Monday, December 31, 2007 

Diabetic Diet - Half A Million American Diabetics Risk Critical Illness In A Bid To Be Thin

A frightening eating disorder is sweeping the diabetic population according to recent medical reports. Coined Diabulimia, this is a psychological condition affecting an estimated one third of diabetic women, including nearly half a million women in the US. These women, who need to take insulin regularly to survive, are skipping insulin injections in an attempt to lose weight.

Determining the exact number of women affected is tricky as most diabulimics are unlikely to admit to skipping insulin injections whilst they are actually in the habit of doing so, but it is clear that this is a growing phenomenon.

Many people believe word is spreading via internet message boards and chat rooms, where existing diabulimics are encouraging more and more women to lose weight by not taking their required insulin doses. Although the practise of losing weight by skipping insulin injections in not a new one, it seems to have grown out of control with the advent of the internet.

- So how does missing insulin shots result in weight loss?

Skipping insulin injections can cause diabetics to lose weight rapidly in a number of ways:

a. They are not getting any calories from the food they are consuming as there is no insulin to break down sugars and transport them to the bodys cells.
b. Very high blood sugar levels can cause muscle breakdown resulting in weight loss.
c. Excessive urinating caused by high blood sugar could result in dehydration which also leads to weight loss.

- The risks for diabulimics are extremely high

For a diabetic who is dependant on insulin shots, missing their medication can be extremely dangerous. The risks range from kidney and heart disease, to nerve damage resulting in blindness or amputations. Missing vital insulin injections can ultimately increase the risk of a coma and even death.

Matt Hunt, Science Information Manager from the research charity Diabetes UK made the following statement:

This eating disorder is extremely dangerous. Blood glucose that is too high for too long can cause serious complications, with diabetes being the leading cause of blindness amongst the working population in this country. Cardiovascular disease can also result from long periods of insulin abuse as well as kidney disease and nerve damage.

- Do you think someone you know may be diabulimic?

If someone you know is skipping insulin injections in order to lose weight you may notice the following symptoms.

1. They have low energy levels and excess fatigue
2. They are going to the toilet more frequently than usual
3. They are eating more than usual but still losing weight

Always encourage someone that you know is skipping insulin injections to get professional help. This is a psychological disorder, and although it may seem illogical to you to risk serious health issues just to be slim, it may not seem that way to the diabulimic.

- Balancing the fear of being fat against the fear of critical illness

Those suffering from Diabulimia are often aware of the potential damage they could do by skipping their insulin, but their worries about this are far outweighed by their fear of being fat. The weight loss that results from missing insulin shots is almost immediate and visible, the damage being done to the body is less obvious, occurs more gradually, and is easier to ignore.

Many people suffering from this disorder start small, perhaps missing just a couple of injections to fit into a particular dress for a big night out. Before they know it they may be missing most of their shots, taking just enough stay alive. They reason that they will begin to take their medication again once they are thin enough, but somehow, no matter how much weight they lose, they never believe they are thin enough.

Although gradual weight loss can be very positive for overweight diabetics, enabling them to control their blood sugar more effectively, missing insulin shots is never a good way to lose weight. Although diabulimia is not currently an officially recognized medical condition, it is as serious an eating disorder as anorexia or bulimia and it affects a frighteningly large number of diabetic women.

Lisa Janse is a professional writer specializing in health topics. learn more about living with Diabetes by reading more practical and interesting facts about Diabetes Diets and Diabetes Type 2 at

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Todays Top Remodeling Trends

Planning on renovating your home? Here are some of todays biggest trends to help guide you in making those remodeling and home addition plans:

Luxurious and Opulent Bathrooms

Spas are known to do wonders for ones mind, body and soul, so its not really surprising that more and more people are trying to bring the spa experience into their homes. So in the next few years, expect to see bigger bathrooms equipped with multiple or enlarged showerheads, heated tile floors, large tubs and, for the high-end bathrooms, whirlpools and waterfalls.

Warm Colors

Warmth and comfort are big days, so if youre thinking about repainting your bedroom or living room walls, consider painting them in natural and earth colors. Those in red, green and yellow tones are particularly popular and trendy these days.

Bigger and Better Laundry Rooms

The trend in laundry rooms is to make it larger, more organized and more colorfulin short, make it better than the damp, cramp and depressing laundry room that can be found in most homes today.

Customized Features

As with cars, jewelry, clothes and most of things in life, customization is big when it comes to home renovation today. Whether its through personalized furniture or fixtures, more and more people are putting their personal stamps on their homes.

Bigger Kitchens

over the years, the kitchen has increasingly become the heart and soul of a home. More than just a place to eat, the kitchen is also where the houses occupants (and if a teenager lives there, their constant stream of friends) gather to talk, do some work and just hang out.

With the increasing importance and role of the kitchen, todays trends dictate that the ideal kitchen should be larger and more spacious. In contrast to the industrial kitchens of the past years, the kitchens new look should be warm and cozy. So instead of the stainless steel tops and furniture, opt instead for counters in earth tones and appliances in rich, warm colors.

wood Floors

The clean elegance of wood floors are enthralling homeowners everywhere and making them among todays biggest home trends. Say goodbye to your old carpeting, say hello to bamboo and hard wood floors.

Specialized Rooms

Specialized rooms are one of todays most trendy home additions. many homeowners convert their grown kids old rooms or have a new one added to their house to have a special place where they could do their crafts, yoga and other passions.

More Spacious and Organized Garages

Better clean up that garage. According to experts, another one of todays big home trends is spacey and organized garages. instead of the usual cornucopia of jumbled, well, everything, things should be neatly stored in shelves or cabinets. Organizing the garage and ridding it of useless junks will do something many homes have never had before: a spacious garage that actually holds cars.

one last parting tip: unless youre going to renovate the entire house, you really have to carefully study if the trend you chose to follow will suit the house and your needs. Why build a spacious kitchen if you never cook, right?

Visit this site before you make any remodeling and home addition plans.

Maraya Mullen is a copywriter affiliated with A and B Rose Remodeling, a company that specializes in executing renovating and home addition plans.

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