Tuesday, November 13, 2007 

Get Money With Offline Affiliation

Online affiliation is very much in the Internet. Million websites has become affiliate website to get money to sale products and services around the world. Online affiliation is one of alternative to get money ?easily?. Before Internet become very popular like nowadays, affiliate business has spreads around the world especially to distribute their product and services. This article discusses how to build offline affiliate business. This is preliminary article before you entry to this business.

Offline affiliate

Offline affiliate business is business to sale third parties products and services. You are not needs having your own product and services but you can sale other corporate products and services. This product like: chemical, machinery, mechanical, water treatment tools, toys, inflatable, household, etc. Your task only promote and sale their product in your local area. Company that gives us right to sale their product called principal.

In this context, you will become reseller, distributor or representative. Reseller and distributor is agency of the product to sale with right create price from basic price that given from principal. However, if you become representative, then you will only act as agent with no right to conduct commercial transaction. You will only take action as spoke person but you will get commission too.

To become an affiliate of principal, usually, you must apply with their mechanism. My experiences our company contacts target principal and introduce our company to interest with the product or services. Send introduction letter to this corporate and tell about our company and our marketing capability to sale their products. Our profile and description will guarantee target principal will give right to sale their product. My experience showed one to two months target principal will accept or denied our application.

How to apply? Target principal usually have mechanism in their website. This is very useful to get right selling. You will only send email or fill out the form in website. But best if you send your corporate profiles in hardcopy to their address. This is will consider to give their right to sale the products and get money from product and services selling.

Basic Corporate
Before you find and get sale right, you must create company. This is very easy. The steps are: 1.Create corporate name based on your local tradition.
2.Create your corporate logo
3.Create your corporate description.
4.Use your address as mailing address.
5.Best if you develop your website to sale product or distribute the information. You can fill web with information about general info of the product you will sale without mention trademark.
6.Create company profiles in softcopy and hardcopy too.
7.You will act as director and marketing team. If you have enough capital, then you can hire person to help you in marketing activities.

Promotion Process

After you get sale right a product or service, usually you will get brochure, username, password and other marketing tool materials. This is very useful for develop our marketing area. In offline business, whatever your product and service, you must conduct business with tools below. According Anne Ahira, there are some offline business tools like:
-Business Cards: Business cards act as mini billboards that reflect your business image. Extra business cards in your wallet, purse, or briefcase increase your chances to spread the news about your business.
-Flyers: Flyers offer an inexpensive way to jumpstart your marketing efforts with a small or nonexistent budget.
-Print Ads: Ads in daily newspapers can become very costly.
-Broadcast Advertising: You can use TV and radio to advertise your product and service. But this is need much money to pay it.
-Brochures: Brochures and other printed materials are high-impact ways to increase your company's exposure.
-Postcards: Postcards are a cheap and effective way for prospective consumers to get your marketing message without even opening an envelope.

Susmanto Hadi is independent author from Indonesia. He has been writing some books in Bahasa Indonesia. He also compile computer security glossary in an e-book to help everybody to understand computer security sciences. He is a ghostwriter to some local writer in Indonesia. He also conducts Internet marketing activities with his web. See his web for more information, click here: http://www.digitallylearning.com/

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