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Tuesday, November 20, 2007 

How to Maintain a Fixed Spine Angle in Your Golf Swing

Overall, a number of physical components are necessary for the execution of most any golf shot. The reason for this is connected to the requirement of drawing the club through a long range of motion on the correct swing plane. This leaves you with little room for error in either tempo or sequencing of every phase in the swing.

Now, in order to accomplish the requirements of the golf swing the amateur golfer must have certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, and power. If the body is lacking in any or all of these physical components, execution of the golf swing may be difficult. So in order to provide you with the opportunity to hit your golf shots successfully we can implement golf fitness exercises into your training program to develop these parameters.

A quick review of the golf swing indicates a requirement of maintaining a fixed spine angle as well as additional postural positions. In order for your body to perform these requirements of the golf swing the muscles of your body require certain levels of strength.

Strength relative to the golf swing can be defined as the ability of your muscles to exert the required levels of force to perform the movements within the swing. If your body is lacking in the levels of strength required of the golf swing. The ability to maintain your spine angle and postural positions of the swing will be compromised.

As stated previously the process of developing muscular strength for the golf swing is relatively simple. It consists of utilizing golf specific strength training exercises to develop the required levels of strength to maintain a consistent spine angle in your golf swing.

One such strength exercises I often use with professional golfers for this goal is Bent Knee Marches. This is a simple exercise to perform and is very proficient at developing strength in the hips, abdominals, lower back, and hamstrings. All of which are important muscles in the maintenance of your spine angle.

Begin the exercise lying with your back flat on the floor, knees bent, and feet together. Point your toes upward by pressing the heels into the floor. Elevate your hips off the floor inline with your knees and shoulders.

Slowly lift the left heel off the floor maintaining a bend in the knee and hips elevated. Continue to lift the heel 3-4 inches off the floor, pause for one second, and return to the starting position of the exercise. Repeat the lift with the right heel. Alternate back and forth for 10-15 repetitions.

Keep in mind there are a number of components required in the execution of your golf swing. One of which is a fixed spine angle. And order to maintain a fixed spine angle certain levels of muscular strength are required of your body.

Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA tour regularly working with professional golfers, most notable PGA and Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. To learn more about Sean Cochran and his golf fitness exercises and training programs go to http://www.seancochran.com

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