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Thursday, November 15, 2007 

Tips For Preserving Your Home's Exterior And Preventing Costly Repairs

It's what inside that counts is a good mantra for dealing with people, but when it comes to houses, the outside is just as important. Routine exterior maintenance makes a world of difference to a home's look and quality, not to mention the homeowner's wallet. Severe weather, sun exposure and moisture buildup wreaks havoc on a home's exterior. Pinpointing and repairing damaged areas before they escalate into major problems preserves the homes value and saves the homeowners from much more costly repairs down the road.

Annual spring or summer checkups, are a great way to preserve the beauty and value of your home. These are ideal times to identify weather damage and complete any needed repairs before cooler weather sets in. Some professional painting contractors provide this service to their customers free of charge, such as Hester Painting & Decoratings Exterior Maintenance Program.

You can also follow these simple steps to assess the health of your home:

1) Walk around your homes exterior and look for any paint or caulk that has cracked, peeled or blistered. Properly painted areas not only look better, they also protect the home as exposed wood is especially prone to weather damage. Any break in the exterior finish of the house is an opening for moisture to enter, eventually leading to mildew and rot.

2) Examine your gutters and clear out any debris. Roof damage occurs when water gets backed up and leaks in, so clearing out any leaves and dirt will help prevent internal wall and ceiling damage.

3) Check all flat surfaces, such as window sills, thresholds, steps and decks for wear. Identify vulnerable areas and watch for water pooling up on the surface.

4) Pay particular attention to areas of intense sun or shade. Harsh sun can fade sections of paint finish, while portions of a home that are in deep shade may be subject to mildew and mold.

5) Be sure to protect all painted or stained outside furniture by covering or storing it before winter hits. The minimal effort involved in covering patio furniture will reward you many times over.

Routine, preventative maintenance keeps your home looking its best while dramatically reducing the cost of repairs. Whether you do it yourself or schedule an inspection with your local painting contractor, give your homes exterior an annual checkup and identify any minor issues before they develop into major problems. Youll preserve the value and beauty of your home one of your largest assets, and youll save money by avoiding extensive repairs that could have been easily resolved by early detection.

This article is provided courtesy of www.hesterdecorating.com and may be reprinted provided this courtesy notice with the author name and URL remain intact.

Jeff Hester, a.k.a. Professor Paint, is an expert on high-end painting, faux finishing and wall covering. He has 28 years experience in the field and is vice president of Hester Painting & Decorating. Visit http://www.hesterdecorating.com

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