Friday, February 1, 2008 

Major Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise

Yoga has been around for over 3,000 years, and still remains one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. In fact, yoga popularity has increased tremendously over the past few years, and is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise among young people.

Yoga exercise can be used to strengthen the mind, body and spirit by people of all ages and levels of physical health. It doesnt matter if you are in good shape or not, you can reap huge benefits from practicing yoga. There are actually several types of yoga, ranging from the high speed and high intensity level to a gentle, free flowing style of yoga and everything in between.

Regardless of which form or style of yoga exercise that you choose, there are some major benefits that you can expect to achieve from yoga.

The first benefit that comes to mind is increased flexibility. Many exercise programs focus on building up muscles through weight training. There is nothing wrong with building stronger muscles, but if all you do is bulk up, without looking to flexibility you are doing yourself a disservice. Bulked up muscles tend to be more susceptible to strain and tears then muscles that are more flexible. Many professional athletes have their careers cut short as a result of muscle strains and tears.

Another major benefit of yoga exercise is stress relief. Yoga helps you unwind after a stressful day. By focusing on obtaining the perfect pose, it helps your mind release any negative thoughts, because your active mind cannot focus on two things at the same time.

Yoga exercise also increases your energy level. By continually exercising and building up strength, your body is able to increase its stamina and endurance. This in turns allows you to have more energy.

most people do not think of yoga as increasing muscle strength. It doesnt bulk up your muscles, but it definitely increases their strength by obtaining and maintaining the various yoga poses. Your muscle groups are straining to maintain your position, which increases your strength. As a side benefit, yoga will also improve your posture, which in turn decreases muscle aches and strains.

Yoga will also improve your general health. By twisting and turning, you will massage your internal organs, which helps them release toxins. This will improve your general health, and will help you ward off other illnesses such as colds and the flu.

Yoga exercise will help anyone improve their health, regardless of what level of physical fitness you currently are at. By utilizing yoga, you can improve your flexibility, relive stress, increase your strength and improve your general health. Yes, yoga really is good for your health in many ways.

sydney Heiden is a practitioner of yoga and founder of Yoga and Meditation for Beginners. For more yoga tips and information, go to her website,



Aspen Weight Loss Clinics

There are many programs that people who want to lose weight can turn to. Just browse around the internet and you would see institutions, clinics and gym and fitness centers advertising their services and telling you why you should go for them. If you would like to try something new, the Aspen Clinic' fitness program may be worth your time.

The clinic is a family-owned business based in south Louisiana and has been in operations for 16 years. The clinic has eight branches all over south Louisiana.

The Aspen clinic program promises its clients long term weight loss based on a system that emphasizes discipline, good nutrition and exercise. It is designed to increase one's metabolism and create lifestyle changes concerning one's eating habits and activities. Each plan is specifically deigned based on the individual needs of their clients. Those interested in partaking in this program can expect:

1.Nutritional behavior classes which will deal with tips on living a healthy lifestyle, general health education and building motivation.

2.Medical consultations with the establishment's doctors where the clients will receive proper diagnosis and recommendations based on their health and weight status. The attending doctor will also prescribe medicines for faster weight loss results.

a.The usual medications recommended are:





3.A variety of supplements which can help increase energy, regulate water retention, lower cholesterol, elevate moods, prevent fat rebound and get rid of toxins in the body.

4.Tips on healthy cooking, grocery shopping and eating.

5.TANITA body Composition analysis to determine the amount of pounds of fat, lean body mass, and water in their body.

6.Their body Mass Index and Metabolic Rates

7.Weekly weigh-ins, and


Here are some more weight-loss tips from the Aspen clinic.

Drink more water. Water cleanses the cleanses the body and by increasing its intake, you're allowing it to cleanse your body more which leads to the better functioning of your organs. Metabolism increases and then weight loss will occur.

exercise for at least 20 minutes. As your body improves, you may increase the length of time you exercise for more impact.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The ultimate Weight loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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