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Wednesday, December 5, 2007 

Hurricane Rita Ready to Ravish Reality

tropical Storm Rita is looking for some warmer water and moving towards the gulf of mexico with nothing in her way. Ready or not here comes Rita and she is really growing fast. Rita is already a fairly large system and moves directly thru the alleyway between cuba and Floridas Southern Most coast and will travel directly over the florida keys. Unfortunately the only way out of the keys will be thru Rita, as she approaches from West to East, while the escape route by land is from East to West?

The atlantic hurricanes are now on number 18 named storms, while the Pacific coast is still on the Ms for tropical storms. Meanwhile the moon cycle and Solar Flares are problematic and adding to the atmospheric energy right now and once these storms get started they will grow in a turbulent environment of higher seas, white caps, warmer waters and we are still in the peak of hurricane Season, in September.

Will we get a fatal four hurricane Run again this year like we did last year when florida took 4 hurricanes in a little over a one-month period? It is well possible the Rita will clear the alley way and suck tropical Storm Philippe into her void as she quickly moves into the gulf and is texas bound. Meanwhile if Rita hits with the revenge of Galveston:


We have another sea wall to deal with and if it hits north East of Galveston then Houston, we have a problem and that means due to the size of what Rita could become, we are talking about flooding from houston to New orleans. There is not a whole lot in the way of tropical Storm Rita and weather forecasters are pretty certain that it will be a hurricane within 36-48 hours. Rita is going to rip the relaxing reality of resorts in Key West on her way to breath the really warm gulf air. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, washington

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