Sunday, December 16, 2007 

11 Key Steps to Developing an Effective Advertising Plan- from a South African Perspective

Once you have defined the target market, you can begin to design an advertising message and choose the media to transmit it. The advertisement should be built around a unique selling position, a key consumer benefit of the product or service. Generally a good advertisement should attract attention, develop interest, describe the product or service, convince the reader and get action. You can increase your adverts impact by applying the following 11 principles.

1. Design the message to reflect the image of the firm.

2. plan the advert in advance to ensure a consistent appearance and message, the same borders, print styles and colours help customers recognise the company advert at a glance.

3. Use attention-getting techniques, value packed words and testimonials from customers.

4. Translate the products or services attributes into a specific consumer benefit, saving money or performing distasteful tasks etc.

5. Layout should be simple, the design should not detract from the message.

6. message should be short, direct and built around a single idea.

7. Choose colours carefully.

8. Headline should grab the reader, 80% of customers don't read beyond the headline.

9. Use illustrations that complement the product or service, photographs or drawings of the product or service often attract more attention than words do.

10. Identify the company clearly, the company name, logo, address, telephone number etc.

11. Include the price, this is one of the most important considerations for many customers.

Andrew Smit

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Is Troy Aikman a Hall of Famer?

For the first time since 2001, a full compliment of six players was elected into the pro Football hall of fame. I'm 45 and was able to see and remember each during his career. In my opinion, four selections are solid (Reggie White, Warren Moon, John Madden, Rayfield Wright), one leaves me ambivalent (Harry Carson), and then there's Troy Aikman.

Reggie White was the most dominant defensive lineman of his era and retired with most sacks (198) in nfl history at the time. The "Minister of Defense" started in the USFL but in his 15 year nfl career went to 13 pro bowls. No Brainer.

Madden and Wright were senior-committee selections and both have merit. Madden has the highest winning percentage (.759) of ANY coach with 100 wins and won a super Bowl, probably long overdue. Rayfield Wright was considered the "linchpin" of the offensive line for the great Cowboy teams of the 70's - no problem there.

Warren Moon's nfl numbers are staggering. His CFL/NFL numbers are mindboggling! In 23 years of organized football, Warren Moon threw for 72,184 yards and 457 touchdowns, 51.061 and 313 in the nfl. By comparison, dan Marino finished with 61,361 and 420. The hall didn't hold Moon's vagabond final years and lack of super Bowl ring against him.

Harry Carson in my eyes was one of the parts of the sum in that great "Wrecking Crew" defense of the Giants Parcell's Giant era. Lawrence Taylor deservedly got all the pub but lets not forget that Brian Kelly and Brad van Pelt were both excellent linebackers and jim Burt and Leonard Marshall vastly underrated defensive linemen. Nitschke, Butkus, Lambert, Carson ???

Troy Aikman's career stats: 61.5%, 32,942 yards, 165 TDs, 145 Ints, QB rating of 81.6

There have been six other quarterbacks inducted into the hall of Fame since 2000 (Montana, Kelly, Elway. Marino, young, and Moon), and everyone's number other than Steve Young's dwarf Troy Aikman's. So lets start with Steve Young.

Steve Young is another I would consider good but not great yet compared to Aikman, young is first ballot. Despite spending half his career in the USFL, Tampa bay, hurt, or sitting behind Montana, young still threw for slight more yardage and 67 more touchdowns than Aikman. young could also hurt you with his legs rushing for 4238 yards at 5.9 yards per carry with an additional 33 touchdowns.

Of the seven, Aikman's completion percentage is lower than all but Kelly (60.1%) and Moon (NFL number 58.4%). Aikman's 165 touchdowns pales in comparison to everyone else's 237+. The others all threw for 40,000 plus yards and only Moon (80.1) and Elway (79.9) had lower quarterback ratings.

Call me old school but I think the hall of Fame should be reserved for the truly greats of the game. I realize that HOF criteria is not strictly numbers based and involves many intangibles including leadership and winning but Troy Aikman was clearly not great. This is an argument generally reserved for baseball but applicable here.

Let's look at some players that are coming up soon, just retired or will retire soon. most I consider good but not great. Perhaps the closest analogy to Aikman is Scotty Pippin, decent numbers, 6 championships, Does he deserve to get in ??? In my eyes - No/Maybe. Regardless of situation, ANWHERE, Scotty Pippin was good 17/9 player that played excellent defense. He's a slam dunk to go but if on fringe, the defense would send him through.

Jerome Bettis. The Bus. He's top 10 rushing all-time but if Steeler's hadn't won, where's Jerome. Does he deserve to go? A marginal yes, Will he get in? Maybe down the line during a thin year. Could anybody in good conscience mention his name in the same breath as Earl Campbell. I don't think so.

baseball is the most fun. In an age of Roids and Juiced balls, how about these guys, Juan Gonzalez (420+ HR's), Jeff Bagwell (430+ HR's), Tom Glavine (260 wins), Frank Thomas (420+ HR's). Cobb, Ruth, DiMaggio, Aaron, Bagwell. Rolls right off your tongue doesn't it

A lot of great players get dogged about their careers for not winning a championship, Ted Williams, dan Marino, Maravich, Barkley, and Karl Malone. Some get dogged for not winning enough, Wilt Chamberlain. There are lots of good players considered great because they won and in this instance, Troy Aikman can step to the head of the class.

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Choosing the Best Times to Travel to Europe

A good compromise is to choose the period before and after the busy summer season, because the weather is mostly good and prices are lower. Southern Europe also offers a nice experience in the winter, with reasonably mild weather.

If nice weather is important to you, the winter is one of the worst times to see northern Europe. Gray, wet and cold weather is common December through February. And daylight is in short supply, so evenings will be spent primarily indoors.

However, winter travel offers the best prices. Italy or Greece would be good choices if you are limited to a winter vacation.

There are some other benefits to winter travel. Winter festivals and New Year's are exciting times in Europe. Cities such as Paris are beautiful when decorated for the christmas holidays. New Year's eve in Paris is exciting, with parties, festivals and night life. Several other countries have holiday events and festivals as well.

The biggest benefit of winter travel is that you will see fewer other tourists. Your experience will be more authentic, seeing European life without the crush of people.

Early spring finds most of Europe still chilly and wet, especially in the north, so streets are uncrowded. Though not great for swimming, the weather is fine for outdoor tours and sightseeing. Budget-minded travelers will like the cheaper prices for airfare and hotels.

May and June are among the best months to visit most European countries. The weather is warm on most of the continent and it's still uncrowded. There are a variety of festivals and cultural events throughout Europe in May and June. Because the tourist season hasn't started into full swing yet, you can get good deals on accommodations and plane fare. An added benefit is few lines at most tourist attractions and plenty of room on tours and in restaurants.

Once schools let out, Europe quickly becomes crowded. The summer months are very busy and hotels get booked quickly. Because of the demand, everything is more expensive in the summer. Tourist destinations are very crowded and you will wait in lines at many attractions.

Northern Europe, with its good weather and smaller crowds, would be a good option for summer travel. Whatever season you choose, there are more than enough attractions to provide a great European holiday.

Jacky Uy writes for where you can find out more about cheap airfare guides and other topics.

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Soccer Cleats Guide - General Tips on Soccer Cleats

soccer cleats are athletic shoes that are specially designed for soccer players. soccer shoes have large studs or cleats on the bottom that assist players in gripping the surface. These studs help players to be easily moved in the desired position.

Generally the cleats are made up of molded plastic because metal cleats are illegal as they cause danger to other players. plastic studs are round in shape that offers excellent grip on the hard mud of the basepath. soccer shoes or football shoes can have both plastic as well as metal cleats on the sole whereas golf shoes have metal cleats.

Replaceable cleats are the best option for soccer or football players. Cleats of soccer shoes can be removed and replaced with another kind. players can choose cleats as per their requirements. These studs or cleats are designed to provide exact traction or grip but these studs should not be so long because extra long suds can pose a risk for the player like knee injury.

Different manufacturers provide soccer cleats of great quality so the players should buy the best fit. players should keep certain points in mind at the time of buying soccer cleats. They should find a soccer specialty store near their home. Players must know the exact shoe size so that they can play comfortably. They can also get information from the supplier about current and upcoming sales on soccer shoes.

Athletes should use soccer cleats for two or three months before finals. They can easily get all about their shoes with regular practice. They can talk, to salesperson or the coach, about which type of soccer cleats suits them. They must choose few pairs for trail basis and then select the best out of them. Whenever youre going to try the shoes on, dont forget to wear socks. You should check whether your heels are comfortable or not.

Yoga Timers Meditation


The Nintendo Wii is NOT the Game Cube

As nintendo chief Miyamoto says about the Wii

The hardware is basically a GC. Weve upgraded our development tools to new versions but, you can still use GC programs as they are. With that in mind, I thought we could remake GC titles for the Wii and modify them to work with the Wii remote so that theyre more fun to play.

This statement been making its speedy journey around the web, with the predictable result.

i tuld u tha Wee sux0rs! Thus proving the Wii is infact.. a repackaged gamecube Rofl @ Nintendo

The argument need to be split in half to avoid confusion. Lumping the two arguments together ends in a negative situation, where neither of the debating parties can influence the opposition.

Firstly, The Wii is gamecube 1.5?

Miyamoto, in his cute little Wish we had an international auxillary language to stop english speaking l33t gamers from mocking our consumers way, was accurate with his statement. The hardware is similar to the gamecube. WAIT! Dont go running away just yet, for here is a word equation that will float your boat.

The nintendo Wii hardware is similar to the gamecube, as A gaming PC is similar to a Windows 95 word processing computer.

What! Says you, but my uber el33tzo0r gaming PC has 4 GB of Ram! It has 6.7 Gigahertz of processing power! THINK. Instead of thinking about the technological specifics of hardware capabilities, when the above statement is made, one is referring to the style in which hardware and software are created. The Architecture of the device.

Going out on another tangent, nintendo would not be stupid enough to make the gamecube mistake again. The GC was not a high point for flailing nintendo. Why now, riding on the success of the nintendo DS, an innovative handheld device that has taken the world by storm, would nintendo choose to release an updated version of a failure?

Wii Vs Xbox360 Vs Playstation3

To be blatantly honest, the next-gen console battle will be fought between the Xbox360, and the Playstation3. Unfortunately for Sony and microsoft, they have launched products capable of the same types of activities, with the same types of controls and the same types of games. Its a marketing battle to see who will triumph. But for those looking for new, innovative [ie: Not BluRay] technology with an element of fun and a totally unique experience will choose the Wii. There is nothing else on the market to compete with it.

So who would buy the Wii? just little kids right? nintendo has many different demographics to target. From the very young, to the very old. The DS has opened the eyes of previously video game free generations, and inspired those just entering the market, as well as gameboy fans looking for a quality handheld. Half-core gamers want something fresh. they want to play with their friends and have fun. They dont want to shell out big bucks for a gaming system, but would be happy to pay a much lower price for entertainment.

You can not compare consoles on specifications alone. You must use implementation examples to compare things. On paper, the Playstation 3 is the strongest console. Better than the Wii, better than the Xbox360. But does it have quality games? Will there be many games? Will Sony finally be able to create a game that creates a third of the hype that halo does? Until all consoles have been released internationally, it is futile to argue over which console is superior and which will succeed.

The nintendo Wii is not a game Cube. As the old saying goes, its like comparing apples and oranges. Both are in the same general class, yet there are fundamental differences that make comparing them pointless.

Kit Allen, the chief contributor to nintendo Blog, wrote this article to inform the world about the nintendo Wii.

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10 Ways to Increase Your Energy Instantly with a Golf Performance Diet

A golf conditioning program should always be accompanied by a solid golf nutrition plan. In essence, what you eat determines how you play. So, which foods produce champions and which foods hinder play? Let me give you a few hints.

It goes without saying that proper nutrition is important for all of us. But, if you are serious about shaving valuable strokes off your scorecard, you need to make some tough decisions on seeing your diet through. If you travel for golf, or play in frequent tournaments, it is important not to fall into the trap of settling for fast food or a quick bag of chips or chocolate bar. Make a commitment to use some or all of the following tips and your energy will reach new heights in your next round.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Both of these are diuretics and cause fluid loss. They also both affect performance. Coffee can over stimulate your mind or your muscles, making your performance uncontrolled. Excessive consumption of alcohol severely affects your coordination.

Avoid large amounts of food in the two hours leading up to tee time. Food in your digestive system diverts blood away from your brain and muscles, affecting concentration and physical performance. A meal two to three hours before play is preferred.

Dont skip meals. Golfers need that slow and steady release of energy to see them through difficult or long hours of play. Smaller meals are better to help increase metabolism.

Eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day. this gives your body the nutrition it needs to last.

Drink lots of water. Think in terms of 8 to 10 glasses each day. Continue throughout your round to stay hydrated especially during the summer months.

Combine carbohydrates, proteins and fats at each meal. this aides in overall digestion and ensures you are getting the proper nutrients.

Bring a snack or bag lunch. Beverage carts are not known for healthy choices, so dont put yourself in a position to feel forced to rely on them.

Avoid high processed foods or sugar based foods. They tend to raise blood sugar levels quickly and, then, drop rapidly causing fatigue.

Stick with the basics. Dont try new foods just before you play. Stick with what you know your body responds well to.

Keep it simple. There is no need to make elaborate meals or go to great extent in preparation. A piece of fruit and bag of nuts will go a long way in replenishing energy when you need it.

As a golfer, especially if you are of a championship caliber, it is essential to have a wide variety of complex carbohydrates to maintain your energy through an 18-hole match or a 72-hole tournament.

Mentally your brain needs to stay conditioned to tell your body what to do, not to mention calculating distances, swing strength and maintaining focus. Follow these 10 tips and watch your scorecard drop to new lows.

Susan hill is a CHEK Golf Biomechanic, sports Nutritionist and President of, a private, members only, online golf fitness website dedicated to the improvement of golfers worldwide. If you are looking for ways to increase your endurance on the course, then visit

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League Two Betting Review - 13 February 2006

Grimsby Town are the new leaders of league Two after beating boston united 1-0 at Blundell Park. michael Reddys goal after 72 minutes was enough to secure the Mariners second win in a row at odds of 9/10.

Last weeks leaders Carlisle united were held to a tense goalless draw at promotion rivals Leyton Orient. draw backers could have got on at 23/10 with Carlisle now two points behind Grimsby.

Third placed Wycombe Wanderers fought back from two goals down at home to draw 2-2 with relegation strugglers Mansfield Town. Jon Olav-Hjelde and Richie Barker put the Stags 2-0 ahead after 33 minutes, but goals from Tommy Mooney and Stefan Oakes denied an unlikely 9/2 away victory.

Northampton Town squandered the chance to move in to the top three by losing 3-1 at Cheltenham Town. steve Guinan, Kayode Odejayi and JJ Melligan ensured a home win at 6/4.

Rushden & Diamonds refuse to go down without a fight and Petr Miklondas 30 yard strike gave them all three points against Notts county. barry Hunters side, 8/5 on the day, have lost just one of their last five games.

Bottom club Stockport county also earned a vital win at faltering Chester City. Liam Dickinson broke the deadlock for county after 76 minutes but Ryan Lowe equalised for City five minutes later. With the match heading for a draw Dickinson grabbed the vital 5/2 winner a minute from time to keep the Hatters just one point from safety.

Meanwhile, Torquay united remain in deep trouble after losing 2-0 at Lincoln City. Scott Kerr after 12 minutes and a last minute goal from Jeff Hughes secured a 5/6 win for the Imps.

Macclesfield Town vs Wrexham, Rochdale vs Barnet and Bury vs Oxford were all called off due to frozen pitches.

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