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Wednesday, October 24, 2007 

Sick Betta Fish - How To Cure Your Sick Betta Fish

Sick betta fish will make make betta fish owners sad and sometimes hopeless in finding the cure to help their betta fish become healthy again.

Before these sick betta fish can be treated, their diseases have to be identified first, so that appropriate actions can be taken. Treating sick betta fish with inappropriate treatment will not only make your fish unhealthy, but it can also endanger their lives.

Here are a few diseases or sickness and suggestions on the treatment of your sick betta fish.

1. Betta Fish Ammonia Poisoning

Some of the symptoms include betta fish becoming sluggish and lethargic, losing appetite and gasping for breath at the water surface.

The problems might be because of the poisoning in the water. So, take necessary action like checking the water pH, using aged water (which the water was left unused for about 24 hours before putting the betta fish in) and neutralizing the water with water treatment such as AmOuel (look for it in the pet stores).

2. Betta Fish Itch

Just like a dog has lice, betta fish can also itch. Some of the symptoms include betta fish scratching its body against hard object in the tank, developing redness or bloody streaks or moving its gill rapidly.

In this case, medication is very important. Look for treatments such as Malachite Green, Quinine Hydrochloride and Mepracrine Hydrochloride. Also, raise the temperature of your betta fish tank to speed up the treatment.

3. Betta Fish Fin Rot

As its name suggests, you can see the rot in your betta fish fin. This type of betta fish sickness is most likely cause by poor water condition, and it gets your sick betta fish infected by bacteria.

Depending on the conditions of your sick betta fish, you can give the fish medication or keep the tank water fresh and clean all the time. Keep a balanced diet for your sick betta fish as well and make sure that the equipments you're using for your betta fish are bacteria free.

These are only three of many other symptoms and treatments for sick betta fish. You can grab a few books and learn more on how to treat your betta fish that suffer diseases such as constipation, Nitrite Poisoning or Gold Dust Disease. That is a better chance for you to get your sick betta fish back to a healthy and energetic beautiful pet.

Rosalinda Zamora is a betta fish lover. To get FREE info about caring your betta fish, go to http://www.BettaFishSecret.com and Rosalinda also highly recommends you to visit http://www.bettafishsecret.com/ebook to learn the secrets of caring your own Betta fish.

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