Tuesday, January 15, 2008 

Internet Access Types

In this article you will learn that what are the major internet access types and how these internet access method works. Following is a brief overview of the major internet communication methods.


digital Subscribers Lines is an advanced technology for bringing high speed internet connection to the home and corporate users. dsl doesnt require the new wiring because it can be used on the regular telephone lines. With dsl you can use your internet connect and use telephone for making phone calls at the same time.


ADSL (Asynchronous digital Subscribers Lines) is a high speed internet connection that is used to send and receive data at very high speed over the conventional telephone lines. ADSL supports data rate of 1.5 MBPS to 9 MBPS when receiving data (downstream) and 16 to 440 KBPS when sending data over internet (upstream)

Cable Net

Cable modems are copper wire are used to high speed access to the internet. coaxial cable is used by the TV provides much greater bandwidth than the regular telephone lines. Cable modem provides the broadband internet access. Cable modem is a network bridge that conforms to IEEE 802.1D for Ethernet networking with some modifications. Some cable modem devices use Router to provide local area network with its own IP addressing. Some of the major manufacturers of the cable modem are Cisco, D-Link, Linksys, Motorola, Ericsson, Nortel Networks and 3Com.

Dial Up

Dial up communication is a type of internet access that works on the regular telephone lines. The computer is granted internet access by connecting the telephone line with the modem in the computer and configuring the computer with user name password and dial up numbers provided by the local ISP. Dial up service is least expensive but also provide the lowest internet speed. The dial up connection can be used with two types of modems internet modem and external modem.


GPRS General Packet Radio Service is a series of functionalities that allow mobile data streaming and transfer to users of Global system. GPRS also called as 2.5 G. GPRS allows multiple users to share communication channel. GPRS facilitates the functionalities of web browsing, SMS, multimedia messages and real time email reception etc.


WiMAX stands for worldwide interoperability for Microwave access. WiMAX provides very high speed broadband internet connection to the home users, corporate users and the roaming users over wireless connection. WiMAX allows the data, voice and video communication at the same time. WiMAX connection can also be bridged and routed with the wired or wireless LAN. WiMAX provides data rate up to 70 mbps.

Satellite Internet access

Satellite Internet services are used in the locations where terrestrial internet access is not available. Satellite broadband is linked to the dish network subscriber service and provides data communication speed at the same rate of other broadband technologies. Two way satellite internet consists of two foot by three foot dish, two modems for uplink and downlink and coaxial cable between dish and modem.

B. Bashir manages this website Networking Tutorials and regularly writes articles on various topics such as Computer networking, Network How Tos Wireless Networking, Computer Hardware, Certifications, How Tos, Switched Network and Computer tips.

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Clubhead Speed Development in Your Downswing

Let us review from a biomechanical perspective the downswing before introducing the physical side of the equation into this phase. The downswing begins at the completion of the transition. weight shift onto the front foot continues during this phase of the swing. The generation of torque is created in this phase of the swing and then is transitioned up through the body into the club.

The majority of torque in this phase of the golf swing is generated by the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core of the body. (Fleisig, Biomechanics of Golf) The torque created in the lower body creates acceleration in the upper body as energy is transferred into the clubhead. Studies indicate muscle activity also occurs within the pectoralis major (chest), lattimus dorsi (upper back), and rotator cuff muscles during the swing. (Geisler, Kinesiology of the Full Golf Swing) The downswing is complete at the point in at which impact occurs with the golf ball.

As we can see numerous muscles groups are involved in the execution of the downswing, most notably the muscles of the lower body. These muscles (glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps) are responsible for torque development in this phase of the golf swing. Torque is the development of power in a rotational movement pattern. power in relation to the golf swing is measured through clubhead speed, and the greater the clubhead speed the farther the ball will travel.

this all points back to need for torque development in the backswing if the desire is to increase the clubhead speed of your swing. Outside of improving the efficiency at which the execution of the downswing occurs, the second variable to increasing the torque (i.e. power) development in the downswing is through training your muscular system.

The process by which we can accomplish this goal is through the utilization of golf fitness exercises. These exercises will increase the ability of your lower body muscles to output more power in a rotational pattern (torque). two physical components are necessary for this to occur. Number one is the development of more strength in the muscles of the lower body, and number two is increasing the ability of these muscles to output more power.

Research indicates in order for the end of goal of higher levels of torque development to occur increased levels of strength must first be developed in the muscles of lower body. Golf fitness exercises that can accomplish this goal will utilize exercise incorporating the muscles of the lower body involved in the golf swing. As well as utilize them in a functional and cross-specific manner to the golf swing.

Keep in mind torque is the development of power in a rotational movement pattern. During the downswing phase of the golf swing, the musculature of the lower body is responsible for torque development. In order to increase the torque outputs of these muscles the first step is to increase the muscular strength of these muscles. The squat with physio-ball is one such exercise that can accomplish this task.

Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA tour regularly working with professional golfers, most notable PGA and Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. To learn more about Sean Cochran and his golf fitness exercises and training programs go to http://www.seancochran.com

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Golf Swing Sequencing - The Secret For Effortless Distance

The order in which you swing the golf club has a major effect on the distance that you can hit the golf ball. If you have the incorrect sequencing of the golf swing it can cost you a lot of distance. So if you're like most golfers who want to hit the golf ball as far as you possibly can -- you've got to understand the correct sequence of the golf swing.

To get started let's look at what should happen in the sequencing of the backswing.

When you start your backswing you should do so with the big muscles e.g. your back and shoulders. You should not start your backswing with your hands e.g. picking the club up.

Now as you're starting the backswing by turning your shoulders and back you also need to shift your weight to your right foot. You need to continue to shift your weight to your right foot as you're turning your shoulders and back on the backswing. And keep doing this so that at the top of your backswing position you have about 85 - 90% of your weight on your right foot.

So you can sum up the backswing as a shift and turn.

Now at what part of the golf swing does the most power come from?

It's the transition. And the transition in the golf swing is when you change directions from the backswing to downswing.

Just think, if this wasn't true you'd have golfers setting themselves into a perfect top of the backswing position and then swinging from there. But that doesn't happen and never will because it's the change of directions from moving the club back to bringing it down where the real power in the golf swing comes from. And that's the key place in the golf swing where most amateur golfers lose a heck of a lot of distance. this is through a lack of the correct golf swing sequencing. Let me explain.

Imagine you've reached the top of your backswing position. What do you think should start the downswing?

The correct answers is: The weight shift should!

To start the downswing you need to first move your weight back to your left foot. Then you need to move your left knee towards the target, then the left hip needs to move towards the target, followed by the left shoulder and finally your hands should move.

The sad thing is that most golfers start their downswing with their hands and that's a killer as far as creating distance is concerned. You've got to start the downswing with the weight shift and then the left knee.

So go out and try this now.

To do this I want you to swing slowly back to the very top of your backswing. Then when you've almost reached the top of your backswing position I then want you to move your weight back to your left foot and then move your left knee towards the target. Once you've got the feeling of doing this then speed up the swing.

Now personally I just like thinking about moving my left knee towards the target to start the downswing. And I suggest you try that golf swing trigger as well.

If you get this sequencing correct from the backswing to downswing you'll gain a lot of distance and the golf swing will be a lot easier for you. Try it you'll love the results!

Professional golfer nick Bayley has found just one golf swing fault that could be stopping you from ball striking consistency and success. But now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. Go here to take The Golf Swing Test now

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Introduction to Upcoming FCC Auction

As most of you know by now, the FCC (Federal communications Commissions) is set to auction off a sizable portion of electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum, once used by analog televisions, has been reallocated due to the FCC mandating that all tvs must be digital by 2009. This leaves commercial US telecommunication companies in a unique position to bid on the open frequencies, which happen to be prime for wireless communication. While the normal players like AT&T and verizon will obviously be looking to bid on this spectrum, a new player announced their interest, Google.

Let me quickly give a non-technical interlude on why one would want to bid on a range of frequencies. The electromagnetic spectrum is very wide in comparison to what is being auctioned by the FCC. It includes all waves from Infrared to visible light to Ultraviolet. Depending on the frequency of the wave, the wave exhibits different characteristics. The higher frequency waves travel considerably shorter than lower frequency waves among other differences. The FCC has taken the radio wave portion of the spectrum and allocated different bands to different purposes. Check out this PDF from the FCC to take a closer look:

While some of the spectrum is left open to the public to use devices like ham radios, cordless phones, and wifi, most of it is privately used. Among these private uses are cell Phone infrastructures. This lets the owners decided to either use the frequencies to build a cell network or lease the frequencies to other companies. As you can imagine, buying spectrum is quite expensive. When cell phones were first introduced not many companies had the available resources and know how to make buying this spectrum correct. The few that did were able to gain control of large quantities of frequencies and have not let go of them since.

This leads us to present times, where a few monopolies own the entire available cell phone spectrum in the usa. There is virtually no way for competitors to create their own (profitable) networks. Think about it, the available spectrum is gone, and while you can become a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator where you lease infrastructure of other companies), what do you think would happen if you started to steal profits from the company you were leasing from? (Granted it is more complicated can this, and I am not an MVNO expert, but the profit margins seem to plateau much lower than if you operated your own network, youll probably end up like Ampd mobile).

So companies like AT&T, verizon, tmobile, and cingular (oh wait, AT&T eliminated that problem) have no fear of young upstarts stealing their profits. Further, though these companies are definitely competing with themselves over market share, they are able to implicitly collude with each other to keep profit margins high. Telecommunication companies have a golden ticket right now, why would they kill their profit margins by lowering prices like HDTV producers were forced to do? Because of lack of competition these monopolies have no need to either significantly lower prices or significantly increase features that would cost a lot to implement. It is good for these companies to prevent competition.

FCC auctions have happened before and not scared the big guns however. Why would they? Actually, its been just the opposite. Who else is going to bid billions of dollars on radio spectrum and actually make it profitable? There were no other companies that could afford to bid on spectrum as it came open, and thus the monopolies could remain that way.

This self-surviving prophecy could come to an end in the upcoming election. With the increase of wireless data network technology and usage, other companies are becoming interested. And there is once such company that aims to act on its Motto Do no Evil and bring the power back to the people. In the next article we will take a look at Google's plans and motives.

Watch for the latest updates and learn more about wireless communications at http://www.freedwireless.com

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