Sunday, November 25, 2007 

Health Problems In Cats

It may come as a surprise, if you're a new cat owner, that many health problems may befall your feline friend. Some problems are easily preventable, while others are hereditary.


Hairballs are among the most common of cat health problems. Cats groom themselves almost constantly, and swallow the loose hair that comes off their tongues. Occasionally, the hair gathers into a ball and lodges in the cat's digestive tract instead of passing on through the body. If your cat starts coughing and hacking, he probably has a hairball. While the end product is unpleasant for the owner, most cats don't have a problem dislodging hairballs.

However, hairballs can occasionally pass into a cat's intestines and cause a blockage. This can be a life-threatening problem. There are a few signs to look for to see if your cat's hairball is dangerous. If your cat is constipated, off his feed, or is lethargic with a dull coat, then he could have a serious blockage. A vet exam is definitely in order.

To prevent hairballs, groom your cat frequently to remove loose hair. In addition, feed your cat food that helps control hairballs.


For many cats, worms are a recurring problem. Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms most commonly infect cats. Cats can occasionally develop heartworms, as well. If your cat seems unable to gain weight, is infested with fleas, or has white specks that look like grains of rice in his stools, take him to the veterinarian for worm testing.

Worms are easily cured with a few doses of medication, but if left untreated, they can be fatal.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are another common health problem in cats. This infection is particularly common in unneutered male cats, although female cats can also develop this problem. If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, a urinary tract infection is suspect. If your cat's urine smells strong, again a urinary tract infection may be the cause. These infections need to be treated by a veterinarian. Ask about cat foods that reduce the likelihood of another infection.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

FIP is caused by a mutation of the corona virus. According to some experts, cats living in multi-cat environments tend to test positive for enteric corona virus. Cats can live with that virus remaining quietly in the intestines with no sign of disease for their entire lifetime. In other cases, probably a genetic pre-disposition, the virus mutates into FIP.

Once a cat has contracted FIP, it will display symptoms of a mild upper respiratory infection: sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge. It may also have diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy. Most cats fully recover from this primary infection, although some may become virus carriers. A small percentage of exposed cats develop lethal FIP weeks or even years after the primary infection.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

FIV, or cat AIDS, is not always fatal. FIV decreases the ability of the cat's immune system to fight infections. Cats with FIV may remain free of symptoms for years. It is when the cat contracts other illnesses in the chronic stage of FIV infection that FIV is first suspected. This long list of illnesses includes oral-cavity infections, upper-respiratory infections, weight loss, ear infections, kidney disease, and many others. Although there is, as yet, no vaccine, all cats should be tested for the virus. The virus is transmitted through saliva, usually when a cat is bitten in a cat fight.

Feline Leukemia Virus

FLV was, until recently, the most common fatal disease of cats. But with a vaccine now available, the number of cases is dwindling. Although the name leukemia means cancer of the white blood cells, this is only 1 of the many diseases associated with this virus, such as other types of cancer, anemia, arthritis and respiratory infections. FLV is preventable if the cat is immunized before being exposed to the virus. Although the disease is not always immediately fatal, cats with FLV rarely have a long life expectancy. NEVER bring other cats into your household when you have a cat with FLV.

Lyme Disease

If your cat spends time outdoors, you should check him regularly for ticks. If you find a tick on your cat's body and he has been lethargic and acts as if he is in pain, ask your vet to test for Lyme Disease. This disease is transmitted to people and animals by deer ticks.

Some cats may show subtle symptoms while others may show none -- symptoms are hard to recognize and often may be confused with other illnesses or old age. Be observant of your pet's behavior. It is the only way to know if your pet has contracted Lyme disease if no tick was found. Some symptoms of Feline Lyme Disease include:

(a) lethargy,
(b) reluctance to jump or climb stairs,
(c) limping, or reluctance to put weight on a paw,
(d) loss of appetite.

The key to dealing with Feline Lyme Disease is prevention and early diagnosis and treatment. You should reduce the tick population around your home with simple landscape changes and spraying.

Good Health Care

Taking your cat for a regular check-up with the vet, and keeping all vaccinations on schedule will help assure your cat a long and healthy life. Prevention is the first line of defense for most feline illnesses.

Many owners keep their cats indoors to protect them from cars, from cat fights which may expose them to deadly viruses, from ticks, and other hazards.

Outdoor cats will enjoy greater freedom, but require a watchful eye, loving attention to their health status, and regular visits to the veterinarian.

Visit New Cat to learn more. Copyright 2005 Ron King. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.



Top Ten House Alarm and Home Security Devices

A mans home is his castle, as the saying goes. But homes today dont normally feature ramparts, drawbridges, moats and six-foot thick stone walls to keep out unwanted visitors. Today, a house alarm, and preferably a managed home security system, is needed to ensure your homes security. Not only does installing a home security system improve the safety of your family and possessions, but it can also decrease your home insurance costs. The Top Ten House alarm and Home security Devices list highlights ten devices and features of home security systems that can make your house a safer place.

The Top Ten

10. Talking Devices help you to understand the status of your home and monitoring as well as program the system. Some security systems feature talking master control panels, key pads or remotes. The talking feature may not result in great conversation, but it will help you understand your system a little better.

9. Some home alarm systems include extras like Key Fobs and Remotes to control the system at a distance. Somewhat similar to a cars key fob, home security key fobs include buttons to activate and deactivate the house alarm system. Some even include a panic button that activates the house alarm and alerts the proper authorities in the event of an emergency. Remote controls are similar and often larger. The features of remotes vary greatly and can include a full key pad, a talking feature and a panic button as well.

8. Yard Signs and House or Window Decals advertise your homes protection. The Greenwich Study of Residential security found that homes without alarms were 2.7 to 3.5 times more likely to be burglarized, and that the most effective deterrent was the alarm monitoring companys yard sign (SIA Research Update, security Industry Association, October 2001). Some choose to post the signs to deter possible break-ins without actually installing a home alarm system. While this effort will lower the odds of an attempted burglary, a yard sign alone cannot fully protect your home.

7. A Back-Up Power Supply is important in maintaining home security even during a power outage, when the risk of break-ins and looting is increased. Your home alarm should be effective even when your power is not. The easiest to maintain back-up power supplies use standard size batteries. Look for a model that uses rechargeable batteries to lower your maintenance costs.

6. Smoke Detectors add another layer of protection to your home, especially when they are integrated into the home alarm system. Not only do smoke detectors indicate a fire and give you time to escape safely, but when included in a home security package, they automatically notify the managing company and the fire department. Some systems even integrate the power supply to the smoke detectors. That means you dont have to change the batteries ever!

5. wireless Systems protect your home without adding extra cords to trip over or extensive installation of in-wall cords. In wireless house alarm systems, each sensor or keypad communicates with the master control panel via radio frequencies or existing wiring in your home. A burglar will never be able to disarm the system by snipping the wires. This ensures the system is fully integrated and monitoring all parts of your home without using up your outlets or creating an obstacle course of wires for you.

4. Extra Key Pads are also important. Exterior mounted key pads can provide secure keyless entry to your family. Some systems also offer remote control key pads which are lightweight and portable. A home alarm system that features a security code with a key pad increases the security of your home. A monitored system can also lock down entry after several repeated, failed attempts at entry which indicate a possible break-in attempt.

3. Key pads may not always be enough to keep burglars out. Sensors on Windows and Doors reduce the risk of a burglar entering undetected and are a key part of a home alarm system. Motion Detectors within the home also increase the level of security. The most sophisticated motion detectors include a feature to ignore pets movement to avoid constantly setting the alarm off inadvertently.

2. Installation, Monitoring, and Repair services increase not only the level of safety but the convenience of keeping your home safe. A house alarm alone cannot notify the police or fire department in the event of an emergency. The most complete systems include buttons to notify police departments, fire departments and medical help instantly. Another advantage offered by the best monitoring companies is live customer support and full service installation and repair of the system by employees who have been background checked, licensed and drug tested to ensure your safety. Finally, some companies even offer relocation services to keep you secure even when you move.

1. The classic Master Control Panel is vital to any home alarm system. The central hub of the system, the control panel is usually wall-mounted in an easily accessible place. The panel receives information from all other sensors and key pads, computes it, and transmits relevant information to the monitoring company. If you choose to arm the system from the panel when you leave the house, the master control panel also receives the disarm code when you return home. Some can even be disarmed by telephone!

Of course, this list is not comprehensive, and the needs of every home and homeowner are different. For more tips on choosing the right home alarm system and features to protect your house, I recommend visiting

About the Author: Boyd Norwood is a web content specialist for 10x Marketing. For more information on house alarm and home security systems, please visit

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Be Neighbourly In Your Orlando Vacation Home

People who choose to stay full time can have numerous reasons for doing so. They could be Disney employees thus enjoying the luxury of a very short journey time to work, since the majority of vacation rental villas are very well situated to access Walt Disney World and all it has to offer. Some residents own vacation homes in and around where they stay and they like to be close at hand to keep an eye on their property and look after their guests themselves. Others may have some kind of occupation related in some way to the hospitality/vacation industry. Then again you may just find some friendly folks who like the idea of having new and different neighbours every few weeks!

Having full time residents nearby can be a great thing. They very much enjoy visitors to their area and those who settle there full-time are well used to new neighbours every one or two weeks and are very friendly and keen to learn you are enjoying your stay and having a fabulous vacation.

Just generally walking about the resort your vacation villa is in, you are bound to pass some local residents who are always ready to greet you with a smile and genuinely wish you a nice day. If you have questions about the local area or attractions, I am sure you will find them only too happy to help.

That said, since these people are resident full time, one should always be remember to be courteous to them whilst still making the most of your vacation.

Local residents need their sleep too!

Generally there are safety and courtesy rules in all residential areas for quiet times at the pool. As a rule of thumb these tend to be 11pm-7am. One of the most tempting times to forget about these rules is for those visitors who have travelled from far away (e.g. U.K.) and need to make huge adjustments to time changes and body clocks. On the first morning of these guests vacation, they will tend to waken very early and it is strongly advised to resist the urge to come straight down to the pool until it reaches what everyone would agree is a slightly more reasonable time.

Stay in a resort based vacation home

You will find a great many of Orlando vacation villas have been built in resorts that offer communal areas. These can include any combination of the following: a communal swimming pool (in addition to your very own private pool at your holiday villa); a games room; a fitness room; a shop; a caf; basketball/volleyball courts; tennis courts; childrens play areas. Any of these areas offer the ideal opportunity to meet people from all over the world- both full time residents and other holidaymakers like you.

Showing your neighbours common courtesies will encourage them to extend a warm welcome when you return for another vacation at a later date and then your villa experience really will be like a home from home since you already know the neighbours!

Peter Kenny has been travelling to Florida for the last 20 years. You can find more articles on renting and buying private vacation homes here and

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Have You Tried Online Golf Lessons

So Tiger Woods has finally gotten to you and now you want to learn how to play golf. You dont want to be a professional, you just dont want to embarrass yourself when you are out on the course. Eventually you will have to take lessons from a PGA teaching professional but to get started it may not be a bad idea to look into online golf lessons. The internet has made everything more accessible and that includes online golf lessons so why not take advantage of it? Do a search on the internet and find a site that seems good to you and get started.

Remember though that all you want to do is get familiar with the golf swing and you do not want an online golf lesson to get too far into it. In other words you do not want to pay for more lessons than you will benefit from. As I said before you will have to go to a living PGA professional at some point because golf can only be really learned hands on. But a few online golf lessons can help you learn the proper grip and get you accustomed to the swing and there is nothing wrong with that.

online Video Games Can Be Useful

Believe it or not you can get great online golf lessons from any of the free golf games offered online and even with some of the ones that can cost you. What you want to do is get involved with the online games that offer a variety of courses for you to choose from so you can get to see what different situations look like at least on a computer screen. These online golf lessons will teach you ways to do what is called managing the golf course. Any good instructor will tell you that in golf you are not competing against the other players but rather you are competing against the course. If you can learn to manage a course then you can learn to score better. Managing a course just means learning what shots to play in what situations and how to anticipate what to do in various situations. It takes a while but video games can help.

Getting your introduction to the golf swing through online golf lessons is not a bad idea at all. You get to go at your own pace and you get to see everything you will need to get started. Just remember that you are still going to need to see a pro because golf is definitely a game a machine cannot teach you.

Ian Botham runs his own online sports goods mail order business as well as several sports related websites. Click the following links for more info on Golf schools or more general Golf articles and resources.

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Choosing Wicker Furniture For Your Porch

Wicker furniture, meaning furniture that has been woven together in a certain style, is very popular for porch furniture needs. Something about the woven pattern gives it an outdoors look that seems very appropriate for porches. In addition to this, the material is often very resistant to weather, and is comfortable to sit in as well. If youve been thinking about getting wicker furniture, then think no more. Its one of the best and most tasteful choices. Read on to find out some essential information about wicker furniture that will help you make a purchase.

First you need to consider what material you want your furniture made of. Unless you want to make an environmental statement, your main concern will be its benefits in weather resistance. The most popular wicker material is a plant called rattan. Rattan is used most often because it is strong and resistant to weather. Other options include paper rope or bamboo. These sometimes look more stylish or fit better with the motif, but they are prone to coming unraveled, particularly in heavy rain or wind. Those materials are best suited for indoor furniture that will not be moved around very much.

If you live in a climate that is very hot and humid, then you should probably look for wicker furniture made of plastic. Other organic materials may rot if exposed to moisture for long enough. Plastic, on the other hand, can stay the same for long periods of time, and will be less likely to break. You should find out about what treatments have been sprayed on the furniture to protect it from fading in the suns light. There are many factors to consider, but if you look at all of them then you will be able to choose wicker furniture that is perfect for you.

Get wicker furniture at

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