Thursday, November 22, 2007 

What Exactly Is MP4?

You know most of the time you find yourself downloading all kinds of stuff, including mp4s, mp3s and the like, but what about the technical end of it. What is MP4?

Mp4s or rather the term mpeg-4 was developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It is a format specific for multimedia, the most common uses are for digital audio and video, and it is a certain type of container that holds all this information. It can contain other data as well such as subtitles and still images. You should also note that mpeg-4 is identical to QuickTime MOV format. In fact any kind of data can be inserted into MP4.

MP4 is getting more and more popular. In fact, it is now very popular to people who use the latest iPod players and PSP owners. This type of file compression is now providing a way to store dvd quality movies at a very small size. This type of file compression is known as the MPEG4 format.

Because most users may get confused at the initial concept of what MP4 is, it is what is in the MP4 that is even more confusing since the extension has been used primarily for music tunes and not movies. Therefore, what is stored in an MP4 is more than you can imagine for the most part. In addition, those other extensions have been used for MP4s, (which is audio from an iTunes store), to m4a (which includes such things as chapter markers, images, and hyperlinks). In addition, of course m4b (which has the ability to work with IPODs, where m4a files cannot. So most of the time when you find a file with the extension of mp4 or m4v, then they have both the audio and video aspects.

Let us not forget of course that they can contain codecs as well. Therefore, as you can see there is much to learn about what MP4 is, so let's summarize;

MP4 Can include and contain audio, video and also still images (like pictures), and all kinds of other data, making it a diverse file to use.

MP4 can contain other types of competing technology e.g. ogg, vob, ratdvd, divx media format, Matroska (mkv) and others to name a few.

In addition, how about some of the compatible hardware or software that mp4s can work with? Such as in software: Amarok, Banshee music player, 3ivx, foobar2000, GOM player, iTunes, media player classic, QuickTime player, Realplayer, VLC media player, and so forth, as for hardware: Kiss 1600, apple iPod, PSP (playstation portable), Playstation 3, xbox 360, Nokia.

Therefore, to answer the question what MP4 is, well, it is technology at its best!

Indeed, the MP4 technology can now make entertainment much more convenient than ever before. So, next time you think of downloading your favorite movies to your computer to transfer to your portable multimedia device, try thinking of MP4. just make sure that your multimedia devices are capable of reading the MP4 format.

Sandra Stammberger owns and operates MP4

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Microsoft Xbox 360 UK Launch

OK, so microsoft are releasing their great White hope of the gaming world, the xbox 360 , onto the UK population on 2.12.05. This is only a couple of weeks after our cousins from across the pond get their gaming mitts on the US xbox 360 . In fact, microsoft are planning a near simultaneous global release of the xbox 360. around the world in under 3 weeks is the kind of form that makes our own Phileas Fogg look positively bone idle.

No one has tried this before, and with good reason. The logistics of trying to launch an eagerly anticipated product as the xbox 360 to a global market in pretty much the same time frame is daunting to say the least. What it should guarantee at the very least, is that anyone out there with a spare boeing 747 freight plane can expect to be fully booked up for those 3 weeks. What it means to us, the consumer, is less appealing. Demand is almost certainly to outstrip supply, which means festive season discounts are going to be rarer then hens teeth, and that the best way not to be disappointed is to pre-order the xbox 360. Most of the large retailers are taking orders already and there are scores of websites, like , that are promoting xbox 360 sales as affiliates of the larger retailers. microsoft themselves are admitting there is going to be tears for some,"We are going to have some disappointment with retailers and consumers" J Allard, xbox .

Whilst Im not trying to sex up the probability of shortages of the xbox 360, if you want to be one of the first to own this new generation gaming system, and you havent already pre-ordered, then youd better hurry.

Robin Walsh is the webmaster of

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What's Old is New Again as Comcast Passes Vonage

It appears a transition that has been building for a long time has reached fruition: vonage, a pioneer of voip services, is no longer number one. This isn't much of a surprise, but it certainly marks an important corporate milestone.

vonage has been on the critical list since it lost a patent infringement suit to verizon. A recent NewsFactor story said that it signed only 57,000 customers during the second quarter, bringing its total to 2.45 million. comcast, the new leader, added 671,000 customers and now serves more than 3 million people.

That milestone - coupled with the sudden flame out of SunRocket - appears to cement the longstanding shift to cable players and traditional telcos' voip offerings. These companies simply outdistance the stand-alones in every category, not the least of which is the ability to bundle voice, video and data services.

This is big business. cable operators, who recently were told by the Federal communications Commission (FCC) that they must contribute some of their voip fees for the bureau's budget, are angling to bypass the public switched telephone network (PSTN) entirely via peering arrangements. The industry also is set to go after businesses and wring even more money out of consumer wallets and small business budgets with a growing array of emerging standards. What is crystal clear is that this is an industry with the background and infrastructure to do more than standalone voip operations.

There is a bit of melancholy in this, though. voip, just a few short years ago, looked like a grass roots movement that would operate in a less corporate way than the traditional phone industry. As Robert Poe points out in a recent commentary at voip news, that was fated not to be. Ask people which corporate entity they would least like to see wrest supremacy from the legacy phone industry, many would say the cable industry. Says Poe:

[Cable operators'] fondest dream was not to overturn the status quo, but rather to become its new owners. Their strategy was to essentially replicate traditional telephone service features and prices, undercutting the incumbents just enough to gain market share, but no more.
Poe seems saddened that there appears to be no more than a marginal place on the corporate landscape for companies without big infrastructure and big backing. While independent companies remain, the reality is that voip has been transformed or, in many ways, restored to an earlier era. Said Poe:
"Cable companies' emergence as the largest and fastest-growing voip providers is the final proof that the revolution is dead."

The Federal communications Commission ruled that cable companies will have to hand over a portion of their voip revenues to the government agency to help fund its annual budget. Read more about this at IT business edge:

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Right Way Of Nutrition To Lose Excess Weight

I think those who visit this site already seriously think about their health and want to change their appearance for the better. And you understand already that it highly depends from your way of nutrition.

Simple limitation of foodstuffs you like will not help for a long time. Nobody can follow this diet long enough. After some time you become tired from all dietetic foodstuffs. You will want something not dietetic but tasty. You will not want to look at apples, curd, boiled meat. And here you may break your weight loss program for day, two days and even for several weeks.

May be the right thing to do is mono diet? This is kind of diet that is based on one foodstuff. For example on Monday you eat only apples, on Tuesday only kefir/yoghurt, on Wednesday only curd and so on. I think you will be tired from that kind of diet even sooner than if you would follow the low-calorie or low-carb diets. In case of mono diet it is harder to resist natural organism reaction to get something tasty.

Real-world example: Kefir/yoghurt is the foodstuff you like! You think if you like it there will be no problem to have three days of mono diet based on kefir/yoghurt. First day was gone almost easy. Next day you think that kefir is not as tasty as it was. You think that sausage would be much better. In the evening you feel yourself unhappy. You see sweet-shop in your night dreams. In the morning you make rush to the fridge. The mono diet is ended.

So, why we break weight loss program in one ill-fated moment. Why hunger overcomes us?

Sometimes it occurs when stomach is not really empty after some lunch or dinner. Then why?

The answer is in this case you feel hunger as a result of changing sugar level in your blood.

How strange is it! - you may think. But I did not have sugar even in my tea. I ate only two small sweets!

As a matter of facts not sugar but glucose level raises in blood that provokes hunger feelings. We get it eating some foodstuffs reach with carbohydrates. Even a small sweet may provoke strong hunger feeling.

Conclusion: Not to feel strong hunger you must limit carbohydrates consumption. You must not refuse from them completely cause they are in many fruits and vegetables reach with vitamins and cellulose we need. You must limit only high-carb foodstuffs such as sugar, flour, potatoes.

Wonderful! All problems solved! You have next day nice soup from cauliflower. But to the end of the day you feel that you need something. At least small peace of bread. The second day you do not want cauliflower at all and feel yourself flat-out.

Conclusion: Simply to limit carbohydrates is not the way. Not to feel yourself flat-out you need protein. We move, our muscles work and need protein!

Well! We get chicken broth with cauliflower and not fat yoghurt. But hunger feeling remains!

What is the reason? The problem is that without sufficient supply of carbohydrates and fats protein can transform in glucose too! That is the reason of hunger!

What to do then?

Did you notice that small piece of ham can satisfy our hunger for a long time? From the other hand ham contains fat. How to grow thin with fat?

And here is the point. Fat can not transform into excess weight. Fat can not transform in glucose that can add you excess weight.

But why? Look here. During digestion fat dissociates on fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies are the second resource of energy for us after glucose. Ketone bodies supply our hair, skin and nails with vitamins. You must know that excess glucose transforms in excess weight but excess ketone bodies never can do that. Excess ketone bodies simply go out from your organism.

Conclusion: Fats MUST be in our nutrition. We need them to look good. To digest a peace of pork you must spend many calories. So calories you received with this peace of pork will burn themselves.

And what we must limit without doubts is carbohydrates. Peace of ham will not make any harm to our weight loss process. But if you eat after that a piece of cake or a pastry it is another story. Excess carbohydrates will slow down splitting of fats and fats will be deposited in blood vessels. Do you need it? I do not think so.

Be healthy,


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nataly Orlova is a recognized authority on the subject of overweight and obesity problems. Her articles published in provides a wealth of information on everything you'll ever need to know about overweight, obesity and other health problems. Food/points table can be found here

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The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises

Many people mistakenly believe that all vigorous forms of exercise are aerobic in nature. However, some forms of vigorous exercise are actually anaerobic, and have a very different effect on the body. If youre just getting started on an exercise regimen, this information will help you sort out the difference between the two and tailor your workouts accordingly.

So exactly what is the definition of aerobic exercise? Aerobic means with oxygen, where anaerobic is without oxygen. No, that doesnt entail holding your breath while exercising! Rather, it refers to cellular tissues producing energy without having to rely on oxygen availability. Alternatively, you may have guessed that aerobic exercise requires large supplies of oxygen to generate energy. The fundamental difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises is that simple.

A more detailed definition is that during aerobic exercise, activity is so sustained that it requires large amounts of oxygen. The muscles utilize oxygen to burn fat and glucose to manufacture adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the basic energy vehicle for all cells in the body. During the initial stages of aerobic exercise, glycogen is transformed into glucose. If glucose stores become depleted, fat is metabolized as fuel. Its interesting to note that runners high occurs when muscles have exhausted their immediate glycogen stores and begin relying only on oxygen, which releases endorphins in the brain.

During anaerobic exercise, the muscles being used rely on energy-producing processes that dont require large amounts of oxygen. Instead, the body metabolizes muscle glycogen to produce power. Glycogen is supplied by blood sugar, which is manufactured by the liver from dietary amino acids and carbohydrates--whole grain, of course! Anaerobic exercise is so fast and brief that it doesn't have time to rely on oxygen, so glycogen is used.

Some people mistakenly believe that aerobic exercise makes you small and weak. However, it actually tones muscle throughout your body and burns fat. This will make you look good in your bathing suit--not to mention your birthday suit! The effects that aerobic activity has on your body are not merely cosmetic - there are numerous health bonuses, such as:

Improved circulation and lower blood pressure
Increased lung capacity through stronger respiratory muscles
A stronger heart, which boosts pumping efficiency and lowers the resting heart rate
Increased red blood cell count, which transports oxygen more efficiently throughout the entire body
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

The effects that anaerobic exercise has on your body involves being able to deliver powerful performance on demand. That comes in handy when sprinting to the finish line, or making a break to score after stealing the ball. Muscles that are anaerobically trained develop differently, which boosts their performance in brief, high-intensity situations. Benefits include:

Stronger bones
Reduced muscle atrophy with age
Increased speed and power
Increased muscle strength and mass

Its important to understand the different types of exercises that produce an aerobic vs. anaerobic effect. Anaerobic benefits are produced by brief, high-intensity activities, while in the aerobic zone, effort is moderate with a steady heart rate.

Specific types of anaerobic exercise include tennis, weight lifting, sprinting and jumping. If youd prefer not to frequent a gym, weight lifting can be performed in the comfort of your own home. A few dumb-bells, a weight bench and medicine ball are all you need.

Some good aerobic exercises are walking, running, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing and rowing. Fortunately, you can do aerobic exercises at home: riding an exercise bike, walking on a treadmill, or following an exercise video - the choices are virtually endless. This is particularly helpful if its rainy or drastically cold outdoors. Also, depending on where you live, going snow-shoeing, hiking or kayaking is possible without ever having to step foot in the car!

Combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is essential to maintaining overall balanced fitness. While most associate getting into shape with aerobic activities, anaerobic exercise is a beneficial complement to aerobic exercise. For example, weight lifting is a great way to add even more tone and definition beyond what aerobic training provides.

Be sure to check with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen. Also, its very important to begin any exercise program slowly. Many people overdo it and lose motivation or worse yet, sustain injury. You may experience a little soreness the day after working out in the beginning; but if you are so sore that you can only work out one or two times per week it is counter-productive. Make exercise a healthy habit by doing a little every day; you can increase the intensity as you build endurance and strength over time.

Of course, a daily exercise routine is just one factor in the equation for optimum health. You should also enjoy a nutritious and delicious diet, get eight hours of sleep every night, say no habits such as smoking and excessive drinking, and make sure you get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to look and feel its best.

Want to learn more about the role of Joint Support and the Best Bodybuilding supplements as part of fitness program? Visit us at Natural Fit Supplements

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Makes it Simple - What is HDTV?

If you love visual entertainment on the cutting edge, HDTV or high Definition Tele-vision gives you a preview of the future; images and sound that is so real it takes you into the experience. high-definition television takes digital television or DTV to the next level. Or least that is what we have been promised. When the first HDTV announcement was made in 1998, high-tech fans along with movie buffs anxiously awaited its release. but several years have passed since the introduction of this technology for many people it has failed to live up to their expectations.

Part of the problem is that HDTV, analog and digital terms have a lot of people confused. As the united States broadcasters move closer to the date where their signals must be converted from analog to digital in 2009, consumers should be aware that purchasing an analog television should include DTV or digital television signal capability so that they can continue to receive television programming.

As united States broadcasters work through the conversion period from analog to digital television, the signal transmits the information for the video and sound in binary code instead of a wave; using the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, the same as analog TV signals. digital television or DTV provides the viewer with several advantages:

Smaller sized televisions receive pictures and sound with better quality

Larger television screens benefit from digital signals ability to deliver higher resolution

television stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth

Interactive content or additional information can be broadcast along with the DTV signal

digital TV supports high-definition television broadcasting

When the conversion from analog to digital broadcasting is completed, without a DTV decoder in your analog television set you will need cable or satellite service to be able to watch television programming. HDTV is just one part of the digital conversion from analog broadcasting.

but to fully experience HDTV you will need more than just your television; the broadcaster must use a high-definition signal and beside the HDTV set, you will need a receiver and an antenna to receive the signal. DTV uses mpeg-2 encoding, the industry standard for DVDs. As you begin to shop for a high-definition television set you will have several options:

An HDTV ready set which is also called an HDTV monitor. This type of set will not have an HDTV tuner instead they use an NTSC tuner so that you can continue receiving analog television programming.

An integrated HDTV which includes a digital tuner (also known as an ATS tuner) built in to the set itself. You will be able to watch high-definition television broadcasting by attaching an antenna to the set.

HDTV sets have either one or two native resolutions in order to scale the signal to match its resolution capability. It is good idea to consider what type of programming you watch most to select the best native resolution; movie fans should look for television sets with the highest resolution display while sports action fans should choose the highest progression frame rate. HDTV is simply the highest level of digital television available; as more broadcasters convert from analog to digital television, having the right equipment is what will make the difference in your television viewing experience.

HDTV is the new age of television, more and more people discover the advantages of high definition TV, get more info at

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Personalize Your Golf Balls

Every year, for a special family member, we try to find a special gift that represents our appreciation and that is something they will find useful. If that person plays golf you may have already purchased that special golf sweater, shoes or golf cap. Something that fits the bill, something they will use,something that they will show off proudly.

Personalized golf balls may just be the ticket. The golfer's name, motivational sayings, a company's logo, or other individualized messaging can be inscribed, you decide how to make them unique for your special golfer.

Golfer's Name

You can't go wrong when you give personalized golf balls to your golf fanatic! The smile that they get when they see what you have done to make this gift of golf balls personal for them is priceless.

Not only can you have initials graphically imprinted on personalized golf balls, but this can also be done in various ways. For an example you can choose the style of lettering to be used or the color that you prefer.You could even add a monogram if you like.

Sayings that Motivate

To make great progress in any endeavor,success in that endeavor starts with a positive thought.This motivation can be accomplished by repeating positive affirmations in ones mind to be successful. Positive affirmations that could possibly influence ones game could be "drive for success" or "putt with purpose."

These personalized golf balls not only make great gifts, but can be used to inspire the golfer.

company logo

A company's logo, slogan and other pertinent information can be displayed on personalized golf balls. This information could include the company's address and phone number.

These personalized golf balls, offered by companies or corporations could be an excellent way of advertising the company's product. In addition, these personalized golf balls could be excellent gifts that could be given to customers or prospective customers. This type of marketing will bring to the individual's mind your company when they are in need of your service.

One More Idea

Another useful idea of personalized golf balls is for example special events.Having a wedding photo portrayed on a golf ball.Rather than use this golf ball out on the course it can be displayed on an individual's desk or other place of prominence.

One other special event that could be captured on a personalized golf ball could be a baby's photograph. This event could be reflected through the use of an actual photograph of a pair of baby booties.

Considering purchasing a training aid to help your game! see what golf enthusiast and writer Bob Green says in an article titled golf swing training aids and golf lessons This and other unique content golf articles are available with free reprint rights.

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