Monday, December 10, 2007 

Reasons To Own A Boat

Reasons to own a boat:
There are many advantages to owning a boat. Relaxation, time spent with friends and family, and enjoying nature are only a few reasons why owning a boat is so wonderful. In my opinion, the best reason to own a boat is that it simply that it improves the quality of life. Once you board your boat and set off on the wide open water, your worries seem to fade away. It makes you feel like almost as thought you are in another world. Boating becomes a way of life for you and your family. Take advantage of all the benefits that boating has to offer.

Enjoying family and friends:
Running errands, bringing the kids to school, picking them up from practice and working long hours are all part of a normal week for most people. You need some recovery time from all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. this also brings your family together for shared quality time. this is also a great opportunity to teach your kids something new, whether it is fishing, boating lingo, or exploring nature. Pull them out from in front of the video games and get them out there to enjoy the great outdoors. There are numerous activities that your family can enjoy on a boat. The kids as well as yourself can enjoy tubing, skiing, fishing, swimming or just cruising along on the calm waters. You will enjoy each others company, laugh, talk, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Endless waters:
When you are on your boat, there is always somewhere new to go. With 2/3 of the planet covered with water, there is bound to be a river, lake, bay, or ocean that you havent explored. If you think that you dont live in an area where you will use a boat often enough, think again. Most people live within an hour of a navigable body of water. So look up your local marina, and find out where the closest body of water is to you. If it is a small river, see where it leads to. If may be a 20 minute boat ride to a lake you have never been to.

fun and stress relieving:
After working you tail off all week long, you deserve some recreational leisure time. Boating has proven to relieve stress and tension. When you are floating away from the shore, it feels as if you are floating away from your worries and troubles. They are not welcome out on the peaceful water. With endless activities and opportunities that boating has to offer, it can be so much fun. Once you decide what you will be using your new boat for, choose the type of boat that is right for you.

affordable recreation:
Many people think that to be a boat owner you need to be raking in the big bucks. That isnt true. You can finance a boat for around $200 a month. You can save that if you give up going out to dinner a few times a month. Owning a boat can be affordable if you budget your money. There are many money saving tips for boat owners. In the long run, owning a boat will save you money. Think of how much you spend on family vacations. If you own a boat, you can go anywhere that the water will take you. If you have a cabin and bathroom facilities, a weekend trip to somewhere new is always exciting for the family. Now you dont have to pay for a hotel, and you can bring your own food.

Now that you have decided that you cant go another summer without a boat, visit to search for your new boat. It wont be long before you are watching the sun set over the lake that you and your family just spent the day on.

Kristy Bateman is the writer for Earl's Blog on These articles are unique and helpful to anyone interested in learning about boating and or fishing. Please visit to view a variety of unique articles from Kristy. is The Simplest Solution to Buying and Selling 'Ur' Boat.

Free Picture Of Yoga Positions


Yoga Basics For Beginners

Humans are powerful. Have you ever kept yourself awake at night worrying about someone or something? Most of us make ourselves miserable simply by remembering a difficult moment! When we're exhausted from negative thinking, it's difficult for us to see the beauty that is always here and never leaves us. Here's an effective exercise that when practiced regularly will create inner peace. When you observe yourself thinking in a way that is not kind and loving, try the following and I guarantee that your quality of life will improve:

1.Change what youre looking at look at something beautiful like a flower, mountain, tree, picture of a baby or anything else that makes you smile.
2.Change your breath breathe consciously and then deeply into your belly.
3.Change your posture lengthen your spine and then create space between your ribcage and your pelvis. Make sure that your shoulders dont creep up to your ears!

The majority of us were educated in math, English and science; not in how to create balance in our lives. yoga teaches us to soften, breathe and relax no matter what twisted pose we get into. When taken off the mat and into everyday life, we learn to relax and breathe instead of tense up when life gets a little bumpy. For example, you can learn to release your jaw and breathe deeply instead of tense up and gag when youre at the dentist.

yoga trains us to see the world from a different vantage point. After enough practice, frustrations like a broken down car can become opportunities to slow down and appreciate what is working. When you surrender into the moment, life feels a little bit better. Moment by moment you create balance.

yoga simply means yoke or union. Most of the yoga currently taught in the West is a physical form called hatha. Translated literally from 5000 year old Sanskrit, this means sun and moon. There are probably as many forms of yoga in the US as there are different ethnic cuisines. The various forms of yoga address a wide spectrum of constantly changing needs. Some forms of yoga have the heat up over 100 degrees and others are under 70 degrees. Each instructor has a different interpretation of the form she or he teaches. Some western teachers fuse different forms of yoga to create their own, such as Anusara and Forrest. There is a form of yoga for everyone. Finding the proper class is the first step in using yoga to create the life you dream about.

A dedicated yoga practice will transform your life because it will create unifying bonds between your body, mind and spirit. As we become whole within ourselves we are able to be unified and healthfully connected to the people, animals and environment that surround us. Our society teaches us to look for gratification outside of ourselves. yoga helps us to connect with the limitless bliss that really does live within each of us. As you become aware of the connection between your body, mind and spirit you can create the life you have only fantasized about.

Here are some tips for finding the right hatha yoga class and being happy once youre there:
1.Do your research: read about the class and instructor prior to attending.
Is the class an appropriate level for you? Most teachers dont advise beginners to attend advanced classes. Even if youre in great shape, its important to start yoga at the beginning.unless youre a reincarnated yogi with a super great memory.
Ask the instructor or employees at the studio any questions that will help you feel more comfortable.
2.Do not eat for about 2 hours prior to practiceunless youre pregnant.
3.Arrive to class free from perfumes and colognes.
4.Tell the teacher about any physical issues or limitations before class.
5.Rest any time. Its actually cool to rest in yoga. Listen to your body and allow the breath to guide your movement.
6.Do not compare yourself to others in the class.
7.HAVE FUN. Some people take yoga so seriously that they forget to smile, laugh and play. If you fall out of a pose or do something that seems a little clutzy observe your reaction. Laughing with yourself is a great tool!

Anne Laderman Swartz is a mom and certified yoga instructor in Olympia, Washington. She has taught yoga in California, Arizona and New Zealand. Anne has studied with many master teachers and is especially grateful for her time with Ana Forrest, Saul David Raye and Gurmukh. Her classes are a blend of that experience, combining Vinyasa flow, Anusara, and Forrest yoga to create a well balanced, heart opening, ecstatic practice. Annes knowledge of thai yoga massage therapy is frequently used throughout the class to guide students into complete relaxation. Anne is a teacher committed to yoga as a way of life. She unselfishly gives, sharing her boundless energy with all who meet her. For a schedule of classes or more information, email Anne at

Pilates Yoga Studio


Liquid Diets

liquid diets are usually a temporary form of diet advised before a surgery takes place. The liquid diets fall in to two categories. One is a low calorie liquid diet and the other a meal replacement liquid diet.

The low calorie liquid diet is practiced under strict medical supervision only. This diet provides on an average about five hundred to eight hundred calories a day. This is normally a short-term diet plan, mostly recommended to those who have serious obesity problems and need to lose a lot of weight in a short span of time.

The meal replacement liquid diet replaces one or two whole meals with liquids. This type of liquid diet is offered to many people as an effective tool to reduce weight.

A liquid diet consists of fresh fruit juices or shakes. They are prepared keeping in mind nutritiously, along with sweeteners, sugar, skimmed milk and a good quantity of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Certain liquid diets also permit the consumption of solid or real food intake in proportional sizes.

There could also be certain disadvantages an individual encounters while on a liquid diet. The person may get very little fiber, and the important antioxidants present in whole fruits and grains may be left out. This will lead to having a low resistance to disease. Moreover, a liquid diet should be under medical supervision only. The weight lost during the intake of a liquid diet is rarely maintained, as such diets do not teach us to eat right long term. An individual should realize, that although liquid diet works, it is not recommended for everyone.

Diets provides detailed information on diet, diet pills, diet programs, diet plans and more. Diets is affiliated with Herbal Diet Products.

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