Friday, December 14, 2007 

Shocking Weight Loss with Green Tea

green tea and black tea are not much different - they come from the same plant. The difference lies in the method of processing - black tea is allowed to ferment and is oxidizes, whereas green tea has not been allowed to ferment. Depending on how the green tea is processed (roasted or steamed) and where geographically it comes from, green tea could either be partially fermented or not fermented at all.

green Tea retains much of its tannic acid content, as compared to black tea, where the tannic acid decomposes and forms more caffeine. This extra tannic acid in green tea has many significant characteristics and health benefits such as:

* There is a lower amount of caffeine. And of whatever caffeine there is, this caffeine is still in a linked chain (unbroken), so the caffeine is released at a much slower and gentler rate into the body than either black tea or even coffee.

* Tannic acid's healthy effects are accentuated, these effects include reducing the risk of cancer and inflammations, as well as soothing and calming the gastro-intestinal system.

* There is more vitamin C in green tea, as there is less or no fermentation. vitamin C is easily destroyed during the fermentation process.

* There is more vitamin B and thiamine in green tea. This ensures that the cells of our brain do not lack energy, and also protects the nervous system from being over stimulated.

The various active substances in green tea have been attributed to produce various effects on the body, most of them good. green tea's potent combination of vitamin C and flavanoids can help to protect us from bacteria, viruses and fungi.

green tea can help diabetics as it slows down the processing of complex carbohydrates into sugar, thus maintaining the blood sugar levels at a healthier level. It however, does not and cannot help with refined sugars, which are found in sweets, cakes and chocolates. So if you are a diabetic, it makes plenty of sense to include it into your regular diet.

If you substitute green tea instead of drinking your coffee with milk and black tea with milk, then you can sale a lot of calories from the milk and sugar used. Because green tea is best drunk plain, there are very little calories in it, almost zero. This is in contrast to the 80 or so calories in coffee with milk and sugar.

Some people simply dislike the taste of green tea, and for these people, they can also derive the health benefits of green tea without having to drink it. This is made possible by the introduction of green tea pills which make the task of consuming green tea more manageable.

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Good Food/Bad Food What's Left to Eat?

We've entered the Twilight Zone when it comes to the multitude of diets being promoted today. Starting with the atkins diet, then the south beach diet, now the Hamptons diet and more. Allhigher in protein, lower in carbs, but the distinction should be quality of carbs, not singling out one nutrient entirely. If you are on the atkins diet,South beach diet or any other variation of a high protein/low carb diet simply adjust from eating low quality carbs like refined flour and sugar products (think if it comes in a box, it's likely low quality) to eating more whole food products like fresh vegetables and fruits - yes fruits.

Apples vs. Apple Jacks - You be the Judge

I know the traditional atkins diet doesn't advocate much fruit (too high sugar) but think about that for one minute. My strong belief is that an apple is a good food, a bowl of apple Jacks cereal may not be on an equal level. One is highly processed sweetened by added white sugar and corn syrup, and one is natural, plucked from a tree and sweetened by the sun. Which would you choose? Don't shun fresh fruit for the sake of following your low carb diet to the letter.

Eliminating healthy, wholesome foods is not the best way to learn to eat better, but severely cutting back on the frequency of eating highly processed foods is. I saw a site which called it GM or MM: God Made or Man Made. If you think of those terms when you go to choose your foods, it starts to make more sense. No one says you shouldn't eat chips, or whatever strikes your fancy, but make them a treat - and eat the GM foods more often.

Common Sense diet

Common sense will answer the question about what to eat. If you are on atkins, south beach or any variation of low carb diet, avoid processed foods, not natural foods. stop using "instant" breakfast, and cook whole rolled oats for instance. Sure you might have to get up 10 minutes earlier, oh well. You're worth it!

You can still stay on a higher protein food plan, but this one minor adjustment will allow you to continue with your eating plan for a lifetime, rather than a short-time. I'd go insane if I couldn't eat my daily apple, banana or other fruit. I love fruit. I think there's a very good reason humans desire sweet foods - vitamin C, and other nutrients, including bio-flavnoids.

Can You Be Addicted to Fruit?

I heard someone complain they were "addicted to fruit" and I had to wonder, what do they eat? The person who refuses to eat fruit because they believe it is too high in sugar, probably does eat cookies, crackers and sugary cereals. They might even drink artificially flavored and sweetened drinks, but they refuse to eat a natural food, grown from our earth? That makes no sense, if you think about it. Did our planet develop and thrive based on processed foods? No, of course not. They are very recent in the evolution of our world. Very recent. In fact, we've had processed foods less than 200 years while our planet is millions of years old.

With the high incidence of obesity, and our high consumption of processed foods, it's hard not to draw the conclusion that one causes the other. You won't hear big industry stating that case because our economy depends on us buying the products being produced by the companies that employ us. You'll never see it reported that "scientists discovered refined flour kills," even if it were proven true because it doesn't support our way of life. We need industry.

Witnessing the epidemic of food illnesses such as Mad Cow, and now Bird Flu, I can envision a society without the mass produced meat industry. It will come to pass - nothing but your local farm will be allowed to sell meat because the big farm industry cannot guarantee safety of the food supply. Meat will become much more expensive because when they can no longer mass produce it, there is nowhere for prices to go but up. So do we whine and cry and moan about our misfortune or do we start to think of meat as something to savor and enjoy like the Sunday roasts we had years ago? We never ate meat every day then - and we weren't so fat either. We simply didn't eat as much processed foods. Most of us had moms at home cooking us dinner, making our lunches and even fixing our breakfasts.

Yes, progress marches on, but when it comes to your body, common sense rules the day. The Common Sense Diet! Try it on for size today.

Kathryn Martyn,Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor,author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to permanent Weight Loss, and owner of

Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with weight loss.

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How to Play Winning Golf

First of all there is no secret about how you win a handicap golf tournament. You win because you have the lowest net score. The net score is your real score minus your handicap Index. The USGA handicap system allows players with different skill levels to be able to compete with each other. It is the fairest way get two players to a level playing field. The system is not perfect. Mainly because your handicap is a mathematical formula that takes and averages your last 10 best scores. If you as a player can turn in one of your better than average rounds of golf you stand a better than average chance to win the tournament.

This is my winning strategy. Try to play a round of golf equal to or better than your average score for your last 10 best rounds. You should know what this score is before playing in the tournament. If you can post this score or better you have a good chance of winning the tournament. I know that I may have over-simplified this winning strategy. But, If you just follow my suggestions you may just find yourself in the winners circle at the completion of your golf tournament.

It is a fact that the average scores for golf tournaments are usually higher than a normal round of golf. This is a good indication that most players put more pressure on themselves during tournaments.

The better player understands this phenomenon and adopts the following philosophy - Take What the Golf course will Give You on any hole. This means that if you make a mistake on a hole don't turn that mistake into a disaster. Accept a bogey or even a double bogey as the best that you can do on that hole. Don't try to make an impossible shot in an effort to save par. Most of the time this only compounds the mistake and creates a disaster hole. If you do this just once in the tournament you could loose the tournament. Do it twice and you will definitely loose the tournament.

In my opinion, this strategy may be the difference between winning or loosing the tournament. When you play conservative golf you are more likely to score at or below the average of your last 10 best golf scores. Just remember that your competitors scores are likely to be higher than normal because of tournament pressure.

This is a very simple strategy and ironically most players never use this approach during tournament play. Everyone thinks they have to play their career best round in order to win. Most of the time this just isn't the case. Although, if someone does shoot a career best round you haven't a chance to win that tournament.

I based this strategy on the experience of playing quite a few years as a member of the Northern Illinois Mens Amateur Golf Association. NIMAGA hosted handicap golf tournaments monthly during the golf season. A high percentage of the over 500 regular members never in their life time win a tournament. I was fortunate to have won 4 times, tied and lost in a playoff 4 times, and finished in second place numerous times. Although not foolproof, I can attest first hand that without adopting my tournament strategy I wouldn't have won a single tournament.

Here is my challenge to you. Eliminate triple-bogeys or worse from your tournament and see if you can break through into the winners circle.

I have over forty years experience playing amateur golf and being the winner or runner up of numerous handicap Golf Tournaments, I have a theory about what it takes to be a golf tournament winner. I am certain my theory will help you get into the winners circle.

Sam Novak



Finding Your Natural Weight - The Thin Side of the Story

Finding our natural weight isn't always easy. We know a fair amount about the effects of obesity but we don't have as much information about those who struggle to put on weight. Obesity increases our risk of some cancers, diabetes, depression and other health problems. The overweight generally live shorter lives. It does seem that constitutionally thin people are destined for better health and longer lives, as long as their thinness is not extreme.

Some people are thin due to non-genetic factors, such as, having eating disorders or being ill. However, it is estimated that about 70% of being thin is genetic. The search is on for the specific information related to the genetics involved. It may be that a constitutionally thin person has a metabolic system that turns food into energy very efficiently or it may be that they get full faster, eat less frequently, or don't crave fattening foods. Recent research showed the thin are often active, not just exercisers, but people who move a lot or 'can't sit still'.

A thin person is less likely to have eating disorders and thin women have a higher self-esteem than their overweight counterparts.

thin and unhealthy

Unfortunately many who are thin consume a diet that is high in fat and sugar. While constitutionally thin people can eat a lot of junk food without adding weight, the long-term consequences can be serious. Foods that are high in fats and sugars bestow few health benefits and use the body's store of nutrients to metabolise them. This robs the body of nutrients that are needed for other metabolic processes. Added to this, a diet with too few fruits and vegetables, because the calories are coming from low nutrient dense foods, fails to supply the body with the required vitamins and minerals. With the malnourishment of a poor diet also comes a decreased immune system function and the associated problems of repeated infection, you can certainly be thin and unhealthy. As well as these factors a poor diet will also lead to an increase in the number of toxins that are accumulated in the body. These toxins are a great source of ill health and they need to be removed.

Are you too thin?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to indicate whether a person is overweight, underweight or a healthy weight. The score is valid for both men and women but it may overestimate body fat in people such as athletes who have a muscular build and underestimate body fat in older people and others who have lost muscle mass.

The Body Mass Index is divided into the following categories:

underweight - less than 18.5

normal weight -18.5 to 24.9

overweight - 25 to 29.9

obese - greater than 30

Someone with a BMI under 18.5 may be malnourished.

What is a healthy diet for the constitutionally thin?

Those who are thin are able to concentrate on the consumption of high quality nutrition rather than the consumption of calories. A healthy diet for everyone consists of the following:

  • A minimum or no sugar and refined carbohydrates. This includes sucrose, table sugar, white, brown or other sugars, glucose, honey, and sorbitol. Many foods, such as, sweets, cakes, chocolates, biscuits, pudding, jam, ice cream, soft drinks and other sweet tasting food contain large amounts of sucrose or other refined carbohydrates. White, refined flour has a lower content of vitamins and minerals than unrefined flour and should only be consumed in small quantities.
  • Animal and vegetable fats should be taken in moderation. On average most people in Western societies are advised to reduce their fat consumption to about 75% of their current levels. In particular, avoid poor quality foods that have a high fat content, such as fried foods, pies, sausages, preserved and tinned meats. Dairy foods are also high in fat content and low-fat forms should be preferred, or they should be taken sparingly (although this is not a concern for the constitutionally thin). There are serious questions about eating any dairy foods at all and people with lactose intolerance should avoid all dairy. This is probably true for everyone else too, notwithstanding its promotion by dieticians and the dairy industry.
  • Ensure a good daily intake of vegetables, especially the leafy green ones. Such foods are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Ensure a good intake of fiber. This may help with a number of minor conditions, such as, constipation, as well as having long term health benefits. high fiber foods include: beans, pulses, fruits and vegetables, as well as the cereals.
  • Eat a varied and interesting diet. Eating a limited range of foods may make it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of all the nutrients required. Eating should be a pleasure and a social event - so try to take pleasure and interest in the food you are eating. A good variety also helps reduce the development of food allergies and sensitivities.
  • Alcohol should be avoided. The evidence is rising that even in small amounts there are substantial adverse effects from drinking alcohol. Women who are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant should certainly not drink alcohol. Also men and women with liver disease should avoid alcohol.
  • Limit your intake of salt in cooking and in foods. Excessive salt intake can cause high blood pressure for some people.
  • Eat fresh food and avoid foods containing additives whenever possible. Additives, such as coloring agents, preservatives, emulsifiers, texturizers and flavorings may have short term and long term adverse effects. Fresh foods, free of these, are best consumed in their place.
  • Ensure a good, but not excessive intake of protein rich foods. Lean meat, fish, eggs, chicken (without the skin), nuts, seeds, peas, beans, lentils, sprouted beans and whole grains are rich in protein and vitamins and minerals.

If you haven't been eating the diet that is outlined above then your body will have built up a heavy toxic load. These toxins will be circulating, via the blood, to all areas of the body and in the process doing damage. They need to be remove (this is the case if you are thin, the ideal weight or overweight). Find out how to safely remove toxins from your body at and experience the benefits of lasting vitality and health.

If you are someone who has not been consuming a healthy diet or who finds it difficult, for whatever reason, to eat as suggested above you will benefit from the addition essential vitamin and mineral supplements. If you have the symptoms of specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies then the additional supplementation of these may be of significant assistance.


Adapted from: Davies, S. and A. Stewart., 1997, nutritional medicine. Pan.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential, non contaminated vitamin and mineral supplements (from and many other methods, including herbal remedies. She also owns Healthy Living blog.

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