Monday, January 21, 2008 

Golf In India

travel to any part of the world, but you will not find a country which has more diverse and good looking golf clubs than India. After great Britain, India was the first country to take up the game of golf. The first golf club was set up in India was in the year 1829. It was the royal Calcutta Golf club in West Bengal. Since then, Golf has been an integral part of Indian sports. many professional golf courses have come up in almost all parts of India. Be it the heights of Himalayas, shores of Arabian sea, congestions of cities, or sands of deserts, there are golf courses suited to different moods and tastes of golfers. Even the number of professional tournaments throughout India are on the rise.

India always likes to keep a distinction for itself, no matter whether the aspect is good or bad. Similar is the case with Golf as well. India has the oldest golf course in the world outside the great Britain, the royal Calcutta Golf course in West Bengal and also the highest in the world, Gulmarg Golf course in Jammu and Kashmir. The one in Gulmarg is an absolute treat for any golfer. Teeing off amidst the backdrop of lofty Himalayas and the pine covered surroundings is definitely a special experience. Such is the charm of the place that you spend half the time admiring the beauty, sometimes making golf secondary. Such magnificent Courses have made golfing in Jammu and Kashmir extremely pleasurable. Then there are golf courses that are not placed in such beautiful locations. But the way are planned, compensate more than enough for the missing natural beauty. These are called Designers Golf Courses. The surroundings might turn out to be an eyesore, but once you step inside the premises, rest assured, you will have to hold onto your jaw to stop it from falling down. Dotted with well placed lakes, pools and bunkers, these golf courses are challenging as well as fun. Jaypee Greens Golf Resort in Noida, Uttar Pradesh is a perfect example of a designer course. It is the longest course in India and at 7343 yards from championship tee, it is probably amongst the longest in Asia as well.

There are many tournaments that are held in India. The most recently concluded Noida open amateur series that was held in Noida Golf course was a major success. many other main tournaments like western India amateur and RCGC Cup are lying ahead in the calendar year of 2007. Few things have changed exceptionally during last few years. one definitely is the quality of the players. many Indian players like Jeev Milkha Singh and Arjun Atwal have made their mark on the international circuit as well. Other things that have changed the face of the Indian golf is the prize money that is offered now to the winners as compared to earlier times and the participation of women. There are many tournaments for women as well that are gaining much needed recognition.

India is a magnificent country that offers something unique and something that interests one and all. Get more information on Golf Sports in India on

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10 Ways To Get New Product Ideas

1. Solve an existing problem for people. There arethousands of problems in the world. create a productthat can provide a solution to one of those problems.

2. Find out what's the current hot trend. You can findout what the new trends are by watching T.V, readingmagazines and surfing the net. Just create a productthat's related to the current hot trend.

3. Improve a product that is already on the market.You see products at home, in ads, at stores etc. Justtake a product that's already out there and improve it.

4. create a new niche for a current product. You canset yourself apart from your competition by creating aniche. Your product could be faster, bigger, smaller,or quicker than you competitor's product.

5. Add on to an existing product. You could packageyour current product with other related products. Forexample, you could package a football with a teamjersey and football cards.

6. Reincarnate an older product. Maybe you have abook that's out of print and is no longer being sold.You could change the title, design a new front cover,and bring some of the old content up to date.

7. Ask your current customers. You could contactsome of your existing customers by phone or e-mailand ask them what kind of new products they wouldlike to see on the market.

8. combine two or more products together to createa new one. For example, you could take a brief caseand add a thermos compartment inside to keep adrink hot or cold.

9. Survey the people who visit your web site. Youcould post a survey or questionnaire on your web site.Ask visitors what kind of products they would like tosee on the market.

10. You could create a new market for your existingproduct. For example, if you're selling plastic bottlesto a pop company, you could turn around and sellthose bottles to a fruit drink company.

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Costa Rica Caribbean Travel

If you're considering where to go on your next vacation, try the world of great tropical adventure called Costa Rica.

A Costa Rica caribbean vacation lets you explore active volcanoes, see wild animals, see lush rain forests up close, and swim and lounge on great beaches. Costa Rica is one of the few ultimate paradises that have been left untouched on planet Earth. There are no military bases or nuclear power plants, and Costa Rica has lots of culture. In addition, Costa Rica is a tropical climate, so there's no winter to contend with. Costa Rica is a democratic society and is one of the most peaceful in the world. Its last civil war occurred in 1948. Since then, it has abolished armed forces and has also avoided despotic dictatorships, military coups, terrorism and any other forms of conflict so common in other parts of the world.

In addition, Costa Rica has a very friendly country. Costa Rica caribbean travel provides a friendly, warm welcome no matter what part of the country you wish to visit.

Costa Rica means "rich coast," but Costa Rica has far more to offer than just its coast. Costa Rica is a country of incredible natural beauty and it contains many species of animals not present in many other parts of the world. Some of these animals are very rare and can only be seen if you go to Coast Rica.

In addition, plants are very diverse and beautiful as well. There are well over 10,000 species of vascular plants and many gorgeous flowers. In addition, almost 2000 tree species have been recorded in this beautiful Latin American country. Visiting this astonishing country should give you an incredibly exciting Costa Rican caribbean travel vacation, with such unusual and innumerable flora and fauna to view in its natural habitat.

In addition to land mammals and birds that anybody interested in ecology would love to see, Costa Rica also has approximately 835 species of fish. 700 of these are saltwater fish. Anglers and fishers should have a wonderful time fishing in Coast Rica's clear blue waters, as they challenge themselves to see if they can catch any of these unusual fish species.

Now, let's focus for a minute on the northwest region of Coast Rica, called Guanacaste. most Costa Rican caribbean travelers go there these days because of its ever-changing scenery and the many activities offered. There are many tours you can take; no matter what your interests, you should find something you like. With these tours, take an close look at all of its exotic trees, plants, flowers, animals and fish. For an experience you'll never forget, a Coast Rica caribbean vacation is just the ticket for you.

Whatever your interests, you should find something you like to do on your Coast Rica caribbean travel. Some of these will depend on the region of the country you go to. In the rain forest, bird watching walks with English-speaking guides who are experts in identification themselves should let you see exotic species up close, while horseback riding provides another view of your Costa Rican caribbean travel vacation

Another option is to take a canopy tour, which is a popular tour in every region of Coast Rica. However, to best experience Costa Rica's precious rain forest, avoid tours that go through areas from the north towards the west. In these areas, climates are drier so that vegetation is not as lush as it is in other areas.

Valorie Jay is is a free-lance writer who loves to travel and then write about it. She would like to offer you a complimentary copy of "The Definitive guide To London." You can download it at:

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