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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 

The Dean of Instruction is a Hurricane - Is Hurricane Dean Headed for the Gulf?

Hurricane Dean is not only full of hot air, he seems to be upset with his students, while not lacking any personal work ethic himself. Hurricane Deans performance is intensifying and looks to be ready to break Category V wind speeds. It looks like the NOAA and the national Hurricane Center owe Hurricane Dean a few extra credits.

Hurricane Dean is already a Killer and has taken lives in jamaica man. Its path is projected to wreak havoc on the Grand Cayman Islands, Yucatan Peninsula and then head towards the Gulf Coast somewhere near the border town of Brownsville, TX. This is the first Major Tropical Storm of Hurricane level during the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Officials in all potential regions of the storms projected path are watching closely and many have advised evacuations.

news reports state: "Officials urged residents there and in the tiny Cayman Islands to begin preparing. Tourists were advised to return home, if they can. Forecasters warned that the Category 4 monster with winds of 145 mph could grow even stronger -- possibly becoming a top-scale Category 5. By the time it hits or brushes Haiti, jamaica, eastern Cuba and the Caymans this weekend, it could have 155-mph winds, bringing it close to Category 5 status.

Will Hurricane Dean finish with a bang or will Hurricane Dean follow the path of Presidential Hopeful Howard Dean during the last election - It's is anyone's guess. Hurricane Dean will not be the only Hurricane this season, just the first one and we know from the 2005 Hurricane Season that Hurricanes the get into the Gulf of mexico and come up from under Cuba, tend to be some of the most deadly.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur http://www.worldthinktank.net

Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by http://www.Calling-Plans.com and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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