Monday, November 26, 2007 

Winsor Pilates - What Exactly Is It And Can I Do It At Home?

If you're much of a fitness buff, you're probably constantly alert for fun and challenging workout videos and products. pilates is a phenomenon that is catching the attention of many because of the results experienced by certain Hollywood stars. Many community colleges, adult education and recreation centers, and gyms are now beginning to offer pilates classes.

pilates is a non-aerobic system of floor exercises that strengthens and firms the body while it promotes flexibility and coordination. It was invented by health and fitness guru Joseph pilates in the early 20th century and became especially popular among professional dancers.

pilates works the abdominal and the back muscles, which are referred to as the "core" muscles of the body. The core plays an important role in nearly all fitness related activities, so a strong, but flexible core means less risk of injury and enhanced performance in other workouts. Unlike many forms of exercise however, pilates requires great concentration. Because proper form is so crucial to success, you're forced to pay special attention to how your body is moving. In this way, it is actually quite similar to yoga and there is a lot of crossover between people who practice both.

It is advantageous that pilates is great for all fitness levels, even for beginners. With the many videos that have been produced, you can even do pilates at home. When you first work out to winsor pilates tapes, you may be quite surprised at how challenging the seemingly-simple movements actually are. That is because pilates works muscle groups you probably aren't used to exercising. If you keep up your workouts however, you will adapt quickly. Don't assume that just because it is difficult the first time that it will be impossible. You will get much better with practice.

Working out to the winsor system can be a great way to get in shape. You get a 20 minute workout and the longer, more challenging 50 minute accelerated body scultping video. So, once you're proficient in the basic moves, you have an additional video to keep you challenged. The instruction is clear and friendly, and modified moves are demonstrated for those who have a weak back or neck.

It is convenient that the mari winsor pilates workout tapes do not require extra equipment. The exercises can be performed comfortably on a carpeted floor. If you have hard floors, you will want to get a mat.

One drawback to these tapes is that once you know how to do the exercises, the instruction can seem too wordy. You get a better workout if you don't take breaks in between the exercises, but Mari frequently pauses the workout to explain how to do the next move. One solution is to hit fast forward; another, is to write down the sequence of moves and do them without the video once you're familiar with the exercises and comfortably know what to do.

The bottom line is, the winsor pilates videos are effective, especially when combined with a healthy diet and aerobic exercise.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.

More of her research and articles can be found at and other sites around the internet.

Yoga Mats 1 4


Lose Weight With Stone-Age Wisdom

You may already know that America spends more than any other country on health care. Almost ten times more.

You may already know that we spend over $3 Billion a year on weight loss programs and products.

But it may surprise you to know that we rank 38th of the top 40 industrialized nations in overall health. Even though we spend the Most, we don't have the Best. Far from it:

We're fatter, sicker and weaker than just about every other modern country

Obesity and diabetes are being classified as epidemic

Radical procedures like Gastric bypass are becoming more popular

The ultimate irony: even though we spend over $3 billion a year on weight loss programs and products, we spend over $3 billion a year on junk food, too.

The pharmaceutical industry spends billions in research and treatment of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cancer...but we're still getting sicker and sicker.

Why? Because these aren't diseases that you "catch". Researchers call them the "diseases of Modern Civilization", because they're directly connected to the things we eat. To our modern, so-called Civilized diet. I call them diseases of 'Disconnection'. Because we're disconnected from Nature, disconnected from our Food, and disconnected from Ourselves.

Researchers, historians, nutritionists, scientists--anyone who's studied the natural history of these changes in human health (especially the recent changes)--all agree that the trouble started thousands of years ago with the Agricultural Revolution. That's when we started domesticating animals and plants for food, and using fire and tools to eat new foods that our bodies weren't designed to eat.

The next big shift was the Industrial Revolution, about 100 years ago. As people moved from the country into the cities, they couldn't grow their own food. So the people in the country had to grow food for everyone else. The new machinery made it easier to grow, harvest, process, preserve and transport all that food. Unfortunately, all that technology disconnected us even further from our Original diet, and made us sicker quicker.

Dr. Loren Cordain, Author of The Paleo Diet, did most of the pioneering research into the Stone Age eating patterns. He found that over 70% of the calories we eat today were not even available in the Stone Age. Our bodies haven't changed a whole lot since the Stone Age, but our food certainly has. Dr. Cordain calls it a "collision" between our ancient genes and our recently introduced foods. And our bodies can't handle it.

Now, 100 years may not seem like it's very recent, but compared to the thousands of years before, it's not really that long. And even in the past ten or twenty years things have changed dramatically, with more and more junk food, fake foods, food replacements. (My favorite: Pasteurized processed cheese food product.)

Whether you call it a Collision or a Disconnection, it's a mess. Our modern advances and technology have ultimately given us the Diseases of Modern Civilization: epidemics of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cancer.

Spending all that time, energy and money trying to "cure" these diseases isn't really helping (and I don't believe it will ever help). I believe the answer lies in re-connecting. Re-learning our natural, innate, pre-programmed eating habits--based on lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables--and feeding our bodies the way they were created/designed to eat.

No, you don't have to live in a cave or kill your own food. It's easy to eat in the Stone Age while you live in the Space Age--if you learn and apply the eating principles of our early ancestors. You'll be able to lose weight, feel great, and re-create your Ideal body from the Inside-Out.

Vince Campbell, D.C.
Madison, GA
Better Health, Better Energy and a Better Life
Tools for Eliminating High-Tech Stress

International Partner Yoga Healing Retreats


Learn How To Hit A Golf Ball With Effortless Power Using Correct Golf Swing Sequence!

Want to hit farther and straighter?

To achieve that, a correct golf swing sequence will give you the power and control to a golf game.

When you improve the basic fundamentals of a correct golf swing sequence, you will hit the ball farther and straighter with very little effort.

Although there are no quick fixes to having a correct golf swing, here are some basic tips to a correct golf swing sequence-

1) grip - A grip that is too strong or too weak will not give you a correct golf swing first up. A balance of the grip is needed every time you address the ball. As well ,the angle the club lies in your hand is critical.

2) Balanced Posture - A Key requirement of a correct golf swing, but importantly protects your back and aligns your body into a good position.

- Bend from the hips whilst keeping your back straight;
- Your feet shoulder width apart;
- Legs are flexed at a minimum;
- Hands and arm should hang directly below the shoulder.

3) ball position

4) Aim and Alignment - Club face must be set perpendicular to the target line

3) Pivot - How you move your body will determine the golf swing sequence; the back swing, the down swing, impact and post impact.

- At address, left arm is straight, right arm is slightly bent and elbows close together. With a proper grip, posture and pivot, your Hands and arms will start the back swing, and swing the club.

Your body turns in a controlled manner to assist this golf swing, promoting arm leverage which will allow a full swing of the left hand and arm.

At the top of the back swing, left arm should be extended as far as possible whilst the right elbow is bent in, pointing towards the ground. During this back swing, the right leg must remained flexed, which allows a full body turn for a correct golf swing.

As you can see, the back swing is crucial to an entire golf swing sequence!

- A correct golf down swing will start from the legs and hips, not your hands and arms. Hold your shoulders in the fully turned position as the left hand and arm begins to swing down.

- Shoulders must be squared at impact for a powerful swing into and along the intended line of flight. Your left arm should be straight, and right arm almost straight.

4) Post impact, follow through with your stroke to complete a golf swing.

5) Like any other sport, you should warm up before a game of golf by stretching the muscles for optimal performance, and hence allow a full correct golf swing for power.

6) Use golf specific exercises for added strength and flexibility to your body muscles. At times, a poor golf swing can be attributed to muscle fatigue. A Correct golf swing requires endurance and adaptability of the body muscle over a long session of golf. With added strength and endurance, you will be ensuring correct golf swing techniques.

Without question, the more focus on the smaller fundamentals of a correct golf swing sequence will result in effortless power, and the more strokes shaved off a golf game.

For more information on unleashing a golf ball on a consistent basis with an effective golf swing sequence, visit this golfing website that offers helpful tips, advice and resources for golf enthusiast looking to shave off their handcap.

Reviews Of The Crunch Yoga Video


Soccer Systems of Play, Team Formation and Positional Set up, 4-4-2


4, defenders are usually arranged as outside left, inside left, inside right and outside right.
The most recent idea is to have them lined up in a banana shape with the middle of the curve closest to the goalkeeper and the outside defenders, the points, slightly ahead but behind the midfielders.
As this is the shape of a banana the defenders can see one another usualy all the time.

Some considered the flat back option but this means much more communication from the capitain of the defense usually one of the insiders.
The general idea is to have the two defenders attend to the attack coming in from their side.

This means that the opposite outside tucks in a little to cover the center of the field covering the goal and any incoming additional attacking opponents.
When the team has possession the defenders would then play wide to stretch out the other teams attackers.
This is also known as playing it around the back.

Sometimes the defenders can be lined up in a diamond shape. This is to utilize the last player back as a "sweeper" who clears the ball up the field and out to the other defenders and mid fielders.
This player is in constant communication with the goalkeeper and relays the message to the other defenders. This is because the goalkeepers can see the complete field from their vantage point.

At times and in some cases too often this central defender will by-pass the midfield and play it up to the forwards. I say too often because this usually has the forwards out numbered by the opposing defenders.. However there are a few "power forwards" who could handle this situation, but most are unable too.

The defender at the top of the diamond is considered the "stopper" whose duty is to challenge any attack or attacking play. They usually play from side to side rather than up and down the field.
These defenders are involved in shutting down any play and play making.
These players really read the game well. They need to, or they would be doing all the running.


4, mid-fielders are usually arranged as outside left, inside left, inside right and outside right.
The outside players are called, wingers or flank players and are also involved in striking at the goal.
This would make this line up have a possibility of 4 strikers at any given time.
These wingers usually have the bulk of the running to do as they could carry the ball from the defending third and into the attacking third.
This also depends on the team strategy as outlined by the coaching staff.

The two inside midfielders are supposed to be the "play makers". These are the individuals who are responsible for carrying out the plans the coach and players have designed and used as the methods of attack and goal scoring.
These positions have traditionally played these roles. However nowadays the play making comes from anyone and sometimes all the players at any given time.
These inside players have also been more defensive in their general on field play.
This defensive idea is to stop the opposition from creating attacking options.


These are the main ggoooooooooooalll scoring machines. The ones who react to the ball quickly and are able to shoot from any place on the field.
To be effective they should work closely together as a team and pair. To this extent they are sometimes called "twin strikers".
They are also responsible for creating space by making the defenders mark them.
They make the defense leave their zonal resposibilities whereby taking them "out of the game".

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