Monday, January 14, 2008 

Panama Travel Tips for Arriving Prepared

Seasoned travelers praise Panama, the vibrant country in Central America wavering on the line connecting its ingrained cultural past to its modernized standard of living, for being a unique and desirable yet not overcrowded travel destination. Panamas rich history is evident throughout the landscape, from Spanish forts along the coastline of each ocean to the colonial homes and brick roads of Casco Viejo. Visitors marvel at ancient reminders of Panamas past while enjoying the convenience of a modern communication infrastructure, clean drinking water, good roads and convenient transportation options. Following are just a few tips to help you prepare for your arrival in Panama:

-plan Ahead. The best time of year to visit Panama depends on what you want to do during your visit. If you plan to take advantage of the multitude of outdoor activities such as hiking, snorkeling, sailing or sight seeing tours, take into consideration that the dry season is from mid-December to mid-April (but bear in mind that you will pay a premium for airfare and accommodations during this season). If partying is your thing and you are looking for more bustle, you may want to visit during The Carnival of the City of Las Tablas, an elaborate festival starting on the Friday before Ash Wednesday and lasting through Ash Wednesday each year.

-Bring the required documents. United States and canadian citizens are required to show a valid passport and tourist card to visit Panama. A tourist card will likely be added for a $5 fee when you purchase airfare, and will allow you to spend up to 90 days in Panama. If you do not have a current passport, be sure to obtain one as early as possible to pay the lowest rate and to allow time (usually a few weeks) for processing.

-Get the recommended vaccinations. At least several weeks before your departure, visit a health professional to obtain all of the recommended vaccines for visiting Panama. You may need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, hepatitis A, and typhoid among others.

-Enjoy nature but protect yourself from it. Due to Panamas proximity to the equator, sunburn caused by exposure to the suns intense ultraviolet rays can put a damper on your vacation and harm your health. Always apply a UVA/UVB protection sunscreen before and during outdoor activities. Additionally, wear proper clothing and repellant to protect yourself from ticks, mosquitoes and other insects that accompany the thrill of outdoor adventures.

-Use transportation wisely. Taxis are plentiful in Panama and provide a convenient means of transportation to visitors. Fares are low, hovering around the $4 range to get anywhere within Panama City. Be aware that a taxi waiting outside your hotel will cost significantly more than one hailed from the street. Taxis are not metered, so be sure to negotiate your fare with the driver from the start.

The reassurance of being properly prepared for your trip to Panama will allow you to spend less time worrying and more time enjoying your stay in this cultural, tropical paradise.

Jon Ashurov, of CPanama Real Estate Corporation, is an expert on Panama real estate. For more information, please visit

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Rediscovering Radio with Satellite

It's been many generations now since radio was born. A crackling signal carrying serial dramas and comedies, news, and live concerts entered the living rooms of families across the globe in the early days. Later, the enjoyment of music and talk could be enjoyed on portable transistor and car radios as people went about their business or at least until the weather or distance eliminated the signal.

over the years however, radio started to fade as an entertainment medium as crystal clear digital music offered front row type listening for music lovers with portable CD, DVD, and mp3 players for their home and travels; no commercials to interrupt the enjoyment and no fading signal. As the tastes of listeners expanded, a dozen or so receivable stations could no longer deliver the diversity of programming that was desired. For some, the regulations of the FCC also quelled some of the "edgier" entertainment that they craved.

Although the uninterrupted, superior audio quality of pre-recorded music has drawn many away from radio listening, the depth of the entertainment experience can be lacking. Switching to a news or weather broadcast for updates, taking in an in depth discussion on a topic of interest, or enjoying a good laugh with a favorite show simply isn't part of the experience. Discovering new artists or favorite genres is also less likely unless a friend shares something new.

More recently however, listeners who desire better quality audio and uninterrupted entertainment no longer have to forgo the broader entertainment experience offered by radio. With the emergence of satellite radio, new life has been breathed into the old medium.

Because satellite radio is broadcast by communications satellite, the reach of the signal is not limited by station power; the channel can be heard virtually anywhere. As a result, listeners in their car can travel across the continent and continue listening to the same station uninterrupted.

Satellite radio also offers higher sound quality than traditional radio broadcasts. Static, fading, and signal breakup are virtually eliminated. In addition, with many commercial free stations and programming, listeners are often left to enjoy their chosen entertainment interruption free.

For many listeners, satellite radio also provides entertainment that is unavailable through any other medium. Free from many of the regulations that limit traditional radio broadcasts and having a diversity of programming that encompasses almost every genre imaginable, there is generally something for everyone on satellite radio. As a result, listeners are able to completely immerse themselves in a preferred genre or to easily discover new favorites.

For many listeners who have experienced satellite radio, the enhanced features make the small monthly fee for the service well worth it. Certainly it offers a broader and potentially higher quality entertainment experience than its predecessor which makes it worthy of a look by those who haven't yet experienced this newer version of radio.

Christine Peppler believes that consumers should not have to possess a technology degree to be able to choose home electronics and entertainment devices. Take advantage of the wealth of simple to understand, useful information and shopping available on her website at

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