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Sunday, December 16, 2007 

11 Key Steps to Developing an Effective Advertising Plan- from a South African Perspective

Once you have defined the target market, you can begin to design an advertising message and choose the media to transmit it. The advertisement should be built around a unique selling position, a key consumer benefit of the product or service. Generally a good advertisement should attract attention, develop interest, describe the product or service, convince the reader and get action. You can increase your adverts impact by applying the following 11 principles.

1. Design the message to reflect the image of the firm.

2. plan the advert in advance to ensure a consistent appearance and message, the same borders, print styles and colours help customers recognise the company advert at a glance.

3. Use attention-getting techniques, value packed words and testimonials from customers.

4. Translate the products or services attributes into a specific consumer benefit, saving money or performing distasteful tasks etc.

5. Layout should be simple, the design should not detract from the message.

6. message should be short, direct and built around a single idea.

7. Choose colours carefully.

8. Headline should grab the reader, 80% of customers don't read beyond the headline.

9. Use illustrations that complement the product or service, photographs or drawings of the product or service often attract more attention than words do.

10. Identify the company clearly, the company name, logo, address, telephone number etc.

11. Include the price, this is one of the most important considerations for many customers.

Andrew Smit

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