Friday, October 26, 2007 

Cancun Timeshare Rentals

Cancun, a coastal city in Mexico's easternmost state, is a world-renowned tourist resort. The warmth of its weather and the combination of blue waters and the white sand are just some of the reasons it is so popular. People from all over the world come here to enjoy nature and see the remains of Mayan culture. There are many historical ruins all over Cancun.

There is an exclusive hotel zone in Cancun, with upscale restaurants, bars, and the like which have catered to quite a number of the rich and famous. With a friendly environment, these restaurants offer international cuisine, bars and coffee shops, as well as a fast food area offering a variety of choices.

But instead of opting for this rather expensive option, one can think of Timeshare Rentals in Cancun. If one seeks courteous hospitality and great service at a sensible price, a Timeshare Rental is the best option. There are several timeshare and vacation rentals available in Mexico at the finest resorts, at rates discounted up to 30-50%.

One can have a two-bedroom, two-bath villa on a white sand beach for an affordable price. One can also enjoy a fully equipped kitchen and nicely decorated bedrooms. With these facilities, resorts also arrange for golf, scuba diving and visits to dolphins so that one can enjoy his/her vacation to the fullest. To become a member of these resorts, one can purchase an ownership interest to fully meet ones vacation needs, depending on length of the stay, the size of the accommodations.

Timeshare Rentals provides detailed information about timeshare rentals, hawaii timeshare rentals, florida timeshare rentals, aruba timeshare rentals and more. Timeshare Rentals is the sister site of Boston Luxury Hotels.

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Super Golf Swing Secrets

To play golf you need good hand-eye coordination, balance, and knowledge of golf swing biomechanics, athletic ability and a good amount of creativity. The average golfer's gross score is about 107 shots. And no matter what area of your game needs improving, whether it's balance and alignment or power and speed, there's a simple solution.

You want to play your game of golf with confidence. Know that you're improving your swing each time that you play. It's good to approach the game with a positive attitude and repeat predetermined affirmations like, 'I play great golf all the time.' Now if you've hit with your golf driver perfectly just one time, then you can do it every time you play. The subconscious mind knows the correct number and sequence of muscle contractions and nerve impulses that are needed, which is called muscle memory and is used in all sports. Be aware that the mental aspect of the game contributes to the difficulty of your golf swing.

When you swing your club, you should use the muscles in your legs and trunk. And sidespin will occur when the clubface is not properly aligned perpendicularly to the plane of the swing. If you have problems with your left knee buckling when you swing, try imagining holding a soccer ball between your knees.

Make sure to try to use the proper golf swing technique, never a shortcut. Ask your golf pro to take a minute to evaluate your posture and biomechanics while you're swinging. And use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing.

As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso can be affected and the hand action can also slow down thus requiring a slightly stronger grip than one would use if they were younger. After you've hit the ball, you should follow through with a continued rotation to the left. And make sure to swing slowly and steadily using good rhythm and good biomechanics.

At the end of your swing, the weight should be shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body fully turned to the left and the hands above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the back. Putting can become a recurring nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but many golf professionals so you should get expert advice and consider a golf swing trainer if this happens to you.

By using just a few simple tips, techniques and stretches, you can increase the distance of your drives by up to 20 yards - almost overnight. One good exercise is to hold a medicine ball in front of you and turn back and forth, left and right as far as you can go. It must be rotational if you want to improve on your driving distance. And because the proper golf swing is mostly rotational it really makes sense to concentrate on your turning ability as it relates to both range of motion and speed. You never want to underestimate the sheer value of fitness when it comes to your golf swing and your overall golf game.

Regarding golf swing aids and golf swing trainers - golf magazines often cover reviews by golfers, making it much easier to choose the right one for you. Before buying any aid or trainer for your swing however, check with an expert to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first, for example, the backlift of your golf swing or the momentum of the downward thrust or stance. Keep in mind that with some of the golf swing trainers, you may still need help from a pro.

And if you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're fairly easy to find. If you're a golfing novice just starting out, it's easy to become overwhelmed with all there is to learn.

There are a wide range of golf swing aids and analyzers on the market today to help the both the beginner and advanced golfer improve swing techniques. Most of all you don't want to waste your money on an aid or trainer you don't need or will never use so make sure to look for reviews and ratings online or offline for any golf swing trainer that you're considering.

It's most important to try to relax and try to really enjoy your game. Consider a golf vacation package as a good way to get in more practice. And if you can't take your golf clubs and golf accessories with you when you go, you should be able to easily rent golf clubs, golf accessories, golf bags, golf carts or golf cart covers at any golf resort.

So when you play a round of golf, concentrate on your putting, improving your golf swing or something specific for that day; have a firm plan in mind. It makes sense to invest in a few of the newest golf videos or DVDs, golf books, golf software and golf ebooks; older golf books may be outdated - there are hundreds of free and simple golf tips to seek out in consumer and sports magazines also, in books, ebooks, software and DVDs both, online and offline.

For more information on super golf swing improvement, golf swing trainers and perfect golf swing fitness go to specializing in golf tips, techniques, help, advice, resources and instruction including information on free golf swing tips

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Experience The Real Florida

Every year around 40 million visitors come to Florida for the sun, sea and attractions. Most visit the world famous theme parks or enjoy the fabulous palm-fringed sandy beaches.

However, while Walt Disneys Mickey Mouse is known the world ever, Florida is host to another mouse that is just as special and the key to exploring the real Florida.

The tiny Florida mouse - only found within the State - is one of the hundreds of species of animals, birds and other creatures that live in Floridas magnificent state parks.

The chain of 159 state parks is one of Floridas best kept secrets yet they offer a great day out for all the family and for a tiny fraction of the cost of spending a day at one of the theme parks. Just a few miles from Walt Disney World, Sea World and Universal Studios is Wekiwa Springs State Park, an 8,000 acre natural oasis surrounded by urban build up.

If you stand on the deck outside the parks nature center and look out at the spring and the lush tropical vegetation beyond, you can enjoy a landscape that is much the same as when the first Spanish explorers ventured inland almost 500 years ago and even when the first Indians arrived almost 12,000 years ago.

Wekiwa is a Creek Indian word meaning spring of water and today, the crystal clear spring discharges a staggering 43 million gallons of water every day into a lagoon that has a year round temperature of about 72 degrees.

Wekiwa Springs State Park is one of three parks in the area that make up the Wekiva River Basin State Parks, an area covering over 40,000 acres. Wekiva is the Creek Indian word for running water so the spring is Wekiwa and the river is Wekiva just to confuse you!

Admission to the park is just $5 for a car and all passengers so you can spend all day sunbathing, swimming in the lagoon, walking the trails, exploring the wildlife or renting a canoe and paddling up the quiet, winding river.

Visit the nature center at the start of your visit which will give you some idea of the wealth of wildlife to be seen within the parks boundaries. You can also learn about the parks rich history.

When dinosaurs roamed the rest of North America, Florida was still submerged several hundred feet below the sea. Instead of massive land animals, the warm waters above what was to become Florida were home to giant sharks more than 55 feet long. You can still find shark teeth and other fossils in the park although you shouldnt take them.

Around 10,000 years ago mammoth, mastodon, saber tooth tiger, camel, rhinoceros, giant ground sloth and glyptodonts a 1,000lb ancestor of the armadillo roamed the Florida countryside, having been driven south by advancing Ice Age glaciers.

Timucuan Indians were the first to settle the area and they established settlements throughout Florida. The Spanish arrived in the 1500s introducing horses and oranges as well as European diseases that killed most of the Indians. In the 18th century settlers began colonizing Central Florida and at the end of the Civil War a hotel was built at the springs and the first tourists arrived.

Today, the tourists continue to come and many of them are visitors from outside the U.S. in search of the other Florida. There are picnic areas with grills for barbecuing, family and RV camp sites with hooks up for power and water and primitive camp sites if you want to trek into the backwoods. There are mountain bike trails, hiking trails and horse raiding trails as well as nature walks.

Maps are provided free and all trails are clearly signposted so you can move from one trail to another depending on how far you want to walk or how keen you are to get back to the spring and jump in the water.

If you are out on the trails, you may see black bear, white tailed deer, raccoon, bobcat, gopher, armadillo and fox squirrel, the largest member of the squirrel family. Many people mistake fox squirrels for monkeys because of their size and the way they sit in the trees. However, there are monkeys in the state park descendants of extras in a Tarzan movie that escaped during filming many years ago.

The parks most famous critter is the alligator which can grow up to 14 feet and there are hundreds in the Wekiva Basin. You can usually spot them while out canoeing.

Gators are fascinating creatures. Their teeth grew continuously throughout their lifetime and they exert 2-3,000 lbs of pressure per square inch when biting down compared to humans who exert only 5 lbs of pressure when biting down with all their force.

Gators can also outswim you in the water and outrun you on land, achieving speeds of 35mph over short distances. Large gators can also jump vertically four to five feet out of the water a good reason not to mess with them!

There are many other interesting any interesting and unusual animals, birds, reptiles and insects to see in the park.

So, the next time you are planning a visit to Central Florida, say hi to Mickey and then enjoy a great and affordable family day out with Floridas other mouse and experience the delights of the real Florida.

Wekiwa State Springs Park is off Wekiwa Springs Road in Apopka, about 10 miles from all the main attractions. Visit their website at

Don Philpott spent 20 years as a senior correspondent with Reuters/Press Association wire service traveling the world on assignments. He has had more than 5,000 articles and 56 books published on travel, security, wine, food, and diet and health.

He recently completed a five year project writing a series of 22 travel guidebooks on Florida and the Caribbean. His latest book The Trailside Cookbook, was co-authoried with his wife Pam and was published by Firefly in March 05. He is host of, a wine and food appreciation website and senior editor of Florida Features which specializes in articles on Florida and the Caribbean. He is a member of the International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association and the North American Travel Journalists Association.

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Fear of Rejection - Explained and Solved

How does one define fear of rejection? The fear of rejection is the type of fear that one irrationally feels when one is afraid that other people may not accept you when you are just being yourself.

How does one react when one possesses fear of rejection? There are several ways:

1)One might be motivated to be more cautious than is normally expected when one is dealing with other people.

2)When you fear rejection, you might be pressured to say or do things just to be accepted, even when what you say or do go against your own beliefs or stand.

3)People who fear rejection are overly-concerned about what other people say, do or how they react to the individual in question, to the point that they may be paralyzed in speech or action.

4)You may feel your creativity, productivity and freedom of thought to be constrained when you experience fear of rejection.

5)You may opt to adopt the norms of the group exerting peer pressure on you and causing you to feel fear of rejection. This is particularly common among young people who crave a great degree of acceptance from their peers.

How do you know when you are experiencing fear of rejection? people who have this fear generally exhibit some recognizable behavior patterns.

1)Such people may display zero to little assertiveness among their peers.

2)They fear expressing an opinion especially if it differs from that of their superiors or people they admire.

3)They find themselves unable to prevent or bar others from pursuing self-destructive actions and behavior. This is common among groups of alcoholics or drug addicts.

4)They are easily persuaded to pursue behavior that fits the group norm, even when such behavior does not match their personal value system.

5)People who have fear of rejection may resort to passive-aggressive behavior, such as becoming sly or dishonest. These people do not resort to open communication to get what they want.

6)Such people generally express dissatisfaction or unhappiness with the conditions they live under - however, when encouraged to take a more confrontational approach to people who they fear, they refuse.

7)People who have this fear often resort to masking their true identity, because they are afraid their true identity will cause them to be rejected by the people around them.

8)They keep trying to adhere to prescribed styles and modes of behavior to the point that they cannot switch to other alternative forms of behavior.

9)People who fear rejection are transformed into habitual liars because they not only lie to themselves, they lie to other people as well, in order to maintain adherence to behavioral norms.

If you find that you may be acting out of a fear of rejection, there are different things you can do to eliminate this fear:

1)Identify what causes your fear of rejection.

2)Determine what are the behavior patterns that result from this fear of rejection.

3)Identify any alternative forms of behavior that you could adopt instead.

4)Find out what existing obstacles could hinder you from trying out these alternative forms of behavior.

5)Determine if these obstacles are irrational beliefs or rational beliefs. If they are irrational, you might have to seek professional help from a counselor or psychologist.

6)Rational beliefs are founded on existing factors - for example, if your fear of rejection from your peer group is founded on the fact that they will do something violent to you, that is a rational belief based on your experience. Rational beliefs should not be ignored because the cause of the fear is real. You may want to seek help from a person in authority when this is the case, such as assistance of a police officer or lawyer.

Nobody should live under a cloud of fear. If you have fear of rejection, maybe it is time to do something tangible about it.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 simple Steps to Developing communication Confidence. apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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