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Thursday, January 17, 2008 

Golf Swing Tip - Four Golf Swing Tips That Will Have You Celebrating in the 19th

Irrespective if you are new to the game of golf or are just looking for ways to improve your golf game, you can always use a few golf swing tips. While practicing is the best key to getting better, there are definitely a few tips that you can use to improve your game and get that consistently reliable swing that you've been after. Golf swing tips can help you get a better game once you start implementing them, so take a look below for some terrific ones!

Tip #1

When you are starting to think about the golf swing, it is important to take a look at your rhythm. A swing that is too fast will have the movement of your body and the movement of the club working against each other, when instead you should ideally be making the entire motion of the swing work to drive your ball forward. The motion that brings your club back should start with your shoulders and go down to your hips; your body should turn naturally, bringing your weight back. A smooth constant motion will give you an excellent backswing.

Tip #2

A good downswing is an important component for any golf swing. When you have pulled all the way back, it is now important to bring the club forward using the correct amount of force while at the same time not sacrificing good aim and direction. Trying to bring the club down too hard will usually result in a ruined shot. Try leading the downswing with your left arm from the top; by keeping this tip in mind, you can use the same amount of force for each swing and identify how to adjust yourself for different shots.

Tip #3

When looking for good golf swing tips, take a good look at the ones that refer to your arm. While it is important to bring the club straight back, it is still important to see what your wrists are doing when you are swinging. When working on your downswing, remember to cock your wrists. Cocking your wrists will become instinctive and automatic after a while, but it can take a bit of time to develop the habit.

Tip #4

The stance in the golf swing plays a major role. A good stance is the foundation of a good golf swing, and it is important to remember that a good stance will increase the amount of energy you can generate into your swing. For instance, remember to let your front heel come off the ground during the back swing and then to plant it when you bring your club forward. If this is difficult, simply remember to keep the back foot planted for maximum support.

Golf swing tips can improve your game immeasurably, visit Golf Swing Action for more information and tips to improve your game.


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