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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 

Cinnamon and Fat Loss

Cinnamon is something more special than just a simple spice you sprinkle on your cookies during the holidays or put in your cappuccino. This spice, which used to be considered more valuable than gold, has a therapeutic use that is making it popular among health aficionados the world over. Cinnamon and fat loss also go hand in hand, as you will soon see.

In the past, cinnamon was used to cure a variety of ailments from indigestion to athlete's foot. Its power to stop the growth of bacteria was acknowledged by the early civilizations of the world. The ancient Egyptians used it for embalming. And during the Middle Ages, it was put in the rooms where victims of the bubonic plague warehouse, after being mixed with warm water and cloves.

Recent studies are indicating that cinnamon has positive effects on the function of our brains. research participants were told to chew cinnamon gum or simply to smell the spice itself. The researchers determined that those subjects that used cinnamon could process information better and had stronger cognitive functions. Because of these positive discoveries, and and studies to see if cinnamon can strengthen mental skills in the elderly and those that suffer from anxiety attacks.

research also indicates that cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and increases the natural production of insulin. Not only that, but it lowers blood cholesterol too. Thus, cinnamon will greatly help everyone who suffers from heart disease and/or diabetes.

And because cinnamon helps to reduce blood sugar levels and increases the natural production of insulin, is also a powerful substance for people seeking to lose fat. Our abdomens contain fat cells that are extremely sensitive to insulin levels that are too high. These fat cells are also very effective at the storage of energy -- much more effective than the fat cells you find in the rest of the body. The reason for this is that fat cells in your abdomen are much closer to your digestive organs, so there is a large network of blood vessels that can easily feed fat cells the glucose that causes them to store excess energy.

most people will want to use cinnamon as a supplement, which is fine because it is very safe and effective. You can also benefit from the use of cinnamon by spicing your food with it.

Are you looking for information about cinnamon and fat loss? If you are serious about getting help with your diet, try an easy and effective fat loss plan that anyone can follow by visiting http://www.simplefatloss.info

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