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Monday, November 26, 2007 

Lose Weight With Stone-Age Wisdom

You may already know that America spends more than any other country on health care. Almost ten times more.

You may already know that we spend over $3 Billion a year on weight loss programs and products.

But it may surprise you to know that we rank 38th of the top 40 industrialized nations in overall health. Even though we spend the Most, we don't have the Best. Far from it:

We're fatter, sicker and weaker than just about every other modern country

Obesity and diabetes are being classified as epidemic

Radical procedures like Gastric bypass are becoming more popular

The ultimate irony: even though we spend over $3 billion a year on weight loss programs and products, we spend over $3 billion a year on junk food, too.

The pharmaceutical industry spends billions in research and treatment of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cancer...but we're still getting sicker and sicker.

Why? Because these aren't diseases that you "catch". Researchers call them the "diseases of Modern Civilization", because they're directly connected to the things we eat. To our modern, so-called Civilized diet. I call them diseases of 'Disconnection'. Because we're disconnected from Nature, disconnected from our Food, and disconnected from Ourselves.

Researchers, historians, nutritionists, scientists--anyone who's studied the natural history of these changes in human health (especially the recent changes)--all agree that the trouble started thousands of years ago with the Agricultural Revolution. That's when we started domesticating animals and plants for food, and using fire and tools to eat new foods that our bodies weren't designed to eat.

The next big shift was the Industrial Revolution, about 100 years ago. As people moved from the country into the cities, they couldn't grow their own food. So the people in the country had to grow food for everyone else. The new machinery made it easier to grow, harvest, process, preserve and transport all that food. Unfortunately, all that technology disconnected us even further from our Original diet, and made us sicker quicker.

Dr. Loren Cordain, Author of The Paleo Diet, did most of the pioneering research into the Stone Age eating patterns. He found that over 70% of the calories we eat today were not even available in the Stone Age. Our bodies haven't changed a whole lot since the Stone Age, but our food certainly has. Dr. Cordain calls it a "collision" between our ancient genes and our recently introduced foods. And our bodies can't handle it.

Now, 100 years may not seem like it's very recent, but compared to the thousands of years before, it's not really that long. And even in the past ten or twenty years things have changed dramatically, with more and more junk food, fake foods, food replacements. (My favorite: Pasteurized processed cheese food product.)

Whether you call it a Collision or a Disconnection, it's a mess. Our modern advances and technology have ultimately given us the Diseases of Modern Civilization: epidemics of Heart Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cancer.

Spending all that time, energy and money trying to "cure" these diseases isn't really helping (and I don't believe it will ever help). I believe the answer lies in re-connecting. Re-learning our natural, innate, pre-programmed eating habits--based on lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables--and feeding our bodies the way they were created/designed to eat.

No, you don't have to live in a cave or kill your own food. It's easy to eat in the Stone Age while you live in the Space Age--if you learn and apply the eating principles of our early ancestors. You'll be able to lose weight, feel great, and re-create your Ideal body from the Inside-Out.

Vince Campbell, D.C.
Madison, GA
Better Health, Better Energy and a Better Life
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