Thursday, December 6, 2007 

One Bad Golf Hole

Do you have one golf hole that always gets you?

Jim is a 12 handicap golfer. He absolutely loves the game and can't seem to get enough. He buys a new set of equipment about every 2 years or so and watches golf on TV whenever he can. He really enjoys following the pro tours and trying to guess who will win on any given sunday.

Jim's club tournament is coming up soon. He can't wait. His game has been steadily improving over the season and he feels he's ready for this. A couple weeks ago he shot his best score ever on his home course, a 3 over 75! He knows he's got it in him and maybe even lower since he had a double bogey on one in that round of 75.

As tournament weekend approaches, Jim begins to psyche himself up. He's very excited and even antsy. He has kept himself in great shape and followed a prescribed practice routine by his teaching pro for the last 2 weeks without missing a single day.

This tournament is his! He can feel it.

He walks up to the first tee of the tournament and he stripes it right down the middle. He finishes the first hole with a par and a great relief comes over him as he prepares to settle down and get serious. He plays well over the next 10 holes until he comes to hole number 12.

Hole number 12 is a very narrow long par 4. On one side of the fairway is a lake and the other is out of bounds. It's a tough hole and Jim has this thing about hole 12. It always seems to get the best of him. He hates it! This is the hole that he double-bogeyed on when he had his career round. He thinks it has his number.

Sure enough, Jim plays hole 12 like he always does and chokes on it this day as well.

He finishes the tournament in second place by 2 strokes. He looks back on it and wonders why, why he just can't get past that hole 12...

Does this story sound familiar to you? Do you have a golf hole or maybe two golf holes on your favorite course that always seems to get the best of you? Do you walk up to that tee and immediately feel a shudder run through your body? A tenseness or tightness?

Well, I want to tell you that this is good news! What, are you kidding me? How the heck can this be good news?

Because it says that you have the automatic mechanism! That is, your body responds automatically to certain situations. You can use this in your favor instead of being a victim to it like Jim.

Is consistency important in golf? Duh, of course! It's the holy grail of scoring! Well, if you automatically have a reaction to a certain hole and seem to play it bad every time, well then, guess what - you are showing consistency. This is a resource that you have and you've used it before and it's served you well and sometimes it hasn't.

You see, the mechanics of what is happening inside your mind and body are exactly the same when you go up to a hole that you hate and when you perform your preshot routine to a perfect consistency resulting in the shots you know how to do.

The only difference is in how you have chosen to think about each of the situations.

Begin to think right now how many times you've been automatically consistent in your golf game, good, bad, or otherwise. You see, your body and unconscious mind don't make judgements as to whether something is good or bad. It just does it. Your awake, conscious mind has that job. It also has the job of deciding whether or not this resource you possess called "consistency" is something you have to wait around for luck to happen...or you can choose it .

I think you know the answer to that one...don't you?

greens and fairways,

Craig Sigl, the Golf Anti-practice expert, is a master and Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Timeline techniques. He plays to a 5 handicap and teaches his methods worldwide. Visit Golf Instruction Tip to receive a free digitized golf book and ezine "Golf legends and Gurus"

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Belly Fat: Enough of That! One Probable Cause of Excess Abdominal Fat

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; nor do I play one on TV. As a matter of fact, I don't even watch the actors, who play the doctors on TV. I am a researcher, extraordinaire. I research, "the research."

health statements made by this writer have not been evaluated by the food and drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease. Nor are they intended as medical advice and should not be used for the purpose of self-diagnosis. Consult your personal physician regarding all medical problems and concerns...

There's more fat around the bellies of American men women and children now, then there was 20 years back.

What's up with that?

The truth is, there are a multitude of theories and reasons which address our battle with the belly. My aim is to focus on one, probable cause; and then share one, dynamic solution.

Let's begin with a review of Anatomy 101. The colon. The colon is also known as the large intestine. It is a long, muscular tube, about six feet in length that orchestrates the digestive process. As you chew your food, your body releases enzymes that help with digestion. When your food reaches the stomach, the process continues and, the body's digestive juices break it down even more. after about an hour or so of this, the stomach deposits your food into the small intestine.

after several hours of being in the small intestine, the undigested waste, is transported into the last section of the colon where it is eventually eliminated.

Most adolescents have little problems eliminating waste from the colon. This is because there is very little undigested waste sticking along the lining of the colon walls. However, the typical American diet is loaded in fats and enormous amounts of protein which have a propensity to deposit left behind, waste in the colon. As such, it's during your post-adolescent years that the interior of the colon walls gradually become smaller and smaller.

Imagine a pipe accumulating years of interior rust. This causes a narrowing of its original diameter. Well, this is pretty much what happens to your colon over time. That is why there may be more force required to eliminate fecal matter. Elimination is supposed to require little effort. However, because your colon's walls are lined with debris, you strain. "Straining" is indicative of a blocked colon.

A blocked colon leaves food behind to rot in the digestive tract: Therefore, the final process of digestion is not completed. The debris then rots and candida albicans, bacteria and toxins take residence. food which is undigested in the colon contributes to colon cancer. John Wayne, the world famous western actor, died from complications of colon cancer. It is said that he had more than 40 pounds of undigested food in his colon.

Mucoid plaque consists of the layers of mucous and rotting food which compact themselves year after year along the entire length of the digestive tract (Anderson). But here's the thing, this plaque forms in the intestine and continues to produce mucous as a normal response to the undigested food. food is not supposed to just sit there and rot. Our body is designed to store three meals at any given time (Jensen), but most Americans are storing six to twelve! Mucous is not powerful enough to move the toxic, enzyme-free sludge left behind from fake, chemically-laced and high-processed foods such as, "wieners," "supreme burritos," and double orders of chili fries.

However, as a natural defense mechanism, your body continues to produce more and more mucous. This causes the colon to grow in diameter and create the appearance of belly fat. So, if you are doing dozens of crunches and other "ab work" and can't seem to lose the belly fat, it's probable that you have undigested food rotting in your colon.

In his book, Cleanse and Purify, Dr. Richard Anderson documents what another medical doctor (who requested anonymity) shared at a seminar:

"I have spent twelve years working in the field of post-mortem diagnosis. I have seen many thousands of dissected cadavers. What Rich is telling you is the absolute truth. Everybody has it in there. We have a way of attaching a hose to the upper intestines and with the aid of powerful chemicals, we literally blow the stuff right out of the intestines. I have seen the heavy 'beer belly' and so called fat people lose all that bulk in five minutes. It wasn't fat. It was the mucoid layer that Rich was talking about. And, in that filthy substance we see all sorts of worms, bacteria, fungi, and many unidentifiable things. It is almost unbelievable that people can live with that filth in them. All these people were dead of course, and it wasn't hard to see why" (Anderson p2-46)



Colon hydrotherapy- is a powerful enema performed by a licensed professional. It has an immediate affect and flushes out old, putrefied food and debris from the colon. Many doctors have stated that rotten food can be removed with this hydro-cleanse.


Reduce or completely eliminate white dressings, ice cream, processed sugar, candy and creamy soups.

Increase the fiber in your diet. Make broccoli, beans, fruits and nuts the norm.

And finally, exercise and drink plenty of clean, fresh water throughout the day.

It won't be long before you begin saying:

"What happened to my belly fat? Oh, I had enough of that!"


Jensen, Bernard ---Empty Harvest

Guyton, AC, MD ---Textbook of Medical Physiology

Martin, Simon --- Intestinal Permeability

Anderson, Richard, MD --- Cleanse and Purify

Fran Briggs is an author and motivational speaker. She is also the President of The Fran Briggs Companies, an organization dedicated to the personal and professional development of individuals and groups around the globe. The company's personal development website offers a free, exciting twice-monthly newsletter that helps you live a happier, healthier and wealthier life. Please visit and for more information.

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Is it Possible to Play Better Golf With No Practice?

I, like most golfers, am always looking to play better, beat my mates and get bragging rights. I have a lifestyle that is pretty hectic and spend a lot of time with my family. I have two boys and we are a soccer mad family. I coach one of my boys teams and my other son plays twice a week as well. So you can see I don't get any time to perfect my golf at all.

Recently I have been managing about a game every 4 weeks and absolutely no practice, so I have been in search of a way to help me enjoy my game with no practice, so I researched and investigated and came up with 2 things that I could do with out too much bother.

  1. course management
  2. Pitching and Chipping strategy
course Management I decided that I would concentrate on choosing the right kind of shot at the right time, then I would definitely get better scores. The golf course that I play at has loads of bunkers on every green, and I figured that if I went for the green with my approach shots that I would either be on the green or in a bunker. Now depending on how far out from the green I was also had a bearing on my shot. I decided that for any shot requiring more than a 9 iron I would actually play short/lay up and take my chances with my chipping and putting. As part of that decision process was also where to lay up to to give me the best angle to chip on to the green.

So my simple course management technique was really to avoid the bunkers at all costs and give myself a chance of an up and down from a green side chip.

Unless you can hit the ball from where you are onto the green at least 7 times out of 10 then you would be better off playing short.

Pitching and Chipping Strategy

I read the following tip recently

"You can vary the distance of your chips by using different clubs - try using your 5 iron, 7 iron or 9 iron and only one swing instead of using your Sand Wedge and 3 different swings."

Basically, the secret is to have the same length backswing, but use a different club to ship the ball either longer or shorter, and I adapted it to have two swings.

Well that made sense to me so before my round started, I thought I would do a little scientific research, so I went to the practice area and played chips with 2 different swings

Swing #1 Take the club back about 18 inches behind my back foot. The key is to go back the same distance every time
swing #2 Takes the club back parallel to the ground
I spent 15 minutes testing out how far the ball went with each club using swing number 1 from my 5 iron up to my lob wedge to get a feel for the distance covered in the air and the total distance I then repeated the exercise using swing number 2 I also used a simple setup routine for chipping and putting (you can get this set up routine from my website

Now I didn't change any other part of my game, and just applying these simple methods improved my game without any practice (well actually about 15 minutes practice on the chipping range!)

As I said before these 2 things were the key to me winning our club A grade competition, and all done with 2 very simple techniques that anyone can do without remodeling your swing or taking a lesson, so that should give you some food for thought!

If you want to discover the simple set up routine that I used, simply go to my web site and See my review of The Simple Golf Swing Review

Cl Louis St Yoga


The HD Media Future

The HD Media future

Everyone knows that media format wars have historical significance in the world of technology. Remember the most notorious battle between the Beta max and the VHS? The winner of such battles will make millions even billions. Later we had the upgrade of tape to CD, a revolution in music. In 1980 the Philips/Sony compact disc standard was finalized and nobody has looked back for the last 26 years (until mp3's came along).

Well as ever there is a new media battle but who will win again is yet unknown. This modern forest of technological mass has produced a new insurgency: THE HIGH DEFINITION war. Blu-ray vs HD-DVD are two competing formats which are eventually going to replace DVD's. As you look around at your local electric retailers you can see changes happening in the broadcast world, not only are we changing from our conventional CRT screens to Flat screen but also to HD ready TV. The impact this has on our lives is not as large as black and white to colour, but nevertheless a change that will definitely be a benchmark for future media.

Why New formats?

The reason we have introduced these new formats is that your traditional DVD can hold a maximum of 9.4 GB (Dual Layer) of information. This is not enough for HD broadcast as the information required is higher, being a resolution of 1920x1080. Blu-ray discs can hold 50 GB (Dual Layer) and HD-DVD 30 GB (Dual Layer).

These new discs cannot be played on normal DVD players but on new HD media players of which examples are Samsung BDP 1000 (Blu-Ray), Sony Playstation 3 (Blu-Ray), Toshiba HDXA1 (HD-DVD). This means spending more money for better resolution.


This is always important especially when new models of media come out; at first it is always expensive as supply out strips demand. The players are expensive, the cheapest being the Playstation 3 supposedly retailing at 549. Blu-Ray media also being expensive; similar to DVD's when they first came out (taking inflation into consideration), blank media costing from 11.99 to 24.99.

To play a Blu-ray disc on a PC has brought about a price concern. The fact that you have to purchase a HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) Graphic card, along with a HD monitor, not to mention a Blu-ray Drive and media, controversially may bring about decrease in sales. This is presently being contested with new Laptops and PCs that are Blu-ray compatible, look at the New Vaio VGN-AR21S.

The HD players need to be up to scratch on price. The Toshiba HD-DVD player retailing at almost half the price of the Blu-ray Samsung player creates even more competition between the two media. This could encourage sales of HD-DVD over Blu-ray, even though it's rumoured that Toshiba will be making a loss initially.

Prices of movies doesn't seem to be as high as anticipated; a Blu-ray movie 'House of flying daggers' from will set you back $19.95 (10.68). This may encourage sales. Movies in HD-DVD identical in price, yet Blu-ray is a larger size disc.


Another problem HD may face is that the new DVD players have the upscaling technology ie. DVD is played at 480p but upscalers upgrade the image to 720p or 1080i. This produces a picture which is of high quality to the untrained eye, in fact even the trained eye has difficulty distinguishing between the two. The difference is seen on a 50 inch HD projector and looking right up close. So the question is will 1080p be much different to 1080i? Will people fork out the added expense when they know that a cheaper DVD upscaler will create more or less the same effect?

Media Backup

software and Hardware companies have invested a lot of money in subsidising HD media. Samsung, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, LG, Sony, TDK, JVC and Sharp support Blu-ray and Toshiba and Microsoft back HD-DVD. Hollywood movie studios Disney, Paramount, Warner, Sony, eagle rock, Fox and MGM and Lions gate support Blu-ray also. None of these large companies would take such a gamble if they didn't know that this is what the consumer wants.

PlayStation 3

Sony love to bring out their own media whether its Sony Duo Sticks or Sony mini Discs. Their hunger to dominate the consumer market has always been there and this is nothing different. The Playstation 3 will play Blu-Ray discs, still having the ability to play older media like DVDs and CDs. The success of the predecessor's PS1 and PS2 will give much anticipation to the release of this new console and is what Sony are hoping will convert people to use Blu-Ray. A Sony spokesman has predicted that Blu-Ray will dominate the HD market within 12 months.

The encouraging feature with HD-DVD is the name, everyone's ears will ring with the name and automatically assume that this is a high definition movie. Asking someone in the street what 'Blu-ray' is will bring looks of confusion, along with the fact that both will produce similar quality pictures.

region Coding

region coding with Blu-Ray may put people off; the fact that you may not be able to watch a new release from the states or Japan on your European locked regional player will raise eyebrows.

REGION 1 South America, North America, East Asia (except China)
region 2 Europe and Africa
region 3 China, Russia other Countries

Multiregional configurations on DVD players has encouraged sales worldwide especially with worldwide films from Bollywood, Japan (manga) and South America.

So far the HD-DVD camp has not announced region coding just yet, and if they don't then this will be very advantageous for consumers.

future Proof

Realistically you only need about 15-20 GB for a feature length film in High definition but who would have known that DVD's could not be able to hold enough for high definition. Theoretically they can with MPEG-4 Compression. In any case media like Blu-ray will hopefully be future proof in years to come.


The timescale and price are the two main issues here, how quick we will universally change to HD and whether this is affordable. From a consumer point of view the necessity for HD doesn't seem imperative, after all VHS was around for 20 odd years twice that of DVD (so far). You could argue that technology is changing exponentially and that changes occur quicker.

As for the battle between the two media there may be compromise ahead. A UK firm has announced a solution to the media war. London-based New Medium Enterprises (NME) has developed a low-cost, multilayer DVD disc that can store Blu-ray content on one layer and HD DVD content on another. This would leave the consumer with the choice of buying either type of player to play the one disc.

The key setback I feel with the looming HD change is the cheaper alternative to a Blu-Ray player or HD-DVD player, the DVD upscaler. Do people want to get rid of those hundreds of DVDs they bought to replace them with an expensive alternative, especially when they might not even notice the difference in picture quality?

However I do feel that HD is encouraged with consoles such as the Playstation 3. Blu-ray is its main format and may revolutionise the games industry.

Jay Jeetley is a writer for the website, a resource for Blu-ray news, movies, forums and media.

International Yoga Fellowship Movement


How To Easily Lose Weight By Controlling Your Food Intake

There are lots of ways to lose weight these days. You can have liposuction, as long as you dont mind paying thousands for it, being bruised for days afterwards and then seeing the weight pile back on in a matter of weeks.

You can take weight loss pills, again, if you can afford it. The problem with pills, though, is that they dont work which is a fairly big drawback.

You can try one of the many fashionable fad diets that are floating around at the moment, if you dont mind eating foul-tasting food in tiny portions and feeling hungry and miserable all the time as a result. Or, if you want to, you can alter your existing eating habits in a few special ways. It doesnt cost anything, it really works and theres definitely no bruising! It is, as youll soon discover if you give it a try, the very best way to lose weight and keep it off over the long-term.

Combine the changes in your diet with regular - but not difficult or boring - exercise, and youll see pounds of fat disappear from all over your body EVERY week until you decide youre happy with your weight and bodys appearance. If youre ready to learn what you need to change and the things you need to do to make it happen, read on!

Youre going to lose weight by controlling the number of calories you consume on a daily and weekly basis. You see, lots of people know about the concept of calorie control, but very few seem to use it properly. Perhaps it seems too good to be true or maybe theyre just lazy and easily discouraged. Whatever the reason, one fact cannot be denied: if you control your calorie intake properly, you WILL lose weight. Its a scientific, biological, physiological FACT. Do what youre about to learn and the reading on your bathroom scales will drop each and every week. Here goes.

A pound of fat contains approximately 3500 calories. If you consume 3500 calories, you WILL gain one pound. No ifs or buts. And, as youve no doubt guessed, if you eat 3500 calories LESS than usual, youll lose one pound. But you cant just cut down your calorie intake by 3500 a day if you do youll mess up your bodys natural balance. What you need to do is lower your calorie intake by 500 calories a day, which will make a total deficit of 3500 calories over a seven day period. Before you do that, though, youll need to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This number sums up how many calories your body needs per day to maintain its weight. Once youve calculated it, you can then go ahead and eat 500 calories less than that number per day. Click this link to go straight to the Perfect Body Plan BMR calculator. Working out your BMR takes literally 30 seconds - once youve done it, carry on reading this article.

Okay, so now youve got your BMR. Lets say its 2100 calories. You now know that if you want to lose 1 lb of fat a week you need to eat 1600 calories a day and no more. If you do that, you WILL lose 1 lb a week its inevitable. To make sure you eat the correct number of calories, you need to look at the food labels on the things you eat. Of course, its also recommended that you get your 1600 calories, or however many it is you personally need, through healthy foods containing healthy fats such as Omegas 3, 6 and 9 and not by going to a fast food place and only eating a small burger meal. Stay away from saturated fats as much as possible.

So, youve lowered your calorie intake by 500 calories a day thats a guaranteed loss of 1 lb a week. But what if you want to lose more than that? In that case, you can do one of three things. You can either lower your calorie intake a little more (while ensuring you get all your required vitamins, minerals, fats, protein, fibre and carbohydrates from your food and drink), you can stick to eating 500 less and incorporate some extra exercise into your weekly schedule, or you can do both by lowering your calorie intake a little more (say, 700 less than your BMR) and doing exercise.

This final option is the one I recommend most. By doing regular exercise, you help make sure your body is always burning fat and not muscle, which is clearly a good thing. exercise also gets and keeps your metabolism up, which helps your body burn up the fat you want to lose. So, what about losing 2.5 lbs a week? How could one go about doing that? It would mean youd lose 10 lbs a month, which is pretty impressive. In 6 months youd be 60 lbs down! You might not even want to lose that much!

To lose 2.5 lbs a week, you could first cut your calorie intake to 700 lower than your BMR. So, if your BMR is 2100, youd eat 1400 a day. That equals a fat loss of a pound and a half straight away. Next, youd do enough exercise in the week to burn the remaining 3500 calories needed to make up a total weekly weight loss of 2.5 lbs. To burn 3500 calories a week through exercise isnt as hard is might sound. The key is exercising often, intensely and using different kinds of exercise throughout the week. Heres an example.

Monday: Swimming, 1 hour. Calories Burned: 800.

Wednesday: Badminton, 1 hour. Calories Burned: 1000

Thursday: House work (hoovering and ironing), 2 hours. Calories Burned: 270

Friday: Weight training, 1 hour. Jogging, 1 hour. Calories Burned: 900

Saturday: Yoga, 1 hour. Calories Burned: 200

The remaining 200 or so calories would be made up by day-to-day activities, like walking, climbing the stairs, etc. Of course, you dont need to do as much exercise as just outlined. Youll simply increase your rate of weight loss if you do.

The key point is calorie control: get it right and youll lose weight its as simple as that!

Perfect Body Plan is a brand new e-book that has been designed in a special way. It allows anybody who reads through its pages regardless of what their specific, individual goal is to achieve their perfect body. It only uses tried-and-tested techniques that fuse diet advice, multiple fitness and weightlifting programs that anyone can perform, and psychological guidance that MAKES SURE you achieve your goals. Whether you want to lose weight or gain it, get fit or simply look good naked, Perfect Body Plan has the answers

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Kriya, a Spiritual Yoga Experience

People seeking a deeper spiritual meaning in their lives have found Kriya yoga. Yogananda brought Kriya yoga to the West in the 1920's. He established the Self-Realization Fellowship as a total yoga experience that addressed the spiritual as well as the physical, all most other western yoga disciplines concentrate on.

A Kriya yogi, as described by Yogananda, mentally moves his life energy around the six spinal centers - the medullar, dorsal, lumbar, coccygeal, cervical, and sacral plexuses. These each relate to the twelve zodiac signs. This subtle energy revolution progresses his evolution, and it is said that this 30 seconds of Kriya is equivalent to a year of natural spiritual growth.

Kriya yoga is based on Kundalina yoga and includes similar asana and meditation methods. Kriya adds some spiritual and esoteric guidelines. It does have its detractors that point out Kriya does not maintain your power comes from within, but that you need a teacher, or guru, to release your spirituality. Although it sounds like an admirable goal, Kriya's attempt to eliminate obstacles begs the question, are the obstacles there for a reason? Is the guru the right person to decide how and when to remove them? It is very important to go into Kriya yoga with a strong sense of self. Never allow another to hijack your self-determination!

Advocates of Kriya yoga believe they can achieve self-realization faster by combining three other yoga methods:

1. Karma yoga is concentrated on the movement of the soul, both out in the world and the inner actions of the mind.

2. Bhakti yoga aims to achieve peace with all the elements of your life through the power of love. It is often stated as "oneness with all creation and cosmic consciousness."

3. Jnana yoga is concerned with intellectual discipline leading to wisdom gained from spiritual knowledge giving freedom of the mind.

Thus, Kriya joins the three into a single discipline. It highlights the relationship between breath and mind. Breath control is self control. Breath mastery is self mastery.

Preparation is the first step in Kriya yoga. The body is prepared with a hatha yoga exercise routine. For beginners or the less flexible, other alternative preparation routines are provided.

Mind preparation comes next. Here you focus your mind by studying general conduct, analyzing your overall health, cleanliness and purity. You may even study your relationship to certain metaphysical principles. These reflective studies help to prepare the mind for later techniques intended to refine and improve the nervous system.

Mantras are taught in Kriya meditation in order to tune the mind and body to a single frequency. Again, the detractors point out, one must be careful that YOU are the chooser of the destination and your mind isn't being controlled by another, even a trusted other.

Although one of a handful of more controversial yoga paths, Kriya yoga has helped many attain spiritual levels they couldn't quite reach with other methods. It may be right for you, but go into it with your eyes open and your protection activated.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Yoga

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