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Monday, January 21, 2008 

10 Ways To Get New Product Ideas

1. Solve an existing problem for people. There arethousands of problems in the world. create a productthat can provide a solution to one of those problems.

2. Find out what's the current hot trend. You can findout what the new trends are by watching T.V, readingmagazines and surfing the net. Just create a productthat's related to the current hot trend.

3. Improve a product that is already on the market.You see products at home, in ads, at stores etc. Justtake a product that's already out there and improve it.

4. create a new niche for a current product. You canset yourself apart from your competition by creating aniche. Your product could be faster, bigger, smaller,or quicker than you competitor's product.

5. Add on to an existing product. You could packageyour current product with other related products. Forexample, you could package a football with a teamjersey and football cards.

6. Reincarnate an older product. Maybe you have abook that's out of print and is no longer being sold.You could change the title, design a new front cover,and bring some of the old content up to date.

7. Ask your current customers. You could contactsome of your existing customers by phone or e-mailand ask them what kind of new products they wouldlike to see on the market.

8. combine two or more products together to createa new one. For example, you could take a brief caseand add a thermos compartment inside to keep adrink hot or cold.

9. Survey the people who visit your web site. Youcould post a survey or questionnaire on your web site.Ask visitors what kind of products they would like tosee on the market.

10. You could create a new market for your existingproduct. For example, if you're selling plastic bottlesto a pop company, you could turn around and sellthose bottles to a fruit drink company.

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