Friday, December 7, 2007 

Learning to Access SILENCE

To access deep wisdom you need to learn the art of silence. When you are quiet and listening within to your own heart song, your rhythm, and the centeredness of your being, thats when you have great access to wisdom, ability and the expanded consciousness. Silence is where you learn that you are an extraordinary being, with unlimited capacity, and that secrets are revealed to you. In moments when you become quiet a wonderful world opens to you. Or shall I say is revealed to you. It is in this space that you recognize the quiet center of your soul that rests in continual peace.

We connect with the divine part of ourselves in the silence. To allow yourself to simply be is the greatest act of respect. This is another lesson that we delve from the silence. From the simple to the extraordinary we encompass all of it. We are capable of the quiet interaction to the great displays of courage, grace, magic, and laughter, to the full blown wildest imagination. As you spend more time in periods of silence, you find that you are renewed, energized, have great ideas, connect with solutions, can propel yourself forward, or can shift from an inflexible position to one of fluidity as swiftly and easily as you need.

You easily recognize what feels peaceful and what or who does not. It becomes a simple thing when you can make an adjustment in your life so that you can retain your peace. The quietude of your mind, and heart is an extraordinary peaceful encounter. When your mind is running with fury and it pulls you in many directions, it is hard to find the balance without the quiet. We need to actively pursue the stillness. We need to quiet our minds, and unburden ourselves of all the mind junk. It does take much practice but everything worthwhile does take practice. The mind is fast and furious. The mind is vengeful and full of its desires and pressures. You must choose the quietude to know your peaceful nature. Silence is the pathway to your higher consciousness and understanding and ability.

yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher and reiki Master teacher with twelve years experience. She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and 7-12 and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author the book DAUGHTER BELOVED which will come out next year. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340


Living Yoga Video


Problem Shower Plumbing Headaches

Leaky faucets, clogged shower heads, cold water instead of hot and poor drainage are all a part of the headaches associated with shower plumbing. Most of us do not want to deal with these problems and will call a plumber. On the other hand, we want to save a little money and may decide the job will be easy and try it ourselves.

By knowing a few simple plumbing facts, you might be able to fix the shower stall yourself. You will need the right tools, but some jobs can be done relatively easy. It all depends on your determination and ability to do some simple steps.

The Shower is Clogged

The problem most people experience in the bathroom is the shower clog. The first thing to check with the shower plumbing is the drain cap to make sure it is free of hair and other debris. In addition, the drain has an inside part that sometimes collects hair and debris that flows through the drain cap. You need to remove the cap and then check to see if the clog appears in this area. You can use a wire of some kind to pull the clog out of the drain.

If you discover that these steps do not clear the shower plumbing problem, you next would try the plunger to see if you can loosen and debris that could be farther down the pipe. After plunging the drain a few times, you can run water to see if you have loosened the clog and the water now drains. If not, you may need to try one more thing before calling for help. Try some Drano and follow the directions and you should clear the clog if it is nothing more serious than a clogged drain.

Shower Plumbing and the Shower Installation

If you want to, you can install your own shower and plumbing without the help of a plumber. Once you have your shower picked out and the plumbing materials in order, you can begin the installation project. You usually receive instructions to follow when installing the shower and plumbing; therefore, you need to follow the directions systematically.

After you turn off your water supply, you can then begin installing the pipes and then check for leaks before sealing up the wall. Many people put a mirror or something over the opening for quick and easy access in emergencies. After the showerhead and all plumbing are installed, you are ready for the first run. Turn the shower plumbing on and see how things flow. All should be fine if you followed directions. It is not very hard to install and fix problems with shower plumbing as long as you follow directions.

You can also find more info on Toilet Plumbing and Plumbers. is a comprehensive resource to known about plumbing.

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