Thursday, December 20, 2007 

Is Your Power on Remote Control?

In 1939 the world was introduced to a device that revolutionized the way we live and the way we physically move or don't move. According to the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, that year the first wireless remote control was developed by Philco. It was appropriately named the Philco Mystery Control.

The image of this remote control device came into the mind of a visionary who made it become reality, changing the way the world lives forever. This is another example of what one person can do, who's willing to step out and turn their vision into reality.

It's an interesting analogy between the wireless world of remote controls and the wireless world of our thoughts, which create our physical reality. The difference being that a remote control is limited by the frequency that's subscribed to a device, and our thoughts have no limits of any kind unless we believe in limits.

Are you letting outside influences, or the good opinion of others, limit your life? Do you feel like other people are your "clickee", using the remote control for your power to get what they want from you? Are you having a hard time saying "no" to the time stealers in your life?

Maybe you believe you aren't important enough to put your goals and desires first. But you know what? We all came into this world, from the same Source, equally valuable with our own unique gifts to express in our own way. We all have the right to the freedom to express them. In fact, it would seem that the world was created just for that purpose, wouldn't you think?

Many years ago I was forced to choose between a 24 year career with a major telecommunications company or a business I was building with my husband, that I hoped would allow me to quit my job. The powers-that-be in this company believed that my "side" business created a conflict of interest. When I thought about the demands they were putting on my life, I knew in my heart and soul I couldn't give up the idea of freedom.

I choose to say "no" to the corporate prison, the robber of my time and peace of mind. I faced the fear of uncertain income no regular paycheck. I pushed through the times I felt paralyzed by fear by turning to the only source I had to get me through the one inside of me. I learned to let go of that part that told me I couldn't survive without a job, and turn to the part that had all the answers to the questions I didn't yet know to ask. I learned to use the universal laws, which operate just as surely as the Law of Gravity. It took time, faith, and trust, but in the end it was all worth the struggle. I now lead a free and peaceful life.

If you're having a hard time saying "no" and giving your self permission to live life on your own terms, there is another way to look at the situation that may help you see it differently.

Love yourself, and the other person, enough to say no. When you're faced with decisions, you have two options. You can choose from a place of fear, or from a place of love. If you choose from fear, you're doing what the other person wants because you're afraid of what they will think or say about you, and how that might affect your life. If you choose from love, you understand that at a soul level we are all connected. At this level how you feel about what you do is more important than what you actually do.

To choose from love means to love yourself enough to honor what you know is right for you, trusting that it's also the right choice for the other party whether they can see that point of view or not.

So how do you know if you're making your choices from love or fear? Your feelings are the clear indicator of where your choice is coming from. If you have a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach and you're feeling anxious and in an emotional turmoil, you can bet you're moving in the fear direction.

How do you change directions?

Begin by taking the time to go inside yourself and getting clear on what you really want the outcome of this decision to look like. see it, feel it, and live as if it's already a reality.

Keep that vision in front of you. When your thoughts take you to fear and worry, STOP and let go of those thoughts. Use your power of choice to be relentless in your vision for the outcome you want, letting go of any fear thoughts that come up.

look for ideas and guidance that begin appearing throughout the day. Act on the guidance you receive, and take one step at a time towards the outcome you want.

What do you do about those who will be less than understanding about your decision? Be lovingly firm, without judgment or criticism, and set the example for them to find their own way to an outcome that's ultimately better for all involved. By following your own vision, you're lighting the way for others to find theirs.

Unlike the remote control, we all have a choice of when we use our power and when we don't. Don't let fear be your guide. It's up to you to be aware of what you value the most, take a stand, hold onto that value, and live the life you came here to live for the good of us all.

Be true to you. If you don't who will?

Sandy Reed, Certified Life Coach and small business owner, provides personal coaching, teleclasses, tools and resources designed to assist soulpreneurs in preparing for life transitions. She publishes a free bi-monthly ezine, Find Your Power, Love Your Life Visit her website for more information and to sign-up for her free mini-ecourse 7 Steps to personal Power.

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Global Warming Prevention

Global warming is an issue that affects everyone who calls anywhere on earth home. We should each make an effort to do what we can do in order to ensure that we are preventing global warming. Here, you will find an outline of tips that you should use in order to know your part in global warming. Apply the suggestions that are listed here, and send them to your friend, family, and coworkers. Pass it along to everyone you know so that we can all work together to save the world. 1) One of the first steps that you can take in order to prevent global warming is to make sure that you keep the tires on your vehicles properly inflated. If you allow your tires to be on the road and they are not properly inflated, you could produce hundreds of pounds of greenhouse gases each year. Greenhouse gases lead to the damage that global warming produces.

2) When shopping for groceries, do not allow yourself to walk away with plastic and paper bags. Take a cloth bag to the store in order to carry your merchandise. By doing so, you are reducing the need to throw away the plastic bags and contribute to the global warming crisis.

3) In each of our homes, we should try to find the lights that we use the most and then replace the bulbs with bulbs that are specifically designed to be energy efficient. This may cost more than a standard bulb, but it will prevent the damaging effects of global warming and reduce the amount that you pay on your electricity bill each month as well.

4) Many farms and farming equipment put harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that lead to global warming. If you would like to prevent global warming, you should try to buy foods that are organic in nature. You may also consider growing your own food and buying the food that is grown in your area. This reduces the gases that are released into the atmosphere and the gasoline that is required to ship food to your area.

5) You may want to check the filter that your vehicle uses to circulate air every couple of months. If an air filter becomes congested and dirty, it will release nasty gases into the atmosphere that lead to global warming.

6) It is important that you try to use products that are recycled. If you do this, it will reduce the amount of waste in landfills and will also reduce the need to cut down more trees in the environment.

7) You can also prevent global warming by driving your vehicle less. You can carpool with others, or take a public transportation method. You may even consider buying a bicycle or walking to places that you wish to go. This is not only great for the environment, but great for your body as well! brings you thought provoking information about global warming. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out all the pages and decide for yourself.

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Diets Make You Fat!

The reason I say that is because ALL diets deal with the consequence (BEING FAT!) and not the CAUSE (the reason why you got fat in the FIRST PLACE).

now, dont get me wrong I am by no means advocating that you dont eat right. This is not what I am saying at all.

I searched the internet to define diets and this is what I found.

diet: the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)

Dieting is the practice or habit of eating (and drinking) in a regulated fashion, usually with the aim of losing weight. It is also used in some cases to gain weight or to regulate the amounts of certain nutrients entering the body. It usually involves a non-traditional diet.

Regulating or restricting ones food intake! How bazaar is that! All that does is it teaches the body to store FAT, because the body thinks its going to starve and doesnt know where the next meal will come from. So the body will instinctively start to take the fat from all the food you put into your mouth to gratify its needand then it starts to store the fat for when it may need it again.

Did you know (and you probably already do by your own experience) that if you deprive your body of what it wants it automatically starts to CRAVE it, when the body craves for it you have an overwhelming desire to eat itand lots of it. And this is the reason why it is hard for people to stay on diets.

Feed the body what it wants; when it wants it (within reason of cause) and the body will no longer store the fat.

I teach people 4 simple steps that help them lose weight and keep it off by using Emotional freedom Technique. Because it will work where nothing else will, usually rapid, long lasting and gentle, no drugs or equipment involved, easily learned by anyone and can be self applied. My many workshop participants will testify to this.

It is all about the CAUSE, the reason why you got fat in the first place. There are a number of reasons why people over-EAT, but in saying that all the possible reasons are emotionally based. Emotional freedom Technique will fix it and will then help you lose weight.

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community training Centre & Gain Back Your life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET and online training and support to the new and not so new netpreneurs. Gillian is also the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of the Multiple Ripple Effect system 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to

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