Saturday, December 1, 2007 

How to Increase Your Male Libido Naturally

To increase male libido naturally, you should try the supplements outlined here - not only will they increase male libido they will also make you feel happier and healthier.

So here are the best supplements for increasing male libido:

L argentine

This nutrient is highly important for peak sexual performance. In fact, it is probably the most effective natural supplement for increasing male libido.

Current studies support the use of argentine supplements to ensure that nitric oxide secretion is sufficient to keep blood flowing to the penis.

Nitric oxide insufficiency can stop the penis from becoming erect, as it relaxes smooth muscles in the penis during sexual stimulation, allowing increased blood flow to the penis so its needed to produce and sustain an erection.

A study published in 1994 showed an 80 percent improvement in the erectile function of men given 2.8 grams of argentine a day for two weeks.

L Tyrosine

Supports and assists neurotransmitters in the brain. Reduced levels of L-Tyrosine are present when your bodys under stress, aged, or tired.

L-Tyrosine supplementation helps reduce stress, improves mental alertness, and enhances mood, which in many instances manifests itself in increased male libido.

Gingko Bilbao

Used to improve blood flow around the body, and functions as an anti-oxidant in the body.

Ginkgo is a standard herbal remedy for male sexual dysfunction and increasing male libido, due to its affect on blood circulation.


Korean Ginseng - used in China as a sexual balancer and revitalizing tonic for over 7000 years - an adaptogen, and believed to help maintain balance in the body and help the body adapt to stress.

Korean Ginseng is widely known for its ability to boost energy (including sex drive) and support the immune system.

As an adaptogen, it also helps you adapt to physical or emotional stress and fatigue.

Ginseng also has a normalizing effect on hormone imbalances, and boosts metabolic rate, as well as improving blood flow to the genitals.


Selenium - believed to be good for sperm production and mobility - nearly 50% of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose selenium in their semen.

Getting enough selenium is therefore vital for peak sexual performance and male libido.


Zinc is required for the production of testosterone, and the zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm, is higher than in any other body tissues.

A deficiency of zinc is associated with numerous sexual problems, including sperm abnormalities and prostate disease.

Zinc not only helps produce testosterone, but also helps to maintain semen volume and adequate levels of testosterone, therefore maintaining sex drive and keeping sperm healthy.


Magnesium is a trace mineral that is important for the production of sex hormones such as androgen, estrogen and neurotransmitters that modulate the sex drive - such as dopamine and nor epinephrine.

Essential Vitamins

Vitamin A
Helps regulate the synthesis of the sex hormone progesterone.

Vitamin B1
Thiamine (B1) is essential for optimal nerve transmission and energy production throughout the body - which means it's essential for sex.

Vitamin C
Participates in the synthesis of hormones that are involved in sex and fertility: androgen, estrogen and progesterone

Vitamin E
Often referred to as the sex vitamin, is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant that protects cell membranes from free-radical damage.

Vitamin E is also required for the synthesis of hormones, and hormone like substances known as prostaglandin.

More health and wellness information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site:

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A DIY Guide to Installing a Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fencing is more exciting that you can imagine and not just a matter for providing privacy from your neighbor next door. At first glance, it appears to be a difficult task to accomplish as many people believe, but if you enjoy do-it-by-yourself, you will find that a vinyl fence has certain attractive aspects.

Galco holsters are more than tools for tactical fence climbing, but also a vinyl fencing complement. Vinyl fences help you keep privacy for your home, protect you from burglars and other thieves, and even make your surroundings a beautiful environment.

Privacy vinyl fences are as strong as any other made of wooden, metal or wire. These types of fences are usually designed with groove pickets locking together for full security and privacy and the most sophisticated have elegant aluminum reinforcement on the bottom rail, or with special designs on request or available at the time of your purchase.

Professionals can also install vinyl fencing for residential needs. From this approach, you can assure full privacy and minimal maintenance in faster time that doing the installation yourself. Among the fences available in the market, you can choose from picket toppers, lattice, and horizontal rail configurations that renew and enhance the look of your home.

There are mistaken ideas when it comes to vinyl fences, dating from decades ago when vinyl turned yellow over time, sunlight and weather exposure. Today, vinyl fences have a treatment with titanium dioxide from DuPont and/or another chemical additives, which increasing the fences durability and prevents ultraviolet degradation, a guarantee often included where Galco holsters are distributed.

If you want to install your vinyl fencing by yourself, make sure that the sizes of the fence and picket match the area in which a vinyl fences will be installed. Verify also the material since some fences are more durable than others, depending whether you want a flat vinyl board or a dimensional look that increases privacy.

Vinyl last for a lifetime, so go ahead and bring your level, a tape measure, a string line and a post hole digger to begin your fencing job. Vinyl fences usually come with detailed instructions on how to install them and a customer's support phone or website to submit your inquires and receive further directions.

However, before starting try to survey your property so you can make sure you will not dig into your neighbor yard when installing the fence. If you can talk to your neighbors about Galco holsters, vinyl fencing, and related matters that are about to modify their mutual environment, you will be gaining a battle of good faith for susceptible individuals feeling offended by a fence.

Natalie Aranda writes on home and gardening. There are mistaken ideas when it comes to vinyl fences, dating from decades ago when vinyl turned yellow over time, sunlight and weather exposure. Today, vinyl fences have a treatment with titanium dioxide from DuPont and/or another chemical additives, which increasing the fences durability and prevents ultraviolet degradation, a guarantee often included where Galco holsters are distributed.

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Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

A thorough massage is necessary to improve the blood circulation of the scalp. By massaging the scalp the hair follicles are stimulated and the texture of the hair is also enhanced. Massaging activates the nerves and a sense of calmness in the mind ensues. This therapy is useful for people who have routine stress.

Everyday spend about 5-10 minutes massaging your hair with your fingers. move your fingers circularly all over the head starting from the temporal parts to the occipital area. Apply the necessary pressure to the areas. Even yoga exercises such as the headstand are recommended for proper circulation to all the parts, especially the hair follicles to stimulate growth.

There are various types of massaging techniques, which can be followed. Indonesian style is best suited for relieving mental tension and improving the quality of the hair. The massaging steps are given below in detail:

1)Stand with your feet apart and start breathing in and out

2)Bend from the waist till the level of your head falls below the waist area.

3)Bring your feet close to each other and start rubbing your scalp with your knuckles all over your head for about half a minute.

4)Slowly start bringing your body to the normal level and continue rubbing on the scalp.

Be careful that when you are massaging your scalp, do not massage roughly. The hair fibers may split causing you pain and damage to the hair. So massage gently and thoroughly.

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How To Prevent Slices In Your Swing

If you're a passionate golfer or an avid follower of the sport, you've probably heard players complain about their problem with their golf swing particularly their 'slicing' problem. It is probably the most prevalent swinging issue that all golfers regardless of golfing tenure, will have to go through.

The most common error of amateur golfers is that they prematurely open their shoulder on the downswing path. This causes the slice by the club hitting the ball with an open clubface.

And if the flight of your ball travels to the right inadvertently, this is what is normally called a 'push slice'. More often than not this occurs when the body outpaces the club head.

In order to prevent this, you can try hitting the ball standing on one leg during your practice sessions. The goal of this exercise is to help you maintain your balance and find your center of gravity. While standing on your left foot, for right-handed players, and then practice your swings. This maybe an awkward position at first, and it will take some time in getting used to. But once you get the hang of hit, it should greatly improve you balance and prevent the 'push slice' effect on your swing.

You can practice day in and day out and spend tremendous amounts time on the course or the driving range but if you're not in the right frame of mind, you probably will not get too far in the sport, much less see an improvement in your swing.

More than anything else, Golf is a mental game. Although you are playing against other individuals, it is the course that ultimately offers the challenge. Unlike in other sports, your opponents will not block or deter your aim or your progress in anyway. However, the course itself will cause you to plan your strategy. It is the determining factor in how you take your shot and where you aim the ball.

This is the reason why Golfers often say that as a player you are up against the course and not the people on the tour.

Having said this, the right frame of mind is a crucial aspect in curing a slicing problem and improves your overall game.

For tips to cure a golf slice, visit

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How To Start Day Spa Business In Philadelphia: Some Important Tips

Before starting day spa business in Philadelphia let us understand some facts about the Philadelphia. This fifth largest city of United States, it is also known as cultural center in addition to being a leading center for the commerce. This important center having different kind of industries is in highlight since the eighteenth century. You can find any kind of industry here, such as chemical, paper, metal, foods, plastic products, machinery, apparel, electronic and electrical products, scientific instruments, and other several kind of equipment. There are several Fortune 500 companies based in Philadelphia.

Business with Pleasure:

When you start day Spa business in Philadelphia, you enjoy the pleasure of being the boss of yourself. If you love creativity, this is the right business for you. This business fills your heart with the satisfaction that you are serving the people to make their lives happier, healthier and more pleasing. Moreover, you will earn a good amount of money from this business. It is possible to take home more than dollars 100,000 every year and have the facility of enjoying the services of your own Spa whenever you need it for yourself also.

You Have So Many Options before You:

If you start a day Spa business in Philadelphia, you are not restricted to the literal meaning of the word only. Spa is a Latin word that means health by water. This water treatment, also known as hydrotherapy is provided by so many Spa owners. However, you have several other options also before you. For example, you can offer the services like massaging, hair styling, makeup applications, hair removal, pedicures, manicures, facial and skin treatments, and full body treatments such as wraps and scrubs.

Variety of Clients:

When you start day Spa business in Philadelphia, you will come across several types of clients. Some clients will stay with you only for few hours. On the other hands, there are clients who prefer to enjoy your services for several days. Spa industry is growing at very fats pace and the revenue it generates every year is more than US dollar 11 billion.

Prepare a Sound Business Plan:

For starting day Spa Business in Philadelphia, first you should make a good business plan. You also have to learn how to conduct the market research before starting the Spa business. Then comes the time to decide what kind of services you are going to offer your customers. For the purpose you have to understand the complete description of the service, advantages of the service provided by you such as relaxation, time required to perform the service and the estimated retail cost of providing the service.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

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Golf Swing Tips, Helping Your Golf Game

Maintaining a good golf swing is a never ending endeavor in each golfer's life. Even if you have a fairly good golf swing there are times when parts of your swing break down. Why this happens is a much thought over and discussed subject. When this happens you will find your self analyzing all the parts of your swing that take place before the club impacts the ball. When things go wrong with your golf swing you most assuredly start looking for good a golf swing tip to correct your problem.

Every good golf swing starts with a good address and setup procedure. However a good golf swing tip is to look at how and where you end your golf swing. The end of your golf swing will in many times tell you how well you preformed the basic parts of the swing prior to that point. Knowing what a good finish looks and fells like will give you the feedback and muscle memory to make a good golf swing.

The end of a good golf swing follow through should find your hands over your left shoulder and left of your head. This tells you that your arms have swung freely through impact on a path and plane that is relatively straight. Probably even more important is the after swing weight distribution. As you complete your golf swing rotation into your follow through, you should feel that about 80 to 90 percent of your weight should be on the outside of your front foot. Conversely only 10 percent will be on your back foot as you raise onto its toe. All of this movement must be conducted with good balance to the point that you should be able to raise your back foot without falling over. Without good balance you cannot really achieve a good golf swing.

Another good golf swing tip is to check your swing rotation. Proper golf swing rotation will end with your belly button and your sternum pointing at the target. This tells you that you have rotated you hips correctly. If you are not making it around for full rotation you probably slid your hips toward the target instead of rotating them. Another key indicator of proper rotation is that your front or left hip will be higher than the right or back hip. As a result your body will have noticeable tilt to the right. This means your back is on the same straight angle it was on during your take away and point of impact. All of which are good indicators of a good golf swing.

The end of a good golf swing can in many cases tell you what you are doing well and what you are not. A proper analysis of the end of your follow through will provide you with a good golf swing tip to correct any possible problems.

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of Good Golf Swing website. Providing information on golf swing tips, putting tips, golf training aids, golf instruction and the latest and best golf ebooks.

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13 Publicity Ideas for Retailers

If you're trying to promote your store, but you don't have a big advertising budget, relax. There are lots of ways to get in front of the audience you want to reach by using free publicity. Here are tips that will boost your publicity efforts and help you finally get noticed.

1. Tie your story ideas to the holidays. Here are some examples: Gourmet gift baskets that make the best Christmas gifts. Bookstores that are doing special programs that tie into Mothers Day. Health food stores that can explain how to create a vegetarian meal for Thanksgiving.

2. Call the advertising department of every newspaper and magazine you want to get into and ask for a copy of their editorial calendar. Its a free listing of all the special topics and special sections coming up during the calendar year. It will tip you off to sections where your story idea would be a good fit, so you can query the editor weeks and even months ahead.

3. Invite a reporter from your local newspaper or magazine for coffee or lunch. Instead of asking, Will you write about me? a better question is How can I help you? Offer yourself as a resource in your area of expertise. Talk about trends you are seeing in your store.

4. Consider starting your own television show on your cable TV stations community access channel. A floral shop can do a program on how to create dried flower arrangements. The station can rent you the camera equipment for a nominal fee. Air time is free. Produce one show or an entire series of programs. Call your cable company for details.

5. Build a network of other retailers in your area. Agree informally that you will refer reporters to each other whenever they call and want your views on a topic on which you all could comment, such as a new sales tax increase.

6. Write how-to articles such as this one for newsletters published by groups in your community, or for newsletters read by audiences who buy your products or services. Be sure the last paragraph tells readers how to contact you.

7. Dont forget newspaper and magazine columnists. Theyre always hungry for fresh ideas. Keep in touch with them and feed them ideas regularly.

8. Get on your local TV news and the morning TV news feature shows. Tie your product, service, cause or issue to a breaking news event. Pitch yourself as the local angle to a national story. Or suggest a feature story with great visuals.

9. Write articles for electronic magazines and include a paragraph of information at the end that leads readers to your web site.

10. Contact your trade association and ask them to refer reporters to you. Many reporters who dont know where to find sources on a particular topic start by calling trade associations.

11. Always refer to yourself as an expert in your marketing materials, at your web site, in information that explains your workshops, in your introductions during public speaking engagements, and in your media kit. The media always seek out experts and interview them.

12. Pitch stories about your product, service, cause or issue that tie into the weather. Weather stories are mandatory at most media outlets, and newspapers and TV stations, in particular, are always looking for fresh angles that tie into today's and tomorrow's forecast.

13. Pitch story ideas about your business to the reporter who covers the retail beat for your local business journal or business magazine.

Joan Stewart, a.k.a. The Publicity Hound, shows you how to use the media to establish your credibility, enhance your reputation, sell more products and services, promote a favorite cause or issue, and position yourself as an employer of choice. She publishes The Publicity Hounds Tips of the Week, a free ezine on how to generate thousands of dollars in free publicity. Subscribe at and receive by email the free checklist 89 Reasons to Send a News Release.

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