Wednesday, December 26, 2007 

Cooling Down Phase for Soccer Training - A Coach's Perspective and Focal Point

Cooling down,I term this the reflection phase. It is a time to prepare for physical and mental relaxation. This includes stretching and flexibility work as well as light group jogging and limbering down exercises.This is the time of mental reflection of the practice, game or even the day's events.This is especially neccesary while at and during tournaments

This important phase is usually over-looked by most teams as they are trying to either celebrate the win or discuss the loss and any related issues. If this aspect is incorporated every practice then it will be a natural process after the games as well. Yes the practices need to incorporate warm up as well as cool down. Apart from the physiology of increasing strength through stretching regimes. This helps the team members understand their bodies and it's needs.

It is also a great time for the coaches to get feed back on the events. This gets the team to contribute to their immediate experiences, whether is be a competition or practice. It helps everybody paint a mental picture of their collective accomplishments.

When a group of individuals gets together and focuses on something other than the immediate task at hand then the task becomes another routine within the training regime.This is switching the focus from the actual cooling down process and focuses on the socialization aspect of cooling down. It deals with the fresh experiences that have just occured. let the team discuss the events first before the coach talks or the meeting is held in the locker room. young minds need to also voice opinions to each other before they talk to the larger group. This helps build unity within and a power of responsibility throughout.

It is a time to also talk about the other aspects of sports activities. These are nutritional and additional aspects of concentrating on mental focus.

Yoga Mat And Eco


The Future Of Snow

If I had a penny for everyone that asks for a "high altitude chalet" for their annual skiing holidays nowadays then I would be a very rich man!

But how can you blame them? The british press have been bolstering their winter broad sheets with the effects of "global warming" and the dreadful snow conditions that we have been apparently experiencing in the alps. This has of course been spurred on by doom mongers sat in a london press office, with all but a poorly placed webcam to gain their daily insight on the true snow conditions at a local level*. Nevertheless, they still feel qualified to paint a pretty dreary picture to the unassuming public as to the future of european skiing holidays.

Many webcams are inaccurately placed and only show snow at the Tourist office altitude which is often below the snowline and not where the real skiing is. Morzine in particular, (one example of a great british ski destination), has suffered this over sight by the Tourist office who have chosen not to lodge their webcam at the skiing altitude, but rather at a 900 metre resort level.

Coming from one who has spent every week of the ski season touring the alps over the last 11 years, then I feel qualified to have an opinion. Although I have seen a change in snow, it is not as dramatic as one is led to believe. If anything the seasons are simply shifting. We are getting the same seasonal levels of snow as we were a decade ago, but it now chooses to come later and stay for longer. April skiing is now bigger business than ever as it steals demand from the festive weeks; and rightly so because the reality is that April is experiencing higher levels of snow than ever before.

Thankfully, various ski associations with first hand knowledge of the actual snow levels of last season have sought public correction and recognition from the media as to the unfounded nature of their premature remarks; remarks about the uncertain future of european skiing holidays.

I have heard many tales of skiers cancelling their Christmas skiing holidays at the last minute with huge losses in cancellation charges, simply because they choose to believe all they read in the papers! If they had taken their holiday as planned and paid for, they would have found a ski resort skiing normally above 1500 metres, and please remember that most premier French resorts have 95% of their skiing above this level anyway.

Indeed the resorts where skiing is placed below 1300 metres are experiencing the "wrong kind of precipitation", as temperatures are rising. However if you pick a resort where the skiing is above 1300 metres, then you will be experiencing normal skiing conditions and full coverage of ski area, which nowadays is further enhanced by snow cannons; snow cannons that are actually making the skiing better than ever before.

Perhaps the snow that we have just experienced in Chamonix, (July 1st 2007) is not a good omen that the snow is still prevalent, but acting as a harbinger to climate change or a merging of the seasons?

The fact is that last season was actually a better season for snow above 1300 metres than the previous two years. Long term weather forecasts are suggesting a rise in precipitation over the alps in the next ten years, along with relatively low levels in temperature rise. Therefore although there may be rain at low levels there will be greater amounts of snow at higher altitudes, thus making resorts above 1500 metres all the more in demand for european skiing holidays.

Shaun Parker has been at the forefront of the Skiing Holidays Industry for 15 years. Now serving over 10,000 clients per year for snowboarding, mountain biking, activity and ski holidays, Alpine Elements provide a complete package for Apline holidays all year round. Visit

Meditation Ferien Yoga


Here is a Simple Explanation On Swing Plane That Will Give You One Less Thing to Worry About

Swing plane. To be honest, this is a little understood position in the golf swing. Actually it's not really a position that you can put yourself into. It's more like a place that varies and you go through the places.

Kind of like a roadway. One that is on an angle.

Try this in your mind. If you are old enough you will remember the hoola hoop. For those who don't, it's just a piece of plastic that is exactly round. It is, maybe four feet or so in diameter. Got it? The use of it is not important for this discussion.

But the shape of it is.

So let's make a hoola hoop that measures three feet more than your height in diameter. So if you are five feet eight inches tall, then your hoola hoop will be eight feet, eight inches in diameter.

So no matter your height you will have the correct size hoola hoop if you just add three feet to it's diameter over your height.

That was easy. Right?

So to get an understanding of what swing plane is and how it affects your golf swing let's do the following.

Take your hoola hoop and stand it straight up and down. Or vertical. Perpendicular to the ground.

Now step inside it. Put you feet on top of it. And just stand on it. It should be exactly three feet over your head.

If this were your swing plane could you hit a golf ball? This means that your club would follow the hoola hoop up and down and all around it. So if you did that with the hoola hoop in this position, could you hit a golf ball?

Remember we are doing this mentally. So for you that are looking for your hoola hoop, it's in your head. No where else.

Now place a golf ball on the ground, and get into a set up position to the ball. Take the bottom of the hoola hoop and place it on top of the golf ball. Mentally! In your head.

Now lean the hoola hoop toward you. Now you should be standing inside the hoola hoop. And the hoola hoop is leaning toward you at some unknown angle.

This angle is a swing plane. It is the roadway that your club will travel. And it is an angle.

You have heard the terms, flat swing or upright swing, these are terms of swing plane. No two people would have the exact same angle or swing plane. It is something that is your own. But you do have control over it.

You can vary your swing plane just by standing more upright or by bending over more. Bending over more will result in your hoola hoop being a tad flatter and standing up right will give you a more upright swing plane.

So the path you club travels relative to an angle to the ground is swing plane. It is not the same thing as just swing path. Swing path doesn't include the angle and is more relative to the target line. Like is it an inside out or outside in swing path.

So swing plane and swing path or clubhead path are not the same animal and we are talking about swing plane. It's an angle.

One that the club travels on and it is generally thought of as only on the downswing.

There are several types of swing planes as well. Single plane and two plane.

Now it gets a bit dicey. I think I will save that conversation for another time. Let's just say that most players have a different plane on the downswing than they had on the backswing.

Once again Jim Furyk comes to mind. That would be a perfect example of a two plane swinger. Two plane is generally more up right while a single plane swinger would be flatter. Or more around.

Taller people often prefer to use a two plane swing. Shorter folks often do better with a more round or one plane swing. But not always. Want to test drive one of them?

Let's just try a one plane swing for the heck of it.

Ok .. get into your set up position. We are going to change your grip first just a bit. You will want to have a stronger right hand on the clubhead. More to the right or on the side of the club, careful not to get it under the club.

Make sure in your setup that you have ample knee flex and you have bent over from the hips a tad more than you may have normally. Now take the club away making sure you have a bent right wrist. Bent back toward your forearm. Keep your spine angle the same as set up. Turn to the right and load up onto the right leg.

Now instead of lifting your arms up above your shoulders, take them around your right shoulder. Flat. Almost like a baseball swing. I said almost, you can get too flat, we don't want that.

Your right wrist should be bent back and in the trayed position. Your hands should be slightly behind your right shoulder and lower than you are used to. You should have maintained your spine angle that you had at set up. And your left shoulder should be visible under your chin.

Now bump your hips left and keep you right elbow close to your body. Fire the whole thing at the ball from the inside. Go hard at hit from this very powerful position. This is not a place for sissies. Your objective is to more or less fling the clubhead at the ball using your bodies excellent shift from the right side to the left side. This is a wicked powerful move.

This flatter swing will help get inside the ball while providing tremendous power and accuracy as long as you do all the other moves correctly too.

This swing plane is the most direct route to the ball. But be cautious, it isn't for everyone. Some are much better suited for a two plane swing that is more upright.

The objective here is not to convince you to use one or the other. More to help explain what swing plane is.

It's an angle.

I love angles in the golf swing. It is truly the source of power and accuracy. Angles equal leverage, leverage equal power, power equals distance. No angles no leverage no leverage no power no power no distance.

Here are some angles to look for. The angle between the right wrist and the right forearm, the angle between the club shaft and the right arm, the angle of the swing plane, the angle of your spine at set up. All great angles that, fi done correctly will be maintained throughout the swing and into impact.

Power is a result of great angles.

Swing plane is not really an exciting topic, I know that. But it is part of the whole picture. One thing that is exciting are the four magic moves that are new and little known.

Get the first one free. click here.

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