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Saturday, January 19, 2008 

How To Lose Love Handles For Life

There are many things you can do to lose love handles. Here are 2 things you can do that are very important and will have a great impact.

1. Watch what you eat Have you heard the saying "You are what you eat"? It is very true. Everything you put into your body affects your body - in a good way or in a bad way. It is up to you to decide whether you want to eat healthy foods or bad foods. Stuff that will make your body happy and give you a long, healthy life. Or stuff that tastes good, but is very, very bad for you.

Eat more fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Cut out sugar. Cut out junk food. reduce or eliminate the intake of alcohol.

It all sounds like too much trouble doesn't it? Does it feel like you are giving up too much?

You really are not you know. Your body gets used to it. If you start eating healthy, after a little while your body will forget what junk food tastes like. In fact you will start developing a craving for fruits and veggies. Seriously - it's just a question of getting rid of old eating habits and acquiring new ones.

2. Use your feet We have two feet and we were meant to use it. What do I mean? I mean get them moving. Any movement helps. Movement at a faster pace (which people call cardio workouts) help even more. Do something, do anything. Walk around your house - vacuuming counts.

Our body was not built to sit around. Unfortunately we are in a society where most of us do not get even a little exercise. exercise feels like work.

So here is a fun way to overcome the dread of exercise. take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you can, walk to the grocery store. Walk to the movie theatre. The stores are not close by? No problem. Walk around your neighborhood. Look at how the different houses are designed, how people have designed their lawns,what they have on their lawns. The idea is to get your brain engaged and make it a game. Make up a story of how you think that family lives. What you are doing is getting your mind off the fact that you are exercising!

Try it - you'll be amazed at how many miles you walk.

Good luck on your quest to lose love handles.

To read about more important things you must do (along with the 2 listed here) go to How To Lose Love Handles


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