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Wednesday, December 19, 2007 

Elite IT Unviels Mobile-Net

Flying cars; interactive robots; time machines.....what's next for the future?? I love the latest technology and I am a science fiction buff. I am always scouring the web for the next greatest thing and came across a computer company in Appleton, WI called elite I.T.

This company offers a new type of mobile internet service to anyone from on-the-road salespeople to real estate agents. The technology, it seems, is much better than a simple wireless card. From what I have seen, their unit can even provide a jump start for your dead car battery!

I saw a movie once, called Demolition man where all the cars in the future have personal computers and drive themselves. Unbelievable stuff! To me, I have dreamed of the day where I can check my e-mail, get directions, or search for the nearest restaurant all from the seat of my vehicle. Looks like that time has come! Take a look for yourself: www.mobile-net.net

The benefits of a technology such as this is revolutionary. The dangers in customer abuse is also foreboding. Each time a new technology gets put into the Marketplace, there will always be a benefit and a disadvantage. The choice, is up to you, whether to be smart & responsible or stubborn & a fool. New technology need not be a bad thing if used correctly & in a safe manner.

To each, his own. As for me - give me the steering wheel and a mouse pad. I'm raring to go.....


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