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Thursday, October 25, 2007 

Low Back Pain Relief

There are many reasons as to why a person may find themselves suffering from low back pain. It could be because they have strained some muscles in their back or even some ligaments. It may be caused by them having problems with the disks in their spine. But the most common cause for a person to suffer from low back pain is that their muscles have become weak through inactivity or if a person does something such as lift a heavy box or carrying out some work in the garden.

But there are certain things a person can use or do in order to help with relieving the pain in the lower part of their back. In this article I will take a look at some different kind of low back pain relief you may want to consider using in the future.

One of the first things a person can try is to lay on the floor on their back and get someone to place under their knees. Or they could try instead laying on the floor on their back with their hips and knees bent and then place their feet on a chair in front of them. By doing this a person is actually taking pressure and weight off of their back.

It is important to note when using this method for helping to relief the back pain, you will need to use this for a couple of days. Plus do not rest for any longer than this or you will find that your muscle become much weaker and so the time it takes to recover will end up taking a lot longer. Therefore although it may hurt in the beginning it is best if you walk around for a few minutes each hour each day as well.

Another way of helping to relieve the pain felt when a person has a problem with their back is to use heating pads. This is ideal for helping to relieve the pain felt when the muscles in the back spasm. This particular kind of low back pain relief treatment should be used for 20 to 30 minutes at a time and work by helping to relieve the tension in the muscles when they go into spasm.

Above we have looked at some of the more natural ways to help with low back pain relief however there are medications that a person can use instead. These can either be purchased over the counter at your local drug store or will need to be prescribed by your doctor.

Ricky is the owner of http://www.reliefbackpain.net. Visit his site today for more information on backache pain relief.

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