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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 

Planning For A Safety Fishing Trip

While fishing can be a fun and exciting hobby, it can be also be dangerous. Unexpected circumstances like thunderstorms, hurricanes, wild currents, lightning and other accident could spoil your fishing trip.

Getting yourself prepared of what to expect if such circumstances occur can make your fishing trips with your friends or family an enjoyable and relaxing one. The list below gives you a guide of what to expect and what preparations you should take in each scenario.

1) Weather Safety Always check the weather forecast for the day before leaving for the shore to fish. It is advisable to stay on land if storms are predicted. If you are fishing on shores or in a boat, watch out for approaching thunderstorm, lightning in the sky and flash floods. Remember: Lightning always strikes the highest target, so it is important to lay down your fishing rod and your body stays low in the boat. You have to get ready to head to the dry land immediately before extreme lightning strikes.

If the weather is extremely hot and you are planning to spend long hours under the hot sun, remember to apply sun block on your uncovered skin to prevent sunburns and skin damages. Be aware of heat sickness symptoms such as nausea, breathing difficulty and lightheadedness. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

2) Fishing Lines - Be aware of your surrounding! Always look around before you cast to make sure there's nothing or no one around you. If your lines get caught in anything surrounding you such as trees, logs, never try to force it out towards you. Should the hook come free, it could fly towards you and cause injuries to you and others. Try to get your line out of the tangle by gently tugging on it to avoid any major accident. You can also snap off the branches of the tree and slowly remove your line.

3) Equipments Safety Sharp objects like fishing hooks and knives can cause injuries. Always bring your first aid kit to treat injuries on your fishing trips. Should an incident occurs and leads the skin to bleed, you'll need disinfectants such as medicated lotion, bandages or cotton.

4) Fishing on Boat - Always wear a life jacket especially if you have never try fishing on boat before. You can easily lose balance and fall if you are not careful enough.

With all these tips in mind, you could enjoy your fishing trip safely and successfully.

Alex Stevenson is the owner of MyBestFishingGuide.com, a website that provides Comprehensive complete guide to Fishing. You can also download your FREE copy of "How To Plan And Budget The Fishing Trips of Your Dreams" at http://www.mybestfishingguide.com

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