Tuesday, February 26, 2008 

Solving Childhood Obesity Is A Family Affair

Parents dictate their childrens future... statistics show us parents are failing at encouraging their children to have healthy lifestyles. studies have shown that it is the responsibility of parents to provide guidance and inspiration for their children to pursue healthy and active lives. It is the environment that children live in home that will ultimately determine their pattern of eating, activity levels and attitude towards pursuing a healthy life. We can remove all the dessert bars; soda and junk food machines from the schools and children will still continue to eat improperly. Parents or guardians must take responsibility and maintain a healthy example for their children to establish a healthy physical, psychological and emotional lifestyle.

Poor nutrition and a lack of daily exercise have been the leading causes of the rise in health problems and the decrease in academic achievement amongst children. In addition, children will develop emotional and psychological problems that will manifest throughout the rest of their lives. Its a common understanding that you cannot put a price on ones health, but when bad habits begin to lower the quality of life and you can quantify the result in lower income and increased medical costs, it becomes very real. Thus, demanding the need to find a solution.

kids are more physically active when their parent encourages and supports that interest. Such support boosts children's positive attitude toward exercise as well as their interest in organized sports. And when you participate in free-time physical activity with your daughter or son, you increase her or his enjoyment of unstructured fitness fun.

You don't have to excel at any sport to accomplish the necessary changes to improve your childrens health. Try these ideas for playing and being active together:

Take a family bike ride or walk. Find nearby trails, tracks or safe routes for all ages in your group. On weekends, when you have more time, plan rides or walks at sites farther from home to keep up interest.
Reduce the time your kids spend inactivewatching TV and DVDs, playing computer games, even at the movies. Substitute active entertainments such as swimming, bowling, going to the roller or ice rink, visiting the zoo.
Play games outside with your kidseverything from hopscotch and jump rope to hide-and-seek, basketball or badminton. Don't worry about what the neighbors will think.
Play physically active games indoors with your kids. Treasure hunts, dancing, ping-pong, even yoga can keep the family moving when the weather makes staying inside necessary.
Consider getting a family membership at the local "Y" or community center. These facilities give you opportunities for several kinds of play and often have special parent-child activity sessions.

If you belong to a health club or gym, find out if your adolescent or teenager is eligible to join. Then you can exercise side-by-side on various types of equipment. Be sure to have a trainer show your child how to use the machines and set up an appropriate workout program for him or her.

obesity has so many ramifications. It contributes to higher incidences of cancer, specifically kidney cancer, and orthopedic complications, due to the excess stress on bones and cartilage. Diabetes alone costs about $130 billion a year. The disease can cause blindness, kidney failure, strokes and heart disease.

Experts with the International obesity Task Force estimate that 22 million of the world's children under 5 are overweight or obese. The organization estimates that 300 million people worldwide are obese and 750 million more are overweight.

Genetics is not always fair and some people have more trouble staying lean than others. However, it is only recently that having a body that tended toward staying lean was any kind of advantage. through most of history survival depended on being able to store as many calories as possible against times of scare resources or famine. So the modern body evolved to cope with times of scarcity not times of plenty - and we have the genes to prove it.

Unfortunately, given our lifestyle that provides huge amounts of easily available calories and very little exercise it is inevitable that people will tend to gain weight. The solution is for parents to teach their children to eat less, eat better and exercise more, that is not always easy, but many things that are simple are not easy.

Mike Torchia is a nationally-recognized health and fitness expert who specializes in children's fitness. He is the founder and president of Operation Fitness, a program designed to improve health and fitness among America's young people.

More information on childhood health and fitness issues and programs can be found at Mike Torchia's Operation Fitness information page

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Pregnancy and Excercising - 6 Reasons to Excercise During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy.

Walking, swimming, and yoga are two popular exercise activities suitable for pregnant women. Other forms of exercise like weight lifting are okay too as long as it is not too strenuous. most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first. Listed below are some of the top reasons for exercising during pregnancy.

  1. Exercise can reduce the length of labor and reduce recovery times. The right exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.
  2. Improve emotional health - exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.
  3. Exercise can help with weight management after the child is born. A common concern with most mothers is losing weight after pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier.
  4. Exercise is good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also helping out your baby.
  5. Reduced pregnancy side effects - Symptoms like headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation are common in pregnant women. Exercising has been shown to reduce the occurence of these symptoms.
  6. Decrease risk of premature birth - exercise has been shown in studies to decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body - if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.

About the Author - Criss White

Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. For baby shower supplies, information, and more baby related articles by this author, visit My Baby Shower Favors and Babies and Showers.

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