Wednesday, October 24, 2007 

Sick Betta Fish - How To Cure Your Sick Betta Fish

Sick betta fish will make make betta fish owners sad and sometimes hopeless in finding the cure to help their betta fish become healthy again.

Before these sick betta fish can be treated, their diseases have to be identified first, so that appropriate actions can be taken. Treating sick betta fish with inappropriate treatment will not only make your fish unhealthy, but it can also endanger their lives.

Here are a few diseases or sickness and suggestions on the treatment of your sick betta fish.

1. Betta Fish Ammonia Poisoning

Some of the symptoms include betta fish becoming sluggish and lethargic, losing appetite and gasping for breath at the water surface.

The problems might be because of the poisoning in the water. So, take necessary action like checking the water pH, using aged water (which the water was left unused for about 24 hours before putting the betta fish in) and neutralizing the water with water treatment such as AmOuel (look for it in the pet stores).

2. Betta Fish Itch

Just like a dog has lice, betta fish can also itch. Some of the symptoms include betta fish scratching its body against hard object in the tank, developing redness or bloody streaks or moving its gill rapidly.

In this case, medication is very important. Look for treatments such as Malachite Green, Quinine Hydrochloride and Mepracrine Hydrochloride. Also, raise the temperature of your betta fish tank to speed up the treatment.

3. Betta Fish Fin Rot

As its name suggests, you can see the rot in your betta fish fin. This type of betta fish sickness is most likely cause by poor water condition, and it gets your sick betta fish infected by bacteria.

Depending on the conditions of your sick betta fish, you can give the fish medication or keep the tank water fresh and clean all the time. Keep a balanced diet for your sick betta fish as well and make sure that the equipments you're using for your betta fish are bacteria free.

These are only three of many other symptoms and treatments for sick betta fish. You can grab a few books and learn more on how to treat your betta fish that suffer diseases such as constipation, Nitrite Poisoning or Gold Dust Disease. That is a better chance for you to get your sick betta fish back to a healthy and energetic beautiful pet.

Rosalinda Zamora is a betta fish lover. To get FREE info about caring your betta fish, go to and Rosalinda also highly recommends you to visit to learn the secrets of caring your own Betta fish.

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Satellite Internet Providers - Your Guide To Ultra Fast Internet Access

around the world millions of people connect daily to the internet. Our interdependency between the internet and our daily lifes has taken the world by surprise. There are thousands of different internet service providers providing different types of internet service. However not all isps provide satellite internet. You may of herd of dsl, cable internet, and dial Up connection but satellite internet is not as widely known, nevertheless, satellite is taking the country by storm, because of its relatively easy set up costs and availability in the most remote parts of the world, satellite internet providers are becoming today the hot choose. This article will explore this hot new exciting way of acceding the internet without the need of being in a specific location.

Have you ever dreamed of traveling anywhere in the world and having access to the Internet? Well satellite internet providers can make this dream happen. satellite internet consists in having a satellite dish provide the household with internet access. Instead of having a cable line built into the house such as cable internet must have, or having a telephone line built in, such as dsl needs, satellite internet providers provide wireless access to the internet through a satellite dish. Many satellite internet providers may as well provide satellite TV which may be a huge plus when it comes to money.

not only is saving money and being able to watch HBO a major plus when having satellite internet, but being able to have lighting speeds is always an extra. satellite internet providers are able to access the internet through a network of satellite dishes that interconnect to provide you with a crystal persistent frequency of information exchange which I like to call internet access. Ultra high speed access to the internet is what many may call satellite internet providers highest advantage over other internet service providers.

Knowing which satellite Internet providersto choose may be hard chose because of the many different companies that provide this service. However, there are a few tips one must remember when choosing their satellite internet providers.

number one: Charging the most does not always mean that you are getting the best value for the buck

number two: Always ask to see what kind of Internet/television combo the company provides. As I mentioned before this is a great advantage, because you may get a package which includes your favorite satellite programming and high speed internet access and an exclusive rate. number Three: Remember always to compare different isps before making your final choose

This is just the beginning to what the future has to provide in the industry of internet access. In the near future we may find that there is no need of Satellites or cables, where your own electricity in your own house can provide you with high speed streaming internet access.

Doug Churchill is constantly trying to help you find the best internet service providers To find free reviews of different Internet service providers such as, satellite internet, cable and dsl, visit

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Catching Trout In The Fall

Fall is the time of the year that many people turn their attention to chasing animals around in the woods and this is one of the main reasons that I love catching trout in the fall. In the fall of the year, rivers and streams tend to become much less crowded as people turn their attention to other things, which means there is more room for people like me who just like to catch trout. In the fall, not only are the rivers and streams much less crowded, it's also a great time of the year for catching trout. My theory is simple: it seems to me that here in the west, trout tend to "stock up" on food before the cold weather and shorter days make them much less active. I have caught more trophy size trout in the west, during the fall of the year, than at any other time.

I have known for a very long time that live crayfish are an excellent trophy trout bait, but in the fall of the year live night crawlers seem to be extremely effective as well. As the leaves begin to change, and the weather temperatures start to drop, there are few things I enjoy more than grabbing my ultra light rod and reel, filling my bait bag with live worms, and heading out for 3-4 hours on my favorite river. My best trout fishing days always occur in the fall, and I look forward to fall trout fishing like a drunk looks forward to that first beer after work.

The most effective method that I've found for catching trout in the fall is to use a set of pre-tied gang hooks baited with a live night crawler. If a rig such as this is allowed to flow naturally with the current of a river or stream, the results are amazing. As I said, this method has allowed me to catch many, many trout over twenty inches in the fall of the year, when most peoples attention is turned to other things.

This is exactly how to set up such a rig: begin by taking the end of your line and tying on a small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12). Now tie on a set of pre-tied gang hooks (size 8 or 10). At this point, split shot sinkers should be added above the barrel swivel for weight. The size and number of split shot will vary depending on current flow and the depth of the water. The goal is to have your offering bounce along the bottom as it drifts naturally with the current. With a little practice, you'll understand exactly what I'm referring to. Finally, simply bait your gang hooks with a night crawler and your good to go. If the worms that you're using are really large either pinch them in half or use a larger set of gang hooks.

The bottom line is that I've been using the rig that I just described to catch trout in the fall for more than 15 years and I know it works. If you us it, it will work for you as well. There is no better time of the year to catch trout than the fall, so get out there and have some fun. Not only is the fall the most beautiful season, in my opinion, it's also the best season for catching trout.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country..Montana!

Get Fishing Tips & Techniques Twice A Month For FREE -

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Treat Your Child To A Fun Party In A Blue World Pool

Are you tired and worn out at the end of a hectic day? This has become a common problem today with people becoming increasingly busy with their work schedules. In this mad rush to achieve success the one thing that we have left behind is family bonding. Today it is common to see members of a family heading out to different directions to cool off and relax. Bonding with family is very important and we must not sacrifice that at the cost of being successful professionally. The one thing that can help you connect better with your family is a swimming pool. The advantages of installing a swimming pool are numerous and until you actually have an above ground swimming pool installed in your house you will never be able to enjoy the fun completely. Just make sure that you are getting the swimming pool installed from reputed dealers like Blue World Pools.

Blue world pools swimming pools and hot tubs offer the luxury of taking a refreshing swim at the end of the day and lounging in the swimming pool in the company of your spouse and kids. Children grow really fast and if you do not bond well with them in the formative years, one day you will suddenly realize that your child has grown up and youve missed out on the chance to see them grow. So act before it is too late and make an effort towards playing and just being with your children, call the guys at Blue World Pools to install a swimming pool in your backyard. Children love to play with water and if they have access to a swimming pool when ever they want they will never be very happy! Can you think of a better way to satisfy your child? Certainly not!

Organize a surprise birthday party for your kid in the pool side. Invite all of his or her friends, make arrangements for food, refreshing drinks and organize some fun games that they can play in the pool. Watermelon Polo is a great game to play in the pool by children of all ages. Playing this game is simple, myou will have to split the children to two teams, two goal posts must be placed at either end of the pool and a greased watermelon is placed in the pool. Then both the teams will try to take the melon and put that into the goal. The team that scores the maximum number of goals will go on to win the match. You can arrange to give out small prizes to the winners.

Watermelon Polo is not the only game that children love to play, you just need to get a little imaginative and organize some other games for them that they love to play. If you childs birthday is just around the corner, plan this surprise party for him or her. Trust me on this, this will go down as one of the best birthday parties the children have attended and they will remember this forever! This is just the right time to do this, just go ahead and organize the party in the swimming pool and make your kids day.

Eric Wills advises people on installing and setting up swimming pools.He has been working in this field for many years. For any information on Blue World Pools,blue world hot tubs,swimming pools financing and pool dealer visit:

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Smart Investing in Uranium Could Mean ISL

Now that the spot uranium price has sustained above $40/pound, after a 20-year drought and a bottom of $6.40/pound at the end of December 2000, hundreds of junior exploration companies have thrown their hat into the ring. Both Canadian and Australian junior uranium companies hope to raise the big money required to bring a uranium property into production. A perceived uranium supply crunch has added to this frenzy. As occurred with previous uranium cycles, only the strong will survive.

While numerous Canadian junior exploration companies hope to find a new discovery in various uranium-prospective regions through Canada, a safer investment strategy is to speculate on companies, whose properties were previously drilled during the uranium bull market of 1974-1980). Some of those properties had uranium deposits delineated by major oil and uranium companies, who did not blush at spending tens of millions of dollars in exploration.

Some of the newly arrived uranium companies acquired those drilling databases and their properties, which were abandoned by the previous owners. Some companies have been actively moving their projects forward to production, using a more environmentally friendly mining method than an open pit or underground mine. It is called In Situ Leach (ISL) uranium mining, and the operation is much like a water treatment plan. Oxidized, or carbonated, water is pumped into an orebody, and uranium is flushed into a processing plant. These are relatively inexpensive to install, possibly for as little as $10 million.

There are pitfalls when investing in those companies which plan to establish ISL operations. During the initial phase of this bull market, a common myth, circulated among investors, had been "pounds in the ground." How many pounds of uranium oxide, or U3O8 for short, does a company have in the ground? The more pounds a company claimed, the higher its market capitalization ran. Once you sift through the companies with very real prospects from those who are cheerleading their "pounds in the ground," you should have a realistic short list.

These are the four key questions which must be answered if you wish to minimize your risk when investing in uranium stocks:

How permeable are the ore bodies you plan to mine?

What is your average grade?

Over what area does your rollfront extend?

What is the depth of your ore body? One of the most important factors to consider is the permeability of the sandstone, from which the uranium will be mined. Permeability is the flow rate of the liquids through the porous sandstone. Knowing what the permeability of the orebody will let you know how much water you can get through the sandstone formation. Harry Anthony, an internationally recognized ISL expert, noted, "You need higher grade ore for tight formations. With high permeability, you can space your wells further apart."

The make-break point for a formation's permeability is its Darcy rating. How high is the Darcy? A typical Darcy can range from minus 1000 to plus 3. The higher the Darcy, the more permeable the formation. This helps determine how economic the orebody is. An acceptable range would be one-half to one Darcy. What is a Darcy? Uranerz Energy CEO Glenn Catchpole, who is also a hydrologist, said, "It is gallons per day over feet squared." He added a pure hydrologist would calculate the feet per day or centimeters per second to get a more accurate permeability assessment.

With low permeability in a tight formation, you may need to space more wells in a typical well field pattern. While explaining that costs are fixed and variable, Anthony computed the cost of a production well for a 500 foot deposit at $15,000. An injection well could cost $11,000 to install. By comparison, in New Mexico, where the deposits are wider and of higher grade, a 2000-foot production well might cost $27,000 and the injection well could cost $18,000, and it would still be economic. Obviously, the deeper the deposit, the more it will cost to extract the uranium. Not only will the capital costs increase, but operating costs will be greater.

Uranium grades can be a contentious point. "Grade is the driving force," Harry Anthony shot back. We asked him about companies which said they could run an economic ISL operation with grades as low, or lower than 0.02. Anthony laughed, "They'd be out of business before they started." Strathmore Minerals' president David Miller offered a more technical analysis, "That will not likely have enough recoverable pounds. The operating grade feeding the plant will be too low." What is the best grade? Miller wanted to see properties with deposits that average on the order 0.5, 0.10, or 0.15.

Uranium grades can impact the cost of operating an ISL plant. An ISL plant may operate at 5000 gallons per minute. Running 24 hours daily, the plant would process 7.2 million gallons of water. Operating costs are based upon cost per thousand gallons of water. "This includes electricity, reagents and labor," said Anthony. On a daily basis, it would cost more than $21,000 to run an ISL plant, based upon Anthony's calculations of $3.03 per thousand gallons of water. Under this scenario, a plant might produce 2360 pounds of U3O8 every day or 80,000 pounds monthly. The cost to produce each pound would be $8.18. Using that math, the uranium grades would be about 44 parts per million (ppm) or 0.08. Anthony said, "I like to see 70ppm or higher." That comes to a uranium grade of 0.13.

Another way to evaluate a company's uranium property is looking at each part of its development costs. In a well field pattern, David Miller can determine the economic viability of the ground. "The keys to what is recoverable include how many pounds are recoverable per pattern and what it costs to install a pattern," Miller explained. "If you have 10,000 pounds in place and can recover 8000 pounds, your well field development cost can be $8/pound, if it costs you $80,000 to install that pattern.

The cost to install a pattern also depends over how much territory your uranium deposits run. "Ten million pounds over an area of one-half mile will cost less than those same pounds over an area of two to four miles," explained Terrence Osier, Strathmore Minerals senior geologist. "That means more injection wells and more production wells." Depth of the wells influences installation cost and impacts its daily operating cost. "When uranium costs were very low, a company needed 70,000 pounds per pattern," Anthony commented. "Now a company might only need 20,000 pounds per pattern to make it economic."

There are many variables within the above advices provided by these experts. However, the important point to realize is the time of hyperbole and hoopla over "pounds in the ground" has passed. As more uranium development companies move closer to establishing an ISL operation, the go/no-go consideration, as UR-Energy CEO William Boberg aptly described it, will come down to permeability. After that, the economics of a project will either make it viable or not. Using these criteria, you can avoid the hysteria by speculating with the odds stacked more in your favor.

COPYRIGHT 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

James Finch contributes to and other publications. StockInterviews Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market has become the most popular book ever published for uranium mining stock investors. Visit


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