forgiving.

The Setup

The most important part of the technique is the setup. To do this we say an affirmation whilst tapping or rubbing a particular spot. For the purpose of this exercise I am going to show you the karate chop set up. If you have a look at your hand, palm facing you, look at the side of the hand from the top of the pinky finger down to the wrist. Just above the wrist is a flesh part where one would normally do a karate chophave you found it. If so this is the area you will tap using you pointer and middle fingers.

Okso now that we have all of that out of the way I want you to tap you karate spot for practice.

Basic Recipe - The Meridians

The meridians are as follow, try and find it on your body as I mention it. Practice a little so you become familiar with them.

1.Eye Brow this is the beginning of the eyebrow above the nose

2.Side of Eye this can be found the bone at the end of the eyebrow

3.Under Eye on the cheekbone under the eye

4.Under Nose- under the nose above the top lip

5.Chin the crevasse between the lower lip and the chin

6.Collar bone just under the collar bone

7.Armpit halfway down under the armpit

8.Thumb under the nail of the thumb

9.Pointer finger bottom side of the nail facing the thumb

10.Middle finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb

11.Little finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb

Repeat 1 to 7

The Affirmation Statements

Whilst tapping your karate spot you say an affirmation that is specific to you. Where there are blanks you fill in the reason. For the purpose of this exercise we are going to work on a particular food craving of yours. What I want you to do is go buy yourself what ever it is you craving, keeping in mind you may not want to eat it when you finish this exercise.

Before you start this exercise I want you to rate your desire to want what ever it is you have a craving for. I want you to smell it and savor the smell. I want you to have a small bite. Now on a scale from 0 10, 0 being no craving, 10 being crave it, write it down on a piece of paper for later reference.

The Statement

Whilst tapping your karate spot say the following affirmation as loud as you possibly can, if you cant say it out loud, say it loud in your mind. Repeat the affirmation and tapping 3 times.

Even though I have a craving for I deeply and completely accept myself Repeat 2 more times

Now follow the Basic Recipe, whilst tapping at each meridian say craving for .

Even though I still have a craving for I deeply and completely accept myself

When you finish rate yourself from 0 10 again and write it down. You should notice a shift in your desire to eat what ever it is you desire, even to the point it no longer taste the same to you. If you havent reached a 0, repeat this exercise again.

The Emotional Freedom Technique works equally well on the 3 reasons why we fail at dieting, this can be overcome using my highly successful Gain Back Your Life Lose Weight Program.

If you have any comments of how you went or need some assistance, go to my website for contact details.

Happy recovery because today you have started to gain back your life.

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre & Gain Back Your Life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET and Online Training and Support to the new and not so new netpreneurs. Gillian is also the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of the Multiple Ripple Effect System 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to

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Free T-Mobile Ringtones

T-mobile is a multinational mobile service provider with a large presence in europe and America. Its a subsidiary of the german company deutsche telecom. T-mobile stands for telecom. It has more than 120 million subscribers and is the third largest telecom company in the world. Naturally, it provides various features and services for its subscribers.

One of the most popular services is the T-mobile ringtone. now, being the official mobile carrier for the world Cup football 2006, many new ringtones are now available for T-mobile users. Most of the ringtones available for T-mobile users are free and also compatible with most of the handsets. With newer and better handsets coming on the market, T-mobile is always looking for newer and jazzier ringtones to be uploaded on their Web site so that the subscribers can download them.

Many times, the ringtone code numbers are sent to the subscribers via text messages. There are also ringtone offers that are part of the marketing for the latest events sponsored by T-mobile, as it has various sports teams participating in events worldwide. With the increasing popularity of T-mobile and the increasing number of subscribers, many freelance composers also compose lot of tones and make them available on various portals for free. This strategy is also used as an advertisement to promote other events, services or products. The most popular ringtones downloaded include latest hits, music videos, sports events, themes, and video ringtones. And with the growing number of subscribers and networks, the T-mobile ringtone market is growing faster than it ever expected. is a website that offers visitors the ability to find free ringtones and specific information on free t-mobile ringtones.

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