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Sunday, October 28, 2007 

Facet Joint and You

Many people complain about a back pain of some kind. It prevents them from doing the ordinary activities that others take for granted. For example, reaching for that item on the top shelf in the kitchen can be a challenge. For some, a severe back condition can prevent them from sitting or standing for a significant amount of time.

This population generally feels like their fitness level can never be the same as those without back problems, who happily go to the gym and kick butt with all kinds of fitness classes. Is a facet joint problem going to delegate you to live the rest of your life in the fat zone? No. There is a solution.

Gentle stretching with a trainer is a start to a healthy and happy lifestyle. A certified personal trainer and certified yoga instructor has the knowledge to take you through a safe stretching program that will leave you feeling healthier and happier. Depending on the severity of the facet joint problem, you may have to live your whole life with a constant reminder that it is there. In most cases, however, yoga with a proper instructor in a one-on-one setting can alleviate a lot of pain and enable you to live a more normal life.

A variety of personal interests and professional paths have led Siva to her current role as a personal trainer and yoga instructor with over 20 years experience. Siva is listed in Whos Who in the World and is an author, lecturer and Can-Fit-Pro certified personal trainer who specializes in body-mind-spirit consulting and training women. Siva has helped many clients overcome back issues in their lives through yoga through her company Shanti Consulting.

For more information on how Siva can help you with alleviating the pain from facet joint issues through yoga, contact her today for a free consultation at http://www.getshanti.com and sign up for her free newsletter.

Web: http://www.getshanti.com

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