Tuesday, January 29, 2008 

Typhoon Gonu - Category V to Slam Iran

The Iranian shoreline is about to get pounded by the worst Typhoon ever to hit the Arabian Shoreline in all of recorded history. Typhoon Gonu is on its way and will soon send storm surges up to 20 feet high. This is the most beautifully and perfectly formed tropical hurricane ever to hit the gulf of Oman. This is a huge storm and over 350 miles wide in circulation, so large in fact it might completely flood the area and wash the debris out to sea.

This Super Typhoon will slow and even stop all flow of world Oil shipments and could raise oil prices in the US enough we might feel it at the pumps. Much of the World's Oil goes thru that passage way and everything is stopped while the tropical Cyclone Super Typhoon hurricane slams iran.

Poor iran has been the victim of horrific Earthquakes in the past and the wrath of Mother Nature, of course right now they are much more concerned with the united states Navy Battle Group off their coast than the largest, worst and most powerful Super Typhoon in the area in the history of mankind. The Super Typhoon is terrorizing iran and supported by Mother Nature whose wrath has no limits.

It is estimated that a storm surge of water could go over 30 feet in the narrow area at the mouth of the gulf of Oman and take out the facilities along the shoreline there and flood the surrounding areas with 10-35 inches of rain, much more than the area can handle.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer http://www.worldthinktank.net

Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by http://www.Calling-Plans.com and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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