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Sunday, December 9, 2007 

Pure Point Golf

Pure Point golf is the best system that I have found that can really start to lower your golf score almost instantly. Before using it, I was convinced that to hit further and straighter, that I needed a more expensive and bigger golf club, with flashy golf balls.

Now I know that this simply is not true! With the Pure Point golf you will find that hitting a straight and powerful shot has got nothing to do with how expensive or hi-tech your equipment is (although I acknowledge that it would make a difference when you have a really low handicap). If you want to hit distance with accuracy, then you will need to work on how you swing the golf club.

With Pure Point golf, you will get over 30 tried and tested simple exercises that you can start learning and will improve your game from the start.

And the great thing about Pure Point golf is that you won't have to try and read from a book or copy pictures in a magazine. Instead you will learn the Pure Point golf system from a dvd that you can watch and see exactly what movements to make.

Here are just a few of the topics that Pure Point golf will fix for you:

  1. Your golf slice will be fixed. No more hitting your balls onto the adjacent fairway. Therefore, No more embarrassment when you tee off!
  2. Forget about timing. This will no longer be a problem when you follow a simple 5 minute exercise.
  3. Also, Forget about balance. learn how you balance will be fixed so quickly that you will think that you are cheating!

And remember, Pure Point golf will fix your golf swing, because if it doesn't then all you need to do is get your money back, because Pure Point golf comes with a guarantee that will refund you in full if you do not improve within 90 days!

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